Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding
Tuesday, September 29, 2020


(For further details see Official Council Files)

(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)


Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Krekorian, Lee, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu, Wesson and President Martinez (14)

Approval of the Minutes
Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council
Items Noticed for Public Hearing - PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED
ITEM NO.(1)12-0489
CD 1

HEARING OF PROTESTS relative to the establishment of the Chinatown Property and Business Improvement District, pursuant to Section 53753 of the California Government Code, Section 36600 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code and Article XIII D of the California Constitution.


(Pursuant to Council adoption of Ordinance No. 186712 on August 11, 2020. The tabulation of ballots shall take place in Room 223 of City Hall immediately following the close of the hearing and will be publicly live streamed. For directions to access the live stream, visit clerk.lacity.org/business-improvement-districts. Public announcement of the tabulation of ballots is on Wednesday, September 30, 2020)




Adopted, (14)

ITEM NO.(2)20-1183
CD 7

MOTION (RODRIGUEZ - MARTINEZ) and RESOLUTION relative to issuing one or more series of revenue bonds or notes in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $5,000,000 for the acquisition, development, improvement, equipping, and furnishing of the real property and improvements located at 13931 Balboa Boulevard in Council District 7.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. HOLD a Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) Hearing  at the City Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 29, 2020.

  2. ADOPT the accompanying TEFRA RESOLUTION to allow California Enterprise Development Authority to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 to provide financing for the acquisition, development, improvement, equipping, and furnishing of the real property and improvements located at 13931 Balboa Boulevard in Council District 7.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(3)20-1052
CD 1

HEARING COMMENTS relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at Grocery Outlet Bargain Market, located at 5461 North Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California 90042.


Application filed by:  Grocery Outlet Inc. c/o Compass Commercial Attn: Katy Schardt:  Representative:  Steve Rawlings, Rawlings Consulting






(Findings and Council recommendations relative to the above application required)



Adopted, (14)

Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
ITEM NO.(4)20-1200-S29

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the appointment of Ms. Renee-Marie Ma to the Police Permit Review Panel.


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FILE the August 31, 2020 Communication from the Mayor relative to the appointment of Ms. Renee-Marie Ma to the Police Permit Review Panel, inasmuch as Ms. Ma has withdrawn herself from consideration.


Financial Disclosure Statement:  Pending.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(5)20-1130

PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT, RESOLUTION and ORDINANCES FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to the authorization to issue Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles 2020 Streetlights lease revenue obligations for the acquisition and installation of various streetlight improvements. 


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the accompanying authorizing RESOLUTION provided as Attachment B, in the September 10, 2020 City Administrative Officer (CAO) report, attached to the Council file, including various documents required for the execution of the financing, which authorizes the execution and delivery of the lease agreement, sublease agreement, and purchase and assignment agreement. 

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated September 3, 2020, amending Article 2.5 of Chapter 9 of Division 5 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code to create a special fund for the lease financing referred to herein as the Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA) 2020 Streetlights Financing (MICLA 2020 Streetlights Financing).      

  3. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated September 3, 2020, providing for the lease/leaseback financing referred to as the MICLA 2020 Streetlights Financing, to finance the City's acquisition and installation of approximately 2,500 streetlights with light-emitting diode (LED) and/or high voltage conversion and other related improvements, by approving the lease and sublease of certain property consisting of approximately 1,183 streetlight poles and lamps installed therein and the other related items therein or attached thereto by the City of Los Angeles (City), as lessor and sublessee, to and from MICLA, as lessee and sublessor. 

  4. AUTHORIZE the CAO to make adjustments as necessary to those transactions included in this report to implement Mayor and Council intentions. 

Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no fiscal impact to the General Fund as a result of this Financing as the lease payments will be repaid by the Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund, via the Capital Finance Administrative Fund (Fund No. 100, Department No. 53). Debt service payments on this loan commence on September 1, 2021.


Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendations in this report are in compliance with the City's Financial Policies. In accordance with the City's Financial Policies, Debt Management Section, the maximum debt service payable in any given year may not exceed six percent of the General Fund revenues for non-voter approved debt. The proposed loan will not cause debt service to exceed this limit, as shown in the debt chart outlining the City's projected debt ratio, attachment A of the CAO report dated September 10, 2020, attached to the Council file. 

Debt Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no debt impact to the General Fund as a result of this Financing as the lease payments will be repaid by the Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund, via the Capital Finance Administrative Fund (Fund No. 100, Department No. 53). The Financing will not cause the City's debt service payments to exceed six percent of General Fund revenues for non-voter approved debt as established in the City's Financial Policies, Debt Management Section. 


The average annual debt service will be approximately $935,000 over ten years. These monies will be borrowed on a tax-exempt basis at a fixed interest rate of 1.47 percent. The total debt service, including total principal and interest, over the life of the loan is approximately $9.9 million. 

Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 


(Budget and Finance Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(6)20-1131

ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the heat storm and associated power outages during the Labor Day 2020 weekend.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Martinez - Price):


REQUEST the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to report to the Council on the following matters: 


  1. Report on the heat storm that occurred during the Labor Day 2020 weekend, how the power system was affected, and what actions were taken to respond in real time.

  2. Report on the number of affected LADWP customers by community, including how long the power outages were endured by these communities; and, include contextual information related to community demographics, income, and environmental burdens so that such information can show whether there are any patterns in which City residents are disproportionately affected.

  3. Report on existing infrastructure and distribution center capacities and needs, and how the LADWP intends to address the local distribution infrastructure to meet the realities of climate change.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has submitted a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(7)20-1073

ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to requesting a report from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) regarding causes and actions taken to address recent power outages, the delay in restoring power, and the plan to help prevent further power outages.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Lee - Blumenfield):


REQUEST that the LADWP immediately report to the Council on the causes of recent power outages, actions taken to address the power outages, and the causes for the delay in restoring power; and, report to the Council on the plan to help prevent further power outages, especially at this time during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has submitted a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(8)20-1107
CD 6

ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a plan to install air quality monitors on street lighting poles, City infrastructure, and other viable locations within a one-mile radius of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Valley Generating Station.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Rodriguez - Martinez):


REQUEST the LADWP, in consultation with the Bureau of Street Lighting, to develop and fund a plan to install air quality monitors on street lighting poles, City infrastructure, and other viable locations, including residences and businesses, within a one-mile radius of the LADWP Valley Generating Station while it remains in service.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has submitted a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(9)20-1076
CD 5

ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the water main rupture that occurred in the 10600 block of West Sunset Boulevard near the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) on August 23, 2020.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell):


REQUEST the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to report to the Council regarding the water main rupture that occurred in the 10600 block of West Sunset Boulevard near UCLA on August 23, 2020, to specifically include the following:


  1. The current status of the water main rupture and what caused it to occur.

  2. Operational history of the ruptured water main, and whether it had any prior physical integrity issues.

  3. The LADWP's water infrastructure program and whether the ruptured water main was scheduled for repairs/upgrades.

  4. Steps that the LADWP is taking to minimize water main ruptures/leaks and their impact on the public and property, including new technologies that can help identify physical integrity issues of the LADWP water system.

  5. The status of the LADWP's long-term water infrastructure program and efforts to replace aging water system components and improve system reliability, including a review/assessment of a more rapid pace of system replacement.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has submitted a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(10)16-1019

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to proposed Second Amendment to Contract No. C-128576 with Brycer, LLC (Brycer) to provide software-as-a-service for monitoring Regulation No. 4 compliance.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Chief, Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD), or designee, to execute the Second Amendment to Contract No. C-128576 with Brycer to provide software-as-a-service for monitoring Regulation No. 4 compliance of various Fire Control Systems in buildings located throughout the City, extending the agreement term for three years from August 7, 2020 through August 6, 2023, at no cost to the City subject to approval by the City Attorney.

  2. INSTRUCT the LAFD to modify the term of the Second Amendment to reflect the authorized effective date of August 7, 2016, in accordance with prior Council action. 


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The City Administrative Officer (CAO) reports that there is no impact to the General Fund. The Compliance Engine system offered by the Contractor is funded by fees collected by Brycer from Certified Testers qualified to perform Regulation No. 4 testing on behalf of the LAFD.  The City will not incur any costs associated with this Second Amendment.


Financial Policies Statement:  The CAO reports that the action included in its July 31, 2020 report, attached to the Council file, is in compliance with the City's Financial Policies in that current operations will be limited to current revenues.  


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(11)19-1194

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the acceptance of a grant for the Dispute Resolution Program (DRP) in the amount of $137,810 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the City Attorney, or designee, to approve the Standard Agreement with the County of Los Angeles Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services, attached to the Council file, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.

  2. ACCEPT funding in the amount of $137,810 from the County of Los Angeles Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services.

  3. APPROVE the City cash and in-kind match and additional contribution in the amount of $34,453 for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

  4. AUTHORIZE the Controller to: 

    1. Establish a receivable within Fund, Fund No. 368, in the amount of $137,000 from the County of Los Angeles.

    2. Establish a new appropriation account within Fund No. 368 as follows: Account No. 12T702 - DRP Restorative Justice Grant- $137,810.

    3. Transfer $87,035 from Fund No. 368, Account No. 12T702 to Fund No. 100/12, Account No. 1010- Salaries General.

    4. Upon receipt of grant funds, transfer up to $39,705 from Fund No. 368, Account No. 12T702 to Fund No. 100/12, Revenue Account No. 5346- Related Cost Reimbursements from Grants.

  5. AUTHORIZE the City Attorney to prepare Controller instructions for any necessary technical adjustments, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO); and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement the instructions.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that the total cost of the FY 2020-21 DRP Restorative Justice is $172,263, of which $137,810 will be reimbursed by the County of Los Angeles Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services.  The match requirement for the grant is $34,453, which will be satisfied through indirect costs included in the 2020-21 City Budget.  


Financial Policies Statement:  The CAO reports that the recommendations contained in the September 1, 2020 CAO report, attached to the Council file, are in compliance with the City's Financial Policies in that budgeted appropriations will be balanced against grant receipts.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(12)19-1378

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the extension of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Mental Health Training Grant.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Chief, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), or designee, to accept the State of California Board of State and Community Corrections approval of a no-cost extension for the FY 2019 Mental Health Grant, extending the award period from September 30, 2020 to September 30, 2021.
  2. AUTHORIZE the LAPD to prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO); and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement the instructions.  


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of the recommendations contained in the September 18, 2020 CAO report, attached to the Council file, will allow for the expenditure of the 2019 Mental Health Training Grant award totaling $116,690 for sworn overtime to allow personnel to attend related training courses.  No matching funds are required for this grant.  All other sworn and civilian salary and fringe benefit costs supporting this grant program are already funded in the 2020-21 Adopted Budget and do not represent any additional General Fund impact.


Financial Policies Statement:  The CAO reports that the recommendations contained in the September 18, 2020 CAO report, attached to the Council file, are in compliance with the City's Financial Policies in that all grant funds will be utilized for grant-eligible activities. 


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Motion, (14)
ITEM NO.(13)20-0146

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to requiring the retrofit of all previously exempt non-sprinklered residential high-rise buildings to conform to current fire code requirements for retrofitted high-rise buildings in the City of Los Angeles.


Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Bonin - Koretz - Blumenfield - Rodriguez):


  1. INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Fire Department and Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, with the assistance of the City Attorney and the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, to report with a plan and process to require residential high rise buildings, built between 1943 and 1974, to retrofit and install sprinkler systems, similar to City requirements for earthquake retrofits with said report to include:

    1. Recommended options for implementation.

    2. A timeline for implementing the program, including phases and milestones.

    3. An assessment of all buildings and prioritization of the most vulnerable buildings.

    4. Requirements for privately owned buildings and corporately owned buildings.

    5. Considerations for tenant protections and owner rights.

    6. Considerations of Rent Stabilized Ordinance units and issues around them.

    7. A general overview of the costs associated with these types of retrofits.

  2. INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO), with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) to report in regard to financing options and the feasibility of using Federal Housing Urban Development or Federal Housing Administration loans, multifamily housing revenue bonds, state or local funds and financial tools to assist building owners in the costs of these upgrades, similar to any offered to building owners required to retrofit buildings to meet current seismic safety standards.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  Yes



Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council



Adopted as Amended, (14)


ITEM NO.(14)20-0818, 20-0818-S1
20-0818, 20-0818-S1

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to acceptance of Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Legislative Pre-Disaster Mitigation (LPDM) grant awards in connection with the PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital Essential Services retrofit projects.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Mayor, or designee, to:

    1. Accept on behalf of the City and PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital the  FY 2020 LPDM grant in the amount of $406,687.70 from the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) to fund the PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital Kitchen Seismic Retrofit Project, for a performance period of 36 months to August 9, 2022.       
    2. Submit to the grantor on behalf of the City requests for drawdown of funds for payment or reimbursements of City and PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital funds expended for approved grant purposes.

    3. Execute a contract with PIH Good Samaritan Hospital for a term of up to 36 months within the applicable performance period, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.                      
    4. Receive, and deposit into, and disburse from new FY 2020 LPDM Grant Fund  the grant funds received from the FY 2020 LPDM grant award.

    5. Prepare Controller instructions for any technical accounting adjustments as necessary to implement Mayor and Council instructions, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO); and, authorize the Controller to implement the instructions.

  2. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION to designate the City entities that will apply for and manage Federal financial assistance provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and sub-granted through the State of California as detailed in the June 16, 2020 Communications from the Mayor, attached to the Council file.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Controller to:

    1. Transfer appropriations and create new appropriation accounts within the new FY 2020 LPDM Fund No. XXX/46 for the FY 2020 LPDM Grant, as follows:

      Fund  Account  Name   Amount
      XXX/46  46T304  Contractual   $386,352.37
      XXX/46  46T146  Mayor   14,471.80
      XXX/46  46T299  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs   5,862.53
           Total:  $406,686.70

    2. Transfer appropriations from the FY 2020 LPDM Fund No. XXX/46 to the General Fund as reimbursement for the FY 2020 LPDM expenditures as follows:

      Fund  Account  Name   Amount
      XXX/46  46T146  Mayor   $14,471.80
      Fund  Account  Name   Amount
      100/46  1020  Grant Reimbursed   $14,471.80

    3. Transfer up to $5,862.53 from the FY 2020 LPDM Fund No. XXX/46, Account No. 46T299 to the General Fund, Department No. 46, Revenue Source Code No. 5346 for reimbursement of grant-funded fringe benefits.

    4. Transfer cash from the FY 2020 LPDM Fund No. XXX/46 to reimburse the General Fund on an as-needed basis, upon presentation of proper documentation from City departments, subject to the approval of the Mayor. 


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that approval of the recommendations contained in the August 31, 2020 CAO report, attached to the Council file, will have no additional impact to the General Fund. The matching requirement for the grant is $135,562, which will be provided by the PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital.  There is no match obligation for the City of Los Angeles.


Financial Policies Statement:  The CAO reports that the recommendations contained in the August 31, 2020 CAO report, attached to the Council file, comply with the City’s Financial Policies in that onetime grant funding will be utilized for one-time program expenditures.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(15)20-1078

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the application and award for the 2020-21 Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Chief, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), or designee, to:

    1. Retroactively apply for and accept the grant award of $5,543,500 from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 STEP Grant for the period of October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021.

    2. Execute the FY 2020-21 STEP Grant Agreement on behalf of the City and submit the necessary documents relative to the grant award, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    3. Execute a Professional Services Agreement with one selected vendor for a term of 12 months within the applicable grant performance period, for a sum not to exceed $50,000, for the provision of phlebotomist services, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.

  2. AUTHORIZE the LAPD to:

    1. Spend up to the grant amount of $5,543,500 in accordance with the grant award agreement.

    2. Submit grant reimbursement requests to the grantor and deposit grant receipts into Fund No. 339/70.

    3. Prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments as necessary, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO); and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement the instructions.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Controller to:

    1. Establish up a grant receivable and appropriate $5,543,500 to appropriation account, account number to be determined, within Fund No. 339/70, for the disbursement of the FY 2020-21 STEP grant funds.

    2. Increase appropriations on an as-needed basis from the FY 2020-21 STEP grant, account number to be determined, Fund No. 339/70, to Fund No. 100/70, account number and amounts as follows:

      1. Account No. 1092, Overtime Sworn, $3,507,100

      2. Account No. 1090, Overtime Civilian, $200,000

  4. AUTHORIZE the City Clerk to:

    1. Place the following action in connection with the FY 2020-21 STEP grant on the Council agenda on July 1, 2021, or the first meeting day thereafter:

      Authorize the Controller to transfer from Fund No. 339/70, account number to be determined, to Fund No. 100/70, account number and amounts as follows:

      1. Account No. 1092, Overtime Sworn, $1,500,000

      2. Account No. 1090, Overtime Civilian, $70,000


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that approval of the recommendations contained in the September 16, 2020 CAO report, attached to the Council file, will allow for the expenditure of the FY 2020-21 STEP grant award totaling $5,543,500.  There is no impact to the General Fund as a result of these recommendations.  No matching funds are required for this grant.


Financial Policies Statement:  The CAO reports that the recommendations provided in the September 16, 2020 CAO report, attached to the Council file, are in compliance with the City's Financial Policies in that one-time grant funding will be utilized for one-time program expenditures.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(16)20-1079

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Supplemental Police Account (SPA) First Quarterly Report for January through March 2020.


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FlLE the August 25, 2020 Board of Police Commissioners report relative to the SPA First Quarterly Report for January through March 2020. 


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Not applicable.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(17)20-1118

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the annual report of the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) CAL-JAC Revolving Training Fund No. 40K for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20.


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FlLE the September 3, 2020 Board of Fire Commissioners report relative to the annual report of the LAFD CAL-JAC Revolving Training Fund No. 40K for FY 2019-20.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Not applicable.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(18)20-1123

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the annual report of the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) Special Training Fund No. 40J for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20.


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FlLE the September 3, 2020 Board of Fire Commissioners report relative to the LAFD Special Training Fund No. 40J Annual Report for FY 2019-20.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Not applicable.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(19)20-0002-S127

RULES, ELECTIONS, AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to establishing the City’s position regarding the City’s 2019-20 State Legislative Program for Proposition 16 which would allow government agencies to give preferential consideration based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in employment, contracting, and education.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Rodriguez - Price), SUBJECT TO THE CONCURRENCE OF THE MAYOR:


ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program, SUPPORT for Proposition 16 which would allow government agencies to give preferential consideration based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in employment, contracting, and education.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the Chief Legislative Analyst nor the City Administrative Officer has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(20)20-1191

RULES, ELECTIONS, AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a Second Amendment to a contract with Accela, Inc. (Contractor) for the continued provision of systems development, implementation, and subscription services for the Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) cannabis licensing system.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director, DCR, or designee, to execute a Second Amendment to Contract C-130126 with Contractor for the continued provision of systems development, implementation, and subscription services for the DCR’s cannabis licensing system, revise the Scope of Work to update the Contractor hourly rate table and update references to Phase 2 work which has been completed, extend the contract term by seven years, and increase compensation by $6,989,882, for a revised total compensation amount not to exceed $9,454,616, in substantial conformance with the proposed Second Amendment included as Attachment 2 to the City Administrative Officer (CAO) report dated September 17, 2020, attached to the Council file, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to form and compliance with the City’s contracting requirements.

  2. DIRECT the DCR to ensure that Contractor is in compliance with the City’s insurance coverage requirements prior to the execution of Contract C-130126.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no impact to the General Fund. Funding for the proposed Second Amendment to Contract C-130126 will be provided by the Cannabis Regulation Special Revenue Trust Fund No. 60E.


Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendations above comply with the City’s Financial Policies in that the City’s financial obligation is limited to funds budgeted for this purpose.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (14)
Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)
ITEM NO.(21)20-1200-S31

COMMUNICATION FROM MAYOR relative to the appointment of Mr. Matt Petersen to the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Southern California.


Recommendation for Council action:


RESOLVE that the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Matt Petersen to the MWD of Southern California for the term ending June 30, 2024, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Mr. Peterson will fill the vacancy created by Lorraine A. Paskett, who has resigned. (Current composition: M = 2; F = 2)


Financial Disclosure Statement: Not applicable.


Background Check: Pending.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(22)20-0470

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to adding Article 6 to Chapter XX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to establish a temporary limit on the charges imposed by third-party delivery services on retail food establishments when they are not operating at full capacity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated September 1, 2020, adding Article 6 to Chapter XX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to establish a temporary limit on the charges imposed by third-party delivery services on retail food establishments when they are not operating at full capacity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.




(Economic Development Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(23)20-0900-S55
CD 4

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Franklin and Grace Avenues Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated August 12, 2020.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of December 8, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Franklin and Grace Avenues Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $289.61 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2020-21 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  December 1, 2020)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(24)20-0900-S56
CD 14

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the East Downtown Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated January 17, 2020.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of December 8, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the East Downtown Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $24,223.48 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2019-20 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  December 1, 2020)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(25)20-0900-S57
CD 2

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Beck Avenue and Sylvan Street No. 1 Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated August 17, 2020.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of December 8, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Beck Avenue and Sylvan Street No. 1 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $576.47 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2020-21 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  December 1, 2020)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(26)20-0900-S58
CD 7

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Andrae Court and Langdon Avenue Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated August 17, 2020.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of December 8, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Andrae Court and Langdon Avenue Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $813.52 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2020-21 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  December 1, 2020)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(27)20-0900-S67
CD 13

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Electric Street and McCready Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated August 31, 2020.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of December 8, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Electric Street and McCready Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $218.00 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2020-21 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  December 1, 2020)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(28)20-0900-S68
CD 14

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Forecourt and Esplanade Improvements Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated September 23, 2020.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of December 8, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Forecourt and Esplanade Improvements Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $20,104.69 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2020-21 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  December 1, 2020)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(29)

RESOLUTIONS relative to removing various properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program.

Recommendation for Council action:

ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTIONS removing the following properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), inasmuch as the owner(s) have corrected the cited REAP violations and provided proof of compliance with the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA), Code Enforcement Unit, habitability citations, pursuant to Ordinance 173810, and ADOPT the Findings contained in the HCIDLA's report attached to the Council File:

CD 1

2606 North Griffin Avenue (Case No. 562109) Assessor I.D. No. 5206-009-019



Adopted, (14)
CD 4

407 South Gramercy Place (Case No. 704117) Assessor I.D. No. 5504-025-013



Adopted, (14)
CD 8

632 West 97th Street (Case No. 639073) Assessor I.D. No. 6054-026-008



Adopted, (14)
CD 9

6510 South Main Street (Case No. 698035) Assessor I.D. No. 6011-001-063



Adopted, (14)
CD 10

1722 South Crenshaw Boulevard (Case No. 655684) Assessor I.D. No. 5072-002-019



Adopted, (14)
CD 13

1845 North Lucretia Avenue (Case No. 172940) Assessor I.D. No. 5420-030-016



Adopted, (14)
CD 15

1111 East G Street (Case No. 360883) Assessor I.D. No. 7424-022-021



Adopted, (14)
CD 3

18646 West Collins Street (Case No. 607410) Assessor I.D. No. 2156-026-023



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(30)14-0141

COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR relative to the re-exemption of one Deputy Director of Planning position for the Department of City Planning pursuant to Charter Section 1001(b).


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the re-exemption of one Deputy Director of Planning position for the Department of City Planning pursuant to Charter Section 1001(b).

Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the Mayor.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.






(Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee waived consideration of the above matter)


Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(31)20-1214
CD 8

CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (HARRIS-DAWSON - LEE) relative to naming the intersection at West 78th Street and South Western Avenue as, Rev. Richard (Meri Ka Ra) Byrd Square. 


Recommendations for Council action: 


  1. APPROVE the naming of the intersection at West 78th Street and South Western Avenue as, Rev. Richard (Meri Ka Ra) Byrd Square.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to fabricate and install permanent ceremonial sign(s) at this location.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. 

Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 


(Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee waived consideration of the above matter) 

Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(32)20-1209
CD 5

MOTION (KORETZ - LEE) relative to invoicing the Encino Neighborhood Council for a portion of the cost of changing the existing AntiGridlock signs on the eastbound side of Ventura Boulevard between Balboa and Sepulveda Boulevards.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to invoice the Encino Neighborhood Council up to $9,204.90 for a portion of the cost of changing the existing AntiGridlock signs on the eastbound side of Ventura Boulevard between Balboa and Sepulveda Boulevards.

  2. TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $4,403 in General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56, Account No. 0705 (CD 5 Community Services) to the Transportation Fund No. 100/94, Account No. 001090 (Salaries - Overtime) to partially fund the labor costs associated with the signage change.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(33)20-1186
CD 11

MOTION (BONIN - BUSCAINO) and RESOLUTION relative to issuing Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, in an amount not to exceed $41,000,000 to finance the new construction of the 98-unit multifamily housing project known as Thatcher Yard (Project) located at 3233 South Thatcher Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90292.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. CONSIDER the results of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) public hearing held on September 14, 2020 for the Project.

  2. ADOPT the accompanying TEFRA RESOLUTION approving the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $41,000,000 for the new construction of a 98-unit multifamily housing project located at 3233 South Thatcher Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90292 in Council District 11.



Adopted, (13); Absent: Price
ITEM NO.(34)20-0010-S14
MOTION (BUSCAINO - O'FARRELL) relative to an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the death of Akeem Jamaal Coburn on July 29, 2020.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: 

  1. PROVIDE an offer of reward in the amount of $50,000 for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the death of Akeem Jamaal Coburn on July 29, 2020.

  2. FIND that the subject reward complies with the provisions of Chapter 12, Article 1, Division 19, of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.

  3. DIRECT the City Clerk to publish the required notices and/or advertisements to effectuate this reward.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(35)20-0856
CD 3

MOTION (BLUMENFIELD - CEDILLO) relative to amending Council action of August 19, 2020 regarding the Reseda Skate Facility Project at 18220 and 18238 West Sherman Way.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


AMEND the Council action of August 19, 2020 regarding the Reseda Skate Facility Project at 18220 and 18238 West Sherman Way to transfer and appropriate $1,000,000 in the AB1290 Fund No. 53P, Account No. 281203 (CD 3 Redevelopment Projects - Services) to a new Account in the Recreation and Parks Fund No. 205/88 entitled Reseda SkatePark Acquisitions, with the understanding that any portion of this amount not used for the stated purposes shall be returned to their source; and authorize the Department of Recreation and Parks to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(36)20-1211
CD 5

MOTION (KORETZ - CEDILLO) and RESOLUTION relative to issuing Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, in an amount not to exceed $16,350,000 to finance the new construction of the 51-unit multifamily housing project known as 11010 Santa Monica Boulevard (Project) located at 11010 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles in Council District 5.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. CONSIDER the results of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) public hearing held on September 14, 2020 for the Project.

  2. ADOPT the accompanying TEFRA RESOLUTION approving the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $16,350,000 for the new construction of a 51-unit multifamily housing project located at 11010 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA  90025 in Council District 5.



Adopted, (13); Absent: Price
ITEM NO.(37)20-1219

MOTION (MARTINEZ - PRICE) relative to Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funding for the Downtown Women's Center Health and Wellness program to provide meals to women in the Skid Row Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ALLOCATE $200,000 of HEAP funding from the Skid Row line item for the Downtown Women's Center Health and Wellness program to provide meals to women in the Skid Row Area.

  2. INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) to amend their contract with the Downtown Women's Center to add $200,000 from the Skid Row line item in HEAP funding to cover expenses related to Health and Wellness Program.

  3. DIRECT HCIDLA to prepare any additional Controller instructions or make any necessary technical corrections or clarifications consistent with the Mayor and Council action in this matter; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.



Substitute Motion adopted, (14)


ITEM NO.(38)12-1152-S7

RESOLUTION (MARTINEZ - PRICE) relative to designating the Voting Delegate for the City of Los Angeles to the Annual Business Meeting at the League of California Cities Annual Conference to be held from October 7 to October 9, 2020.


Recommendation for Council action:


DESIGNATE Councilmember John Lee as the Voting Delegate for the City of Los Angeles to the Annual Business Meeting to be held from October 7 to October 9, 2020.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(39)20-1220
CD 14

RESOLUTION (MARTINEZ - O'FARRELL) relative to authorizing gifts to the City from voluntary non-governmental sources to finance Councilman-elect Kevin de Leon's transition staff, facilities, events, and activities.


Recommendation for Council action:



  • Authorize Councilman-elect Kevin de Leon to solicit and accept gifts made to the City for the purpose of financing the Councilman-elect's transition staff and expenses incurred between April 22, 2020 and December 15, 2020, and to deposit such cash gifts in a public benefit trust fund hereby established for such transition purposes (the Fund) in a cumulative amount not to exceed $150,000 and with no gift from any one source to exceed $1,600.

  • Authorize the Councilman-elect's transition organization to make expenditures out of the Fund for the sole purposes of paying the reasonable costs and expenses associated with the Councilman-elect's transition, such as for staff, equipment, supplies, meeting space, parking, telephones, postage, and oath-of-office events, and provided further that the office of the City Controller is hereby authorized to deposit any unspent cash gifts on hand after payment of all of the costs and expenses associated with the Councilman-elect's transition into the City's General Fund.

  • Accept the gifts made by the donors to the City for such purposes on behalf of the City.

  • Request the City Controller to process any requests for disbursements submitted to the City Controller by a designated representative of Councilman-elect Kevin de Leon's transition organization within 24 hours of receipt of such request for disbursement.

  • Authorize and request the City Attorney to prepare any necessary agreements, documents, or other instruments to memorialize and implement the foregoing; and, authorize and direct Councilman-elect Kevin de Leon to execute on behalf of the City any such agreements, documents, or other in the form approved by the City Attorney.

Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(40)19-1043
CD 15

MOTION (BUSCAINO - KORETZ) relative to amending the Council action of September 11, 2019 regarding the San Pedro Little Italy Project.

Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


AMEND Council action of September 11, 2019 regarding the San Pedro Little Italy Project (Council file No. 19-1043) to:


  1. DIRECT and AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) to prepare, process and execute the necessary document(s) with, and/or payment(s) to Gensler, a City consultant, to move forward on the next phases of more detailed analysis and design work for this Project, utilizing the Pipeline Franchise Revenue portion of the Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund already set aside in the original Council Action, and subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed.

  2. TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $500,000 in the Pipeline Franchise Revenue portion of the Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund No. 697 to the Account in the Engineering Special Services Fund No. 682/50 entitled: San Pedro Little Italy Plaza, for planning and design services to be provided by Gensler for the San Pedro Little Italy Project located at a City owned plaza next to the San Pedro Municipal Building in Council District 15.

  3. DIRECT and AUTHORIZE the BOE to prepare and execute the necessary document(s) with, and/or payment(s) to Gensler, or any other agency or organization, as appropriate, in the above amount, for the above purpose, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed.

  4. FIND that the services to be performed by Gensler are for the performance of professional, scientific, expert, technical, or other special services of a temporary and occasional character for which competitive bidding is not practicable or advantageous and that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by independent contractors than by City employees.

  5. AUTHORIZE the BOE to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections / clarifications / changes may be made orally, electronically or by any other means.

Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(41)20-0423
CD 4

MOTION (RYU - RODRIGUEZ) relative to amending the Council action of May 13, 2020 regarding the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) report dated May 6, 2020.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


AMEND the Council action of May 13, 2020 relative to the DCA report dated May 6, 2020, which identified and reallocated Arts Development Fees (ADF) project commitments and associated findings in Council District 4 to support a new project typology titled CD 4 COVID-19 Emergency Response Program, to change the category/proposed use for RC32, in the amount of $64,220.22 from CD 4 COVID-19 Emergency Response Program (ERP) to the new project typology ADF Developer-led Project and to allocate $64,220.22 from PA47 to new typology CD 4 COVID-19 Emergency Response Program; with the remainder funding in PA47 allocated as TBD; and to authorize the DCA to make any corrections to the above instructions in order effectuate the intent of this Motion.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(42)20-1221

MOTION (RODRIGUEZ - BLUMENFIELD) relative to funding for services in connection with the illumination of City Hall to participate in Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters as part of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. APPROPRIATE $120 from the Los Angeles Fire Department, Fund No. 100/38, Account No. 6010, to the Department of General Services (GSD), Fund No. 100/40, Account No. 1070 (Salaries-As Needed), for services in connection with the illumination of City Hall on October 3rd to pay tribute to fallen firefighters who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us and be a beacon of hope for their families. Landmarks and fire departments across the country will participate in Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters as part of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend.

  2. AUTHORIZE the GSD to make corrections, clarifications, and technical adjustments as needed to implement this Motion and the Council's intent.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(43)20-0010-S16

MOTION (BONIN - CEDILLO) relative to an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person or persons responsible for any of the acts of arson in Venice in September 2020.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. PROVIDE an offer of reward in the amount of $25,000 for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person or persons responsible for any of the acts of arson in Venice starting in September 2020.

  2. FIND that the subject reward complies pursuant to Division 19, Chapter 12, Article 1 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.

  3. DIRECT that the City Clerk to publish the required notices and/or advertisements to effectuate this reward.




Adopted, (14)
Closed Session
ITEM NO.(44)13-0331
CD 11

The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Venice Investors, LLC v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. SC 116345. (This case arises from a Quiet Title and Declaratory Relief against the City arising out of a disputed street easement over a portion of Venice Boulevard that is no longer being used as a roadway).


(Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee considered the above matter in Closed Session on September 16, 2020)



Adopted in Open Session, (14)



MOTION (RODRIGUEZ - MARTINEZ) relative to funding for supplemental services such as small litter cleanup, corridor cleanups, weed abatement in Council District Seven to be conducted by Northeast Graffiti Busters through October 1, 2021.


MOTION (O'FARRELL - RYU - PRICE) relative to AB1290 funding for construction of speed hump(s) on De Longpre Avenue from Cherokee to Seward.


MOTION (PRICE - O'FARRELL) and RESOLUTION relative to issuing one or more series of revenue bonds or notes in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $35,000,000 to finance the new construction of the 63-unit multifamily housing project known as La Prensa Libre Apartments (Project) located at 200-224 East Washington Boulevard and 1910-1914 South Los Angeles Street in Council District 9.


MOTION (KORETZ - MARTINEZ - RODRIGUEZ - RYU) relative to funding for services in connection with the Council District 5 for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month at City Hall on September 30, including the illumination of City Hall to increase awareness of Ovarian Cancer.


MOTION (KORETZ - BLUMENFIELD) relative to installing street banners to be used as an outreach tool to encourage neighborhood stakeholders, tourists, and residents alike to patronize Melrose's shops and restaurants and participate in the revitalization of this area.

Support for the Republic of Artsakh     Krekorian - Martinez      

At the conclusion of this day's Council Session ADJOURNING MOTIONS WERE ADOPTED in tribute to the memory of:
Gloria Cecile Dumas      Buscaino - All Councilmembers 
Betty Hawkins Buscaino - All Councilmembers 
Janis Purins O'Farrell - Ryu - All Councilmembers 
VC Powe Koretz - All Councilmembers 

Roll Call

Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Krekorian, Lee, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Wesson and President Martinez (14)