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Matters to come before the City of Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners to convene in:

Jet Center, Hangar 1
Van Nuys Airport
16300 Daily Drive
Van Nuys, California 91406
Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Listening to and Attending the Board Meeting:

The Board meeting will be broadcast live at https://www.lawa.org/lawa-governance/lawa-view-boac-meetings. Live Board meetings can also be heard at: (213) 621-CITY (Metro), (818) 904-9450 (Valley), (310) 471-CITY (Westside) and (310) 547-CITY (San Pedro Area).

Members of the public may also attend the Board meeting in person.

Providing Public Comments for the Board Meeting:

Live, oral public comments will be taken in person, only, and not via teleconference.

Written comments for this meeting may be submitted in person at the meeting. To any member of the public who wish to provide documents, for the meeting, to the Board, please submit eleven (11) copies to Board Office staff at the meeting. Written comments may also be provided online at https://online.lawa.org/boac/BOAC_Special_Meeting-20240718-1000. This online form will be available until 4:00pm on the day before the meeting. Written comments submitted online are provided to the Board and Chief Executive Officer before the meeting.

Documents Relating to Open Session Items:

Other than those that are legally confidential, documents relating to open session items on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Board Office, Clifton A. Moore Administration Building, 1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045, from 8:00am through 4:00pm, on normal business days, or upon request by emailing boardoffice@lawa.org, up until the conclusion of the meeting. Documents distributed during the meeting -- if prepared by the Department, another City department or office, or a Board member -- will be made available for public inspection during the meeting, or until 30 minutes after the meeting if prepared by some other person.


The City's Municipal Lobbying Ordinance (Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 48.01 et seq., as Amended) states "Every Lobbyist and Lobbying Firm shall register with the City Ethics Commission within 10 days after qualifying..." City law defines a "Lobbyist" as "Any person who is compensated to spend 30 or more hours in any consecutive three-month period engaged in lobbying activities which include at least one direct communication with a City Official or employee, conducted either personally or through agents, for the purpose of attempting to influence municipal legislation on behalf of any other person."

To ensure that all parties who may be subject to the Law have the information they need to comply with its provisions, the Secretary to the Board will forward copies of all speaker cards to the City Ethics Commission. For more information about the City's Lobbying Law and how it may apply to you, contact the Ethics Commission at (213) 978-1960, or at 200 N. Spring Street, City Hall, 24th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90012.

Los Angeles City Charter Section No. 245. Commission and Board Actions - City Council Review.

Actions of Commissions and Boards become final at the expiration of the next five meeting days of the City Council during which the Council has convened in Regular Session, unless City Council acts within that time by a two-thirds vote to bring the Commission or Board action before it for consideration and action. If the Council asserts jurisdiction, the Commission or Board will immediately transmit the action to the City Clerk for review by the Council and the particular action of the Board or Commission is not to be deemed final or approved. The City Clerk, upon receipt of the action, will place the action on the next available Council agenda in accordance with applicable State law and Council rules. If the Council asserts jurisdiction over the action, it may, by a two-thirds vote, veto the action of the Board, but it must make a final decision on the matter before the expiration of the next 21 calendar days from voting to bring the matter before it, or the action of the Commission or Board becomes final.

This section shall not apply to actions by any Commission or Board required to be referred for approval to Council or which have been appealed to Council under other provisions of the Charter, ordinance or statute.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Alternative formats in large print, Braille, audio, and other formats (if possible), will be provided upon request.

Sign language interpreters, communication access real-time transcription, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least 72 hours prior to the meeting you wish to attend. Due to difficulties in securing Sign Language Interpreters, five (5) or more business days notice is strongly recommended. For additional information, please contact the LAWA ADA Coordinator at (424) 646-5005 or via California Relay Service at 711.

GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS: Each public speaker will have no longer than three minutes to politely address the Board on any non-agenda item generally considered to be Los Angeles World Airports affair and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board.

PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS: Each public speaker will have no longer than three minutes per agenda item to politely address the Board.

THE PRESIDING OFFICER shall, however, exercise discretion to determine whether the time for general public comments or public comments on agenda items should be reduced or extended based upon such factors as the length of the agenda or substance of the agenda items, the number of public comment speaker cards submitted, the need for the Board to conclude its business as expeditiously as is practicable, and whether the Board is at risk of losing a quorum, among other factors.


I. ROLL CALL  Commissioner Vanessa Aramayo, Commissioner Courtney La Bau, Commissioner Victor Narro, Commissioner Nicholas P. Roxborough, Commissioner Valeria C. Velasco, Vice President Matthew M. Johnson, President Karim Webb

II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS pursuant to Los Angeles City Charter Section 503 (a)



a. Chief Executive Officer Update



VII. NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL COMMENTS - An opportunity for Neighborhood Council representatives to provide their respective Neighborhood Council's formal position on any matter listed on this meeting agenda for the Board of Airport Commissioners.  (A Neighborhood Council, through its authorized representative, shall provide the Board with a copy of its Community Impact Statement filed with the City of Los Angeles Office of the City Clerk at https://cityclerk.lacity.org//cis/ or Resolution regarding its formal position.)  (Information on Neighborhood Councils can be found at https://empowerla.org/councils/.)


a. June 13, 2024 Special Meeting


1. RESOLUTION NO.      - Memorandum of Agreement with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health:  With term from May 21, 2024 through May 20, 2025 and automatic renewals each fiscal year through May 20, 2029, for total term not to exceed five (5) years, covering provision of on-duty, state-licensed clinicians for the Airport Police Division of Los Angeles World Airports, for cost not to exceed $176,000 per fiscal year

PURPOSE: The purpose of the requested action is to approve a new Memorandum of Agreement with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health to provide on-duty, state-licensed clinicians for the Airport Police Division of Los Angeles World Airports, from May 21, 2024 through May 20, 2025, with the term automatically renewing each fiscal year through May 20, 2029.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the contract is exempt from competitive bidding under City Charter Section 371 (e)(10); approve the Memorandum of Agreement with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Memorandum of Agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Cecil Rhambo)

01 report

2. RESOLUTION NO.      - Twenty (20)-year Memorandum of Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration:  Covering continued operation and maintenance of said agency’s existing navigation, communication, and weather aid facilities required to support the ongoing air traffic operations at Van Nuys Airport

PURPOSE: Approval of the proposed Memorandum of Agreement will allow the Federal Aviation Administration to continue to occupy spaces that support operations at Van Nuys Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article III, Class 1 (18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the Memorandum of Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Memorandum of Agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (David Jones)

02 report

3. RESOLUTION NO.      - Three (3)-year Lease with The Hertz Corporation:  Covering use of up to seven (7) acres of land for overflow car parking in Parking Lot E at 5555 West 111th Street at Los Angeles International Airport, for approximately $2,500,000 in revenue over the term, exclusive of rental rate adjustments

PURPOSE: Approval of the proposed lease will allow The Hertz Corporation to continue to store rental cars to support its operations at Los Angeles International Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article III, Class 1 (18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the Lease with The Hertz Corporation; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Lease after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (David Jones)

03 report

4. RESOLUTION NO.      - Three (3)-year Lease with Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company of Los Angeles LLC:  Covering use of up to seven (7) acres of overflow car parking in Parking Lot E at 5555 West 111th Street at Los Angeles International Airport, for approximately $2,500,000 in revenue over the term, exclusive of rental rate adjustments

PURPOSE: Approval of the proposed lease will allow Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company of Los Angeles LLC to continue to store rental cars to support its operations at Los Angeles International Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article III, Class 1 (18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the Lease with Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company of Los Angeles LLC; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Lease after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (David Jones)

04 report

5. RESOLUTION NO.      - Blanket Authority covering issuance of Non-Exclusive License Agreements to Rental Car Companies:  To allow for rental car services at Los Angeles International Airport fixed base operator locations and at Van Nuys Airport master tenant locations

PURPOSE: Staff request approval of blanket authority to issue Non-Exclusive License Agreements to allow rental car companies to provide rental cars at fixed base operator locations at Los Angeles International Airport and at master tenant locations at Van Nuys Airport. Approval of the item will improve guest experience of travelers utilizing those facilities by creating a practical and convenient vehicle rental option while generating additional non-aeronautical revenue for Los Angeles World Airports.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article III, Class 1 (18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the blanket authority to issue Non-Exclusive License Agreements to rental car companies to allow for rental car services at fixed base operator locations at Los Angeles International Airport and master tenant locations at Van Nuys Airport; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Non-Exclusive License Agreements after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (David Jones)

05 report

6. RESOLUTION NO.      - Change Order to Contract DA-5322 with Los Angeles Gateway Partners:  Modifying the insurance benchmarking provisions contained in said contract for the Landside Access Modernization Program’s Consolidated Rent-A-Car Facility Project at Los Angeles International Airport

PURPOSE: The action will modify insurance benchmarking provisions such that Los Angeles Gateway Partners will be able to provide adequate insurance coverage for the facility per the requirements of the contract. The modifications are necessary due to significant volatility in the insurance markets.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.i of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve a Change Order to Contract DA-5322 with Los Angeles Gateway Partners; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Change Order. (Jacob Adams)

06 report

7. RESOLUTION NO.      - Second Amendment to Contract DA-5322 with Los Angeles Gateway Partners:  For the Landside Access Modernization Program’s Consolidated Rent-A-Car Facility Project at Los Angeles International Airport, to close out existing project allowances, credit back cost savings in not-to-exceed amount of $9,714,543, and repurpose the same amount to the Owner’s Project Contingency

PURPOSE: The requested action will close out several existing project allowances, credit back costs, and further approve the repurposing of those funds to the Owner's Project Contingency to be utilized for project closeout and changes.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that any activity for which the underlying project has previously been evaluated for environmental significance and processed according to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is exempt from further review pursuant to Article II, Section 2.i of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines, whereas the Landside Access Modernization Program Environmental Impact Report was certified by the Board of Airport Commissioners on March 2, 2017 (Resolution 26185); approve the Second Amendment to Contract DA-5322 with Los Angeles Gateway Partners; further approve a repurposing of credit allowance funds in not-to-exceed amount of $9,714,543 to the Owner's Project Contingency, which can only be utilized through change orders authorized by the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, or the Board of Airport Commissioners; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Second Amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval by the Los Angeles City Council. (Jacob Adams)

07 report

8. RESOLUTION NO.      - First Amendment to Contract DA-5628 with Waters Environmental Services and Technologies Corp dba Westcorp:  To increase the contract authority by $800,000, for new total not to exceed $3,650,000, covering duct cleaning and repair services at Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport

PURPOSE: The purpose of the proposed action is to increase the contract authority with Waters Environmental Services and Technologies Corp dba Westcorp to continue providing duct cleaning, mold abatement, and repair services at Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve the First Amendment to Contract DA-5628 with Waters Environmental Services and Technologies Corp dba Westcorp; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said First Amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Richard Connolly)

08 report

9. RESOLUTION NO.      - Contract with Tarkett USA Inc.:  By joining Sourcewell Contract 061323-TFU, covering supply, delivery, and installation of flooring materials at Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport, for term not to exceed seventy-five (75) months and cost not to exceed $2,934,000

PURPOSE: The proposed action will establish a contract for supply, delivery, and installation of flooring materials for Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the action is exempt from the competitive bid process requirements per Los Angeles City Charter Section 371 (e)(8) and Administrative Code Section 10.15 (a)(8) in that it is a contract for a cooperative arrangement with another government agency for utilization of a purchasing contract of that agency; further find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve the Contract with Tarkett USA Inc., by joining Sourcewell Contract 061323-TFU; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval by the Los Angeles City Council. (Richard Connolly)

09 report

10. RESOLUTION NO.      - Contract with Lawson Products Inc.:  By joining Purchasing Solutions Alliance Contract 22-209, covering industrial hardware, electrical tools, and supplies for Los Angeles World Airports, for not to exceed three (3) years and cost not to exceed $750,000

PURPOSE: The request will establish an efficient, cost-effective contracting authority for industrial hardware, electrical tools, supplies, and related services for Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) to better maintain and operate LAWA's facilities safely and effectively. Staff also desire to optimize the opportunity for small local businesses to participate in providing the materials and services. Establishing the contract will support both objectives.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that this action is exempt from the competitive bidding requirements as per Administrative Code Section 10.15 (a)(10) in that, under the circumstances, competitive bidding would be undesirable because of the superior purchasing power offered under the Purchasing Solutions Alliance governmental cooperative arrangement; approve the Contract with Lawson Products Inc., by joining Purchasing Solutions Alliance Contract 22-209; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Richard Connolly)

10 report

11. RESOLUTION NO.      - Award of three (3)-year Contract to Turtle ALA LLC dba Associated of Los Angeles:  Covering supply and delivery of electrical parts and supplies for Los Angeles World Airports, for cost not to exceed $1,575,000

PURPOSE: The purpose of the request is to establish a three (3)-year contract for supply and delivery of various electrical parts for Los Angeles World Airports. This includes maintaining a reserve to be used in the repair and maintenance of electrical systems and components within the terminals and surrounding facilities.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the bid submitted by Consolidated Electrical Distributors dba All-Phase Electrical Supply is non-responsive due to omissions to its bid; approve Award of Contract to Turtle ALA LLC dba Associated of Los Angeles; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Richard Connolly)

11 report

12. RESOLUTION NO.      - Award of three (3)-year Contract to D2 (Squared) Industrial Services LLC:  Covering pipe insulation services at Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport, for cost not to exceed $450,000

PURPOSE: The proposed action will establish a three (3)-year contract for pipe insulation services at Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport to provide insulating materials and repair services for industrial and domestic water piping and related equipment.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; further find that the bids submitted by Farwest Insulation Contracting and Performance Contracting Inc. have been deemed non-responsive due to omissions to their Administrative Forms; approve Award of Contract to D2 (Squared) Industrial Services LLC; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Richard Connolly)

12 report

13. RESOLUTION NO.      - Award of three (3)-year Contract to Bermingham Controls Inc.:  Covering purchase of parts and service to repair steam condensate systems at Los Angeles International Airport, for cost not to exceed $450,000

PURPOSE: The proposed contract will support steam condensate systems, which are used to provide and create steam for heating and cooling at Los Angeles International Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve Award of Contract to Bermingham Controls Inc.; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Richard Connolly)

13 report

14. RESOLUTION NO.      - Award of three (3)-year Contract to Vestis Group Inc. dba Aramark Uniform Services:  Covering uniform rental and laundering services for Fleet Services staff at Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport, for overall cost not to exceed $450,000

PURPOSE: The proposed three (3)-year contract with Vestis Group Inc. dba Aramark Uniform Services for uniform rental and laundering services for Fleet Services staff in the Facilities Management Division will provide staff with flame-resistant garments, as required by their job function, at Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve Award of Contract to Vestis Group Inc. dba Aramark Uniform Services; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Richard Connolly)

14 report

15. RESOLUTION NO.      - Award of Contract to Hagerty Consulting Inc.:  For term beginning June 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025, covering a workshop, a tabletop exercise, and two (2) full-scale exercises prior to operation of the Automated People Mover, and an airport triennial full-scale exercise, for Los Angeles World Airports, for cost not to exceed $532,172.25

PURPOSE: Approval of the proposed action will enable Hagerty Consulting Inc. to deliver [1] a workshop for up to eighty (80) participants; [2] a tabletop exercise; [3] two (2) full-scale exercises (FSEs) prior to operation of the Automated People Mover, and [4] an airport FSE, also known as AirEx, prior to April 2025 to comply with Federal Aviation Administration regulations. The FSEs are required to ensure the safety of guests and to validate Los Angeles World Airports' emergency response preparedness and recovery procedures.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve Award of Contract to Hagerty Consulting Inc.; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Douglas Webster)

15 report

16. RESOLUTION NO.      - First Amendment to Outline Agreement 4700002281 with Merchant Aviation LLC:  To increase the contract authority by $450,000, for new total not to exceed $600,000, and extend the term through October 5, 2026, covering professional and expert air service development consulting services for Los Angeles International Airport

PURPOSE: The proposed action will enable Merchant Aviation LLC to continue providing expert professional and technical air service development consulting services for Los Angeles International Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the First Amendment to Outline Agreement 4700002281 with Merchant Aviation LLC; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said First Amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Douglas Webster)

16 report

17. RESOLUTION NO.      - Second Amendment to Service Agreement 4700002246 with Elevate Public Affairs LLC:  To increase the contract authority by $500,000, for new total not to exceed $1,000,000, covering continued communications and community relations services at Van Nuys Airport

PURPOSE: The proposed action is to ensure that Los Angeles World Airports has a contract in place for communications and community relations services, and to ensure continuity of those services provided under the current agreement with Elevate Public Affairs LLC.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve the Second Amendment to Service Agreement 4700002246 with Elevate Public Affairs LLC; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Second Amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Becca Doten)

17 report

18. RESOLUTION NO.      - First Amendment to Service Agreement 4700002289 with Kronick Moskovitz Tiedemann & Girard PC:  To extend the term through August 20, 2025, covering continued assistance to Los Angeles World Airports with legal advice in connection with real property law, eminent domain and other related matters

PURPOSE: The purpose of the proposed action is to request approval for a First Amendment to provide continued assistance to Los Angeles World Airports with legal advice in connection with real property law, eminent domain, and other related matters.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve the First Amendment to Service Agreement 4700002289 with Kronick Moskovitz Tiedemann & Girard PC; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said First Amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Brian Ostler)

18 report

19. RESOLUTION NO.      - Award of individual three (3)-year Contracts to [i] Ashurst LLP, [ii] Nossaman LLP, [iii] Theodora Oringher PC, and [iv] Best Best & Krieger LLP:  To provide legal advice to Los Angeles World Airports for public contracting and other related legal services, for cost not to exceed $350,000 per contract

PURPOSE: The purpose of the proposed action is to assist the City Attorney with providing legal advice to Los Angeles World Airports for public contracting, which includes construction procurement, contracts, contract administration, construction litigation, and other related legal services.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve Award of individual Contracts to Ashurst LLP, Nossaman LLP, Theodora Oringher PC, and Best Best & Krieger LLP; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contracts after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Brian Ostler)

19 report

20. RESOLUTION NO.      - Award of three (3)-year Multiple Award Task Order Contracts to [i] Carr Riggs & Ingram LLC, [ii] CohnReznick LLP, [iii] Crowe LLP, [iv] Forvis Mazars LLP, [v] Moss Adams LLP, [vi] Talson Solutions LLC, and [vii] Weaver and Tidwell LLP:  Covering audit services on an as-needed basis for Los Angeles World Airports, for aggregate cost not to exceed $750,000

PURPOSE: The proposed Multiple Award Task Order Contracts awards will establish a master list of audit firms that will provide specialized audit services to help supplement Los Angeles World Airports' audit efforts.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that the work can be performed more economically or feasibly by an independent contractor than by City employees; approve Award of Contracts to Carr Riggs & Ingram LLC, CohnReznick LLP, Crowe LLP, Forvis Mazars LLP, Moss Adams LLP, Talson Solutions LLC, and Weaver and Tidwell LLP; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contracts after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Tatiana Starostina)

20 report

21. RESOLUTION NO.      - Administrative Action:  To provide signature authority for a senior management staff member of Los Angeles World Airports

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of a Resolution to provide signature authority for Crystal Lee, a Deputy Executive Director of Los Angeles World Airports.

21 reso

X. REGULAR ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION  [Regular Items 22 - 28]

22. RESOLUTION NO.      - First Amendment to Lease VNA-9197 with the County of Los Angeles Fire Department:  Covering additional land and hangar space at Van Nuys Airport, for $632,000 in revenue over the remaining term

PURPOSE: Approval of the lease amendment will provide the County of Los Angeles Fire Department with additional space for staging of water-dropping aircraft at Van Nuys Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article III, Class 1 (18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the First Amendment to Lease VNA-9197 with the County of Los Angeles Fire Department; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said First Amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (David Jones)

22 report

23. RESOLUTION NO.      - Five (5)-year Premier Passenger Lounge Space Lease with Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited:  With a five (5)-year extension option, covering space in the Tom Bradley International Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport, for estimated revenue of $6,000,000 over the initial term, excluding annual rate adjustments

PURPOSE: Approval of the proposed lease with Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited in the Tom Bradley International Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport will allow for said airline to refurbish and operate a lounge for its premium passengers.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article III, Classes 1 (1) and 1 (18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the Premier Passenger Lounge Space Lease with Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Premier Passenger Lounge Space Lease after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval by the Los Angeles City Council. (David Jones)

23 report

24. RESOLUTION NO.      - Award of twelve (12)-year Common-Use Passenger Lounge Concession Agreement to AD Partnership LLC:  With option to extend the term for one period of three (3) years, covering development and operation of a new common use passenger lounge in the Tom Bradley International Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport, for approximately $79,000,000 in rent revenue over the twelve (12)-year term

PURPOSE: The proposed Common-Use Passenger Lounge Concession Agreement with AD Partnership LLC will provide access to common-use lounge amenities in the Tom Bradley International Terminal and increase non-aeronautical revenues at Los Angeles International Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article III, Class 1 (18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve Award of Common-Use Passenger Lounge Concession Agreement to AD Partnership LLC; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Concession Agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval by the Los Angeles City Council. (David Jones)

24 report

25. RESOLUTION NO.      - One (1)-year Contract with Zeem Solutions LLC:  With two (2) one-year renewal options, covering electric vehicle fast charging services for Los Angeles World Airports electric fleet vehicles at Los Angeles International Airport, for cost not to exceed $450,000

PURPOSE: The proposed action will allow Zeem Solutions LLC to assist with offsite electric vehicle (EV) charging for Los Angeles World Airports' EVs and temporary leasing of EVs, when feasible, at Los Angeles International Airport.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; find that this action is exempt from the competitive bid process requirements per Los Angeles City Charter Section 371 (e)(2) and Administrative Code Section 10.15 (a)(2) in that it is a contract for performance of professional, scientific, expert, technical, or other special services of a temporary or occasional character for which competitive bidding is not practicable or advantageous; approve the Contract with Zeem Solutions LLC; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said Contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Richard Connolly)

25 report

26. RESOLUTION NO.      - First Amendment to Contract DA-5517 with Genuine Parts Company dba NAPA Integrated Business Solutions:  To increase the contract authority by $2,000,000, for new total not to exceed $12,275,000, and extend the term through December 29, 2025, covering provision of automotive parts and heavy-duty equipment parts, accessories, and services for Los Angeles International Airport and Van Nuys Airport

PURPOSE: The requested action is to amend Contract DA-5517 with Genuine Parts Company dba NAPA Integrated Business Solutions to continue purchasing a wide variety of automotive and heavy-duty equipment parts, accessories, and related services.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.f of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the First Amendment to Contract DA-5517 with Genuine Parts Company dba NAPA Integrated Business Solutions; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said First Amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval by the Los Angeles City Council. (Richard Connolly)

26 report

27. RESOLUTION NO.      - First Amendment to Contract DA-5570 with Hensel Phelps Construction Co.:  To increase the contract authority by $3,105,000, for new total of $22,002,749, covering design and construction services for the Terminal 2 Federal Inspection Services Improvements Project at Los Angeles International Airport; and appropriation of $3,945,000, including an additional $700,000 in project contingency and $140,000 for Los Angeles World Airports’ soft costs

PURPOSE: The proposed action is to increase the construction contract capacity to create allowances to repair flood damage, replace aging/beyond-useful-life heating-related piping infrastructure (asset renewal), address piping-related water leaks, and replace aged ceiling tiles in the Terminal 2 Federal Inspection Services facility.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II, Section 2.i and Article III, Class 1 (1) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; approve the First Amendment to Contract DA-5570 with Hensel Phelps Construction Co.; further approve an increase of $700,0000 in the budgeted Owner's Contingency, for total of $5,566,200, which can only be utilized through change orders authorized by the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, or the Board of Airport Commissioners; further approve appropriation of $3,945,000 to the Terminal 2 Federal Inspection Services Improvements Project that includes $3,105,000 in hard costs, $700,000 in additional Owner's Contingency, and $140,000 in Los Angeles World Airports' soft costs; authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to approve and execute change orders to the contract up to the budgeted Owner's Contingency of $5,566,200 for the project provided that, prior to execution of any change order in excess of $500,000, the Board of Airport Commissioners will first have reviewed and authorized execution thereof, and such authorization will have become final pursuant to City Charter Section 245; and further authorize the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to execute said First Amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Hans Thilenius)

27 report

28. RESOLUTION NO.      - Change Order to Contract DA-5277 with LAX Integrated Express Solutions LLC:  For the Landside Access Modernization Program’s Automated People Mover Project at Los Angeles International Airport, to settle claims occurring prior to and including May 31, 2024, pursuant to the terms outlined in the staff report; and appropriation of funds

PURPOSE: Approval of a change order in the amount of $550,000,000 is requested to finalize the bilateral agreement on terms to settle claims between Los Angeles World Airports and LAX Integrated Express Solutions LLC for delay and compensation amounts, occurring prior to and including May 31, 2024 and establishes schedule certainty.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of the Report requesting that the Board of Airport Commissioners determine that any activity (approval of bids, execution of contracts, allocation of funds, etc.) for which the underlying project has previously been evaluated for environmental significance and processed according to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is exempt from further review pursuant to Article II, Section 2.i of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines (The Landside Access Modernization Program Environmental Impact Report was certified by the Board of Airport Commissioners for this project on March 2, 2017 (Resolution 26185).); approve a Change Order to Contract DA-5277 with LAX Integrated Express Solutions LLC to settle claims, including claims for delay and compensation amounts, occurring prior to and including May 31, 2024 (inclusive of relief events and directive letters); authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a change order with said firm in the amount of $550,000,000 once Los Angeles World Airports receives a schedule that is acceptable; further approve appropriation of capital funds in the amount of $350,000,000; and further approve appropriation of funds to the budgeted owner's contingency in the amount of $50,000,000. (Jacob Adams)

28 report


A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PENDING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9(a); 54956.9(c); 54956.9(d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(4); 54956.9(e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), and (e)(5); and 54956.9(h)):

1. Claims by LAX Integrated Express Solutions, LLC (LINXS)  [City Attorney:  E. Ross]

2. Claims by LA Gateway Partners, LLC (LAGP)  [City Attorney:  J. Lisenbery]

3. Tiffany Abraham, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 24STCV00226  [City Attorney:  P. Tomescu]

4. Flying Food Group, LLC v. City of Los Angeles, US District Court, Central District, Western Division, Case No. 2:23-cv-9146  [City Attorney:  N. Kelso]

5. SkyHop Global LLC v. City of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 24STCP0027  [City Attorney:  N. Kelso]

6. Bonseph Helinet, LLC v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. 24STCP01754  [City Attorney:  M. Ty]


1. Consultation with Los Angeles World Airports Public Safety & Security Deputy Executive Director Martin Elam, Chief of Airport Police Cecil Rhambo, Chief Digital Transformation Officer Ian Law, and Chief Information Officer Aura Moore


1. Concerning consultations and discussions with representatives of Coalition of Los Angeles City Unions

a. LAWA Management Representative: Robert Lowe