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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Tuesday, October 06, 2015 | |
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97-1921-S1 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Koretz - Huizar) - Resolve that Council, pursuant to the Municipal Code Section 80.58, amends Preferential parking District No. 53 to include the half block sections of Willoughby Avenue, Waring Avenue, Clinton Street, and Rosewood Avenue, between Garner Street and North Sierra Bonita Avenue. |
06-2065 CD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 |
To Entertainment and Facilities Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the Real Property Trust Fund Reports Fiscal Year 2014-15. |
06-2181-S2 |
To Council
Motion (Cedillo - Price - OFarrell) - That the Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, to waive room rental costs associated with the use of the Los Angeles Convention Center for the L.A. Cash for College event, sponsored by the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, etc. |
08-2225-S2 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - Krekorian) - That the Bureau of Engineering, with the assistance of the Board of Public Works, identify funding from Miscellaneous Cash Bonds deposited within the Public Works Trust Fund for the project at 1945 to 1949 Overland Avenue. |
11-1013-S6 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05189-0000, dated October 2, 2015, relative to report back on viability and fiscal impact of Recommendation Nos. 5-8 from the Bureau of Sanitation's report on illegal dumping cleanup services dated August 28, 2015. |
12-1521 CD 8 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Council District 8 Public Benefits Trust Fund No. 49F. |
13-0394 CD 5 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Council District 5 Avenue of the Stars Community Amenities Trust Fund No. 56C. |
14-0010-S29 CD 13 |
To Council
Motion (O'Farrell - Martinez) -That the Council reaffirm its findings for the reward offer relative to the unsolved murder of Louie Rodriguez (Council Action of Octorber 24, 2014, Council File 14-0010-S29) and that the reward offer be reinstated for an additional period of six months, etc. |
14-0656-S17 CD 4 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application submitted by Steven and Julee Metz on October 5, 2015, relative to a Hardship Exemption for property at 1530 North Curson Avenue. |
14-1356 |
To Health, Mental Health and Education Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Anti-Smoking Trust Fund No. 41Z. |
14-1359 CD 6 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Bradley Landfill Community Trust Fund No. 48M. |
14-1360 CD 9 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding Council District 9 Public Benefits Trust Fund No. 48X. |
14-1362 CD 13 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Council District 13 Public Assistance Trust Fund No. 904. |
14-1363 CD 1 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Council District 1 Public Benefits Trust Fund No. 889. |
14-1364 CD 15 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Council District 15 Police Department Harbor Division Police Assistance Trust Fund No. 888. |
14-1365 CD 4 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Council District 4 Public Safety Trust Fund No. 884. |
14-1366 CD 12 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the annual report regarding the Council District 12 Police Department Devonshire and Foothill Divisions Police Assistance Trust Fund No. 883. |
14-1499-S2 |
To Energy and Environment Committee To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee City Administrative Officer report 0220-05189-0000, dated October 2, 2015, relative to report back on viability and fiscal impact of Recommendation Nos. 5-8 from the Bureau of Sanitations report on illegal dumping cleanup services dated August 28, 2015. |
15-0002-S103 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Resolution (Cedillo - Harris-Dawson) - Resolve that, with the concurrence of the Mayor and by the adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position for ABX1 23 (Garcia), which will provide funding for complete biking and walking networks. |
15-0005-S302 CD 1 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 5, 2015, and Resolution, relative to the removal of the property at 1968 South Norwood Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S303 CD 8 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 5, 2015, and Resolution, relative to the removal of the property at 6209 South 11th Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S304 CD 8 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 5, 2015, and Resolution, relative to the removal of the property at 1376 West 30th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S305 CD 8 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 5, 2015, and Resolution, relative to the removal of the property at 8636 South Menlo Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S306 CD 8 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 5, 2015, and Resolution, relative to the removal of the property at 6418 South Crenshaw Boulevard from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S307 CD 9 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 5, 2015, and Resolution, relative to the removal of the property at 7824 South Main Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S308 CD 10 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 5, 2015, and Resolution, relative to the removal of the property at 1532 South Cloverdale Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0011-S26 CD 9 |
To Council
Motion (Price, Jr. - Ryu) - That funds from the Council District 9 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund No. 43D, Department 50 be utilized to pay for the printing and installation of banners; and that the Board of Public Works, be authorized to make a payment to The Amgraph Group, etc. |
15-0160-S697 CD 14 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated July 14, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,279.02, be recorded for the property at 4613 East York Boulevard. |
15-0160-S698 CD 4 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 8, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $523.75, be recorded for the property at 533 North Arden Boulevard. |
15-0160-S699 CD 10 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated July 14, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $2,970.65, be recorded for the property at 5801 West Pico Boulevard. |
15-0160-S700 CD 8 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 8, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $2,129.82, be recorded for the property at 7020 South Vermont Avenue. |
15-0160-S701 CD 3 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 9, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $184.60, be recorded for the property at 7342 North Tampa Avenue. |
15-0160-S702 CD 14 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 17, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,257.36 be recorded, for the property at 1340 East 6th Street. |
15-0160-S703 CD 9 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 9, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,008.08 be recorded, for the property at 4373 South Vermont Avenue. |
15-0160-S704 CD 3 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 17, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,095.42 be recorded, for the property at 5260 North Campo Road. |
15-0160-S705 CD 4 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 22, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56 be recorded, for the property at 534 South Wilton Place |
15-0160-S706 CD 15 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 22, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56 be recorded, for the property at 737 West 139th Street. |
15-0160-S707 CD 3 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 9, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,429.36 be recorded, for the property at 7400 North Jordan Avenue. |
15-0160-S708 CD 15 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 10, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,452.15, be recorded for the property at 1340 East 6th Street. |
15-0160-S709 CD 3 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 9, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,676.13, be recorded for the property at 7422 North Jordan Avenue. |
15-0160-S713 CD 8 |
To Council
Building and Safety report, dated October 1, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $20,542.70, be recorded for the property at 1720 West 27th Street aka 2702 Brighton Avenue. |
15-0524 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 15-09-0778, dated October 5, 2015, relative to the Neighborhood Council presentations during City Council and Committee meetings. |
15-0600-S87 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Controller report, dated October 6, 2015, relative to the Preliminary Financial Report - Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015. |
15-1164 |
To Entertainment and Facilities Committee
City Clerk report, dated October 5, 2015, relative to the grant application to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission of the National Archives and Records Administration. |
15-1168 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Council President report, dated October 6, 2015, relative to the appointment of Melinda Murray to the City Ethics Commission. Ms. Murray will fill the vacancy created by Mrs. Erin Pak. |
15-1174 CD 9 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Price, Jr. - Martinez) - That the Bureau of Engineering be authorized to make an exception to the dedication/improvements required for property at 6026-2028 South Main Street (PCIS: 14016-1000-07148)relative to code compliance of a non-permitted bedroom, etc. |
15-1175 CD 14 |
To Arts, Parks and River Committee
Motion (Huizar - O'Farrell) - That the hours of operation at Ross Valencia Pocket Park at the intersection of East 1st Street and Chicago Street in Boyle Heights, be established as opening at sunrise and closing at sunset. |
15-1176 CD 9 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Price - Ryu) - That the intersection of West 29th Street and Orchard Avenue be named as "Dr. E. Wayne Gaddis, Sr. Square" and that the Department of Transportation be directed to fabricate and install permanent ceremonial signs to this effect at this location, in consultation with Council District 9. |
15-1177 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Koretz - Huizar) - That the Bureau of Engineering be directed to investigate the feasibility of the temporary closure of the walkway along Manning Avenue leading to cul-de-sacs at Edith Street and Philo Street, etc. |
15-1178 CD 15 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Buscaino - Blumenfield) - Resolve that Council, pursuant to the Municipal Code Section 80.69.4, hereby prohibits the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over 84 inches in height, during the hours of 2:00 am and 6:00 am along West 25th Street between the City boundary on the West and South Patton Avenue to the east; etc. |
15-1183 |
To Housing Committee
Motion (Price, Jr. - Martinez) - That the Council determine that pursuant to the Administrative Code, the public interest or necessity require the sale of property at 1010 Jefferson Boulevard to Hollywood Community Housing Corporation, etc. |
15-1184 |
To Trade, Commerce and Technology
Motion (Blumenfield - Wesson, Jr.) - That Council instruct the City Administrative Officer, and request the Los Angeles World Airports and City Attorney to report on the proposed transfer of ownership of LA/Ontario International Airport from the City of Los Angeles to the Ontario International Airport Authority. |
15-1185 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Motion (Harris-Dawson - Koretz) - That the Council instruct the Department of Animal Services to submit to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee a comprehensive report showing the allocation and distribution of animal control services in South Los Angeles, etc. |
15-1188 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Public Safety Committee Motion (Koretz - Krekorian - Harris-Dawson) - That the City Administrative Officer report on the feasibility of enacting a City sales tax on firearm and ammunition sales, etc. |
15-1189 |
To Transportation Committee
Motion (Martinez - Krekorian) - That the Council request the City Attorney and Department of Transportation to report on the feasibility of implementing a citywide ban on large vehicles that park overnight on City streets. |
15-1190 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Krekorian - Buscaino) - That the Council adopt the attached Resolution declaring the City's intent to reimburse itself for certain capital expenditures with the proceeds of a future tax-exempt lease financing. |
15-1191 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Bonin) - That the Council instruct the Department of City Planning, with the assistance of the Transportation Department, to explore parking options that will enhance the economic viability and walkability of 'Main Street Canoga Park,' etc. |
15-1192 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (Koretz - Huizar) - That the Council instruct the Planning Department, with the assistance of the City Attorney, and in consultation with Council District 5, to prepare an Interim Control Ordinance to prohibit the issuance of building permits for residential zoned properties in Encino, to stabilize the conflict of out-of scale homes; etc. |
15-1193 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Koretz - Huizar) - That the Department of City Planning, with the assistance of the Bureau of Engineering, waive the widening requirements for the proposed project at 3644, 3650, 3652, and 3658 Overland Avenue |