Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Thursday, September 24, 2015           
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  To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Board of Deferred Compensation Administration report, dated September 21, 2015, relative to authorize the Board of Deferred Compensation Administration to negotiate and execute contracts with total combined terms not to exceed five years for all Deferred Compensation Plan services and providers without additional Council approval; etc.

CD 5
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application submitted by Carol Lynn Nye Living Trust on September 23, 2015, relative to a Hardship Exemption for property at 14730 West Mulholland Drive.

  To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee

City Administrative Officer report 0130-01759-1149, dated September 23, 2015, relative to the Grants Pilot Program - Grant Acceptance Packet for the Los Angeles County Homeless Court Clinic Program.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R15-0246, dated September 23, 2015, relative to a settlement discussion in Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), in the case of Tushaha Howard v. City of Los Angeles, et al. and Irma Howard v. City of Los Angeles, et al.

  To Energy and Environment Committee
Department of Water and Power report, dated September 14, 2015, relative to a follow-up request to report on the Department of Water and Power's Home Water Report Pilot Study.

  To Energy and Environment Committee
Department of Water and Power report, dated September 14, 2015, relative to the feasibility and implementation for pool cover rebates.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R15-0243, dated September 22, 2015, relative to a settlement discussion in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), in the case of P.W., et al v. City of Los Angeles, et al.