Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Monday, August 31, 2015 | |
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15-0002-S80 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 15-08-0605, dated August 28, 2015, relative to a Resolution to include in the Citys 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position for ACR 56 (Linder) to declare a shelter pet as the Official State Pet for the State California. |
15-0002-S82 |
To Council
Chief Legislative Analyst report 15-08-0602, dated August 31, 2015, relative to a Resolution to include in its 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position for administrative action urging the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission to deny approval of the Phillips 66 Company Rail Spur Expansion Project. |
15-1022 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee Board of Neighborhood Commissioners report, dated August 28, 2015, relative to the pilot Online Voting Project for the 2016 Neighborhood Council Elections. |
15-1024 CD 14 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated August 31, 2015, relative to the final map of Tract No. 71141-01, located at 930 West Wilshire Boulevard northwesterly of Figueroa Street. |