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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, March 25, 2015 | |
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11-1924 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for April 1, 2015) Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Price) - That the Council Action of June 27, 2012, October 29, 2013, December 4, 2013 and January 30, 2015, relative to the advance of funds from Council District 10 to the Board of Public Works for the Cochran Avenue Community Greening Project, be amended according to the following instructions contained in the Motion. |
12-0010-S3 CD 8 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for April 1, 2015) Motion (Parks - Martinez) - That the Council reaffirm its findings for the reward offer relative to the unsolved murder of Brandon Jamall Shorts (Council Action of January 24, 2012) and that the reward offer be reinstated for an additional period of six months from the publication of the renewed offer of reward by the City Clerk; etc. |
13-0453-S1 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for April 1, 2015) Motion (Englander - OFarrell) - That the General Manager of the Housing and Community Investment Department, or designee, be authorized to negotiate and execute an amendment to City Contract No. C-119144 with Ride-On LA, relative to the construction of a facility to provide services to disabled individuals, subject to the approval of the City Attoney as to form and legality. |
13-1651 |
To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated March 25, 2015, relative to the reappointment of Daria Nunez to the Housing Authority for the term ending June 6, 2017. Ms. Nunez current term expires on June 6, 2015. |
14-0012 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
Mayor report, dated March 25, 2015, relative to the reappointment of Javier Gonzalez to the Cultural Affairs Commission for the term ending June 30, 2020. Mr. Gonzalez's current term expires on June 30, 2015. |
14-0988 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Mayor report, dated March 25, 2015, relative to the reappointment of Kimberly Chemerinsky to the Central Area Planning Commission for the term ending June 30, 2020. Ms. Chermerinsky's current term expires on June 30, 2015. |
14-1205 |
To Housing Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1124, dated March 25, 2015, relative to Housing and Community Investment Department's request to negotiate and execute a contract with the Southern California Housing Rights Center dba the Housing Rights Center to provide services for the Citywide Fair Housing Program. |
14-1288 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 24, 2015, relative to report back on the 2014 Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration grant application and other related actions to implement the new grant for the continuance of the Lead Hazard Remediation Program. |
15-0002-S5 |
To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 15-01-0060, dated March 25, 2015, relative to Resolution (Koretz - OFarrell) to include in the Citys 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position on SB 128: End of Life Option Act. |
15-0002-S27 |
To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Blumenfield - Englander) - Resolve that, with the concurrence of the Mayor and by adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position on AB 1222 (Bloom) that would provide additional provisions to towing companies when they provide assistance to stranded motorists. |
15-0002-S28 |
To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Krekorian, et al. - Fuentes, et al.) - Resolve that, with the concurrence of the Mayor and by adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2015-16 Federal Legislative Program its position on the Truth and Justice Resolution (H.Res.154). |
15-0005-S104 CD 2 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 25, 2015, and Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 6223 North Auckland Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program. |
15-0005-S105 CD 3 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 25, 2015, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 5183 North Topanga Canyon Boulevard from the Rent Escrow Account Program. |
15-0005-S106 CD 4 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 25, 2015, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 14212 West Tiara Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program. |
15-0005-S107 CD 9 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 25, 2015, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 634 West Vernon Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program, Case No. 5578. |
15-0005-S108 CD 9 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 25, 2015, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 634 West Vernon Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program, Case No. 375513. |
15-0010-S9 CD 9 |
To Council
Motion (Price - Cedillo) - That by adoption of this Motion, the City Council provide an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the injury of Barbara Summerfield on March 16, 2015, etc. |
15-0010-S9 CD 9 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Price - Cedillo) - That by adoption of this Motion, the City Council provide an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the injury of Barbara Summerfield on March 16, 2015, etc. |
15-0011-S9 CD 8 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 31, 2015) Motion (Parks - Martinez) - That funds in the Council District 8 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund be transferred to various accounts for various purposes in the amounts indicated in the Motion in the Neighborhood Empowerment Fund; etc. |
15-0011-S10 CD 7 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for April 1, 2015) Motion (Fuentes - Englander) - That funds in the Council District 7 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund be transferred / appropriated to the Board of Public Works Fund (Contractual Services) for the Foothill Boulevard Beautification Project and the Van Nuys Beautification Project with the assistance of the Hollywood Beautification Team in Council District 7. |
15-0148 |
To Energy and Environment Committee To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee City Attorney report R15-0087, dated March 25, 2015, relative to a revised draft Ordinance to approve Resolutions authorizing the establishment of a Joint Powers Authority for Water Project Financing. |
15-0337 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Energy and Environment Committee Board of Water and Power Commissioners report, dated March 20, 2015, relative to Resolution No. 015 175 which authorizes Transmittal of Preliminary Fiscal Year 2015-16 Department of Water and Power Budget - Water Revenue Fund Receipts and Appropriation Budget and Associated Schedules. |
15-0341 |
To Audits Committee
Controller report, datedMarch 2, 2015, relative to the Financial Forecast Report - March 1, 2015, for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2015-16 budget process. |
15-0342 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
Department of Cultural Affairs report, dated March 24, 2015, relative to a request for approval to apply for and accept a grant to Bloomberg Philanthropies Public Art Challenge and to negotiate and execute agreements to commission temporary public art projects to implement the grant award. |
15-0343 CD 13 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - LaBonge) - That the Council direct the City Engineer to reject the owner's offer to dedicate the 7 foot strip of land on the northern-most portion of the property located at 5750 Hollywood Boulevard, adjacent to Hollywood Boulevard, as the dedication is not necessary to satisfy area mobility needs for at least the next twenty years etc. |
15-0354 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 18, 2015, relative to authorization to release a Request for Proposals for the 2015-16 Handyworker Program Year and various related actions. |
15-0600-S1 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Krekorian - Wesson, Jr.) - That the Council instruct the City Administrative Officer and Chief Legislative Analyst to report to the Budget and Finance Committee before April 20, 2015, with an overview of the Committees' annual budget hearing process, etc. |