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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Friday, March 20, 2015 | |
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13-0192 |
To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated March 19, 2015, relative to the progress report on the formulation of Multiple-Provider Carshare Permit Program. |
13-1395-S7 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-10347-0000, dated March 20, 2015, relative to a request from the Department on Disability to execute sixteen (16) service contracts to provide HIV prevention services throughout the City of Los Angeles. |
14-0023 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
City Ethics Commission report, dated March 20, 2015, relative to the pre-confirmation financial disclosure statement of Larry Gross. |
14-0600-S256 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0116-00001-0000, dated March 20, 2015, relative to an Addendum to the 2014-15 Third (Mid-Year) Financial Status Report. |
14-0601 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
Bureau of Engineering report, dated March 20, 2015, relative to the status of working groups, agreements, progress and implementation of the Los Angeles River Revitaliztion Master Plan. |
14-0604 |
To Council
City Ethics Commission report, dated March 20, 2015, relative to the pre-confirmation financial disclosure statement of Javier Nunez. |
14-1322-S2 CD 13 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Price) - That the Council instruct the Bureau of Engineering to waive the requirement for a 2-foot dedication and improvement of a walkway easement along Lot 16 of Block L, associated with the construction of the new high school at 1552 West Rockwood Street and walk vacation, etc. |
14-1371-S2 |
To Economic Development Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst and City Administrative Officer joint report, dated March 19, 2015, relative to the Citywide Minimum Wage Study. |
14-1427 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
Department of Aging report, dated March 17, 2015, relative to authorization to negotiate a contract with the successful proposer for the 2015-2019 Emergency Alert Response System (EARS) Program Request for Proposals (RFP). |
14-1477-S1 CD 14 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Huizar - Fuentes) - That the City Engineer be authorized and directed to issue a Revocable Permit to close, fence, occupy and construct in the public right-of-way in the northerly terminus of the alley east of 1200 South Figueroa Street (from approximately 280 feet north of Pico Boulevard's centerline to approximately 340 feet north of Pico Boulevard's centerline) for the completion of the conditions of Tract Map 53384, etc. |
15-0317 CD 4 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Appeal submitted, March 19, 2015, relative to the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners decision for a haul route at 3923-3941 North Hopevale Drive. |
15-0319 CD 15 |
To Council
Motion (Buscaino - Krekorian) - That the attached personal services contract with Norman Emerson for providing services to the Fifteenth Council District as set forth therein, be approved. |
15-0320 CD 10 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated March 20, 2015, relative to a final map of Tract No. 72217 located at 5930 West Sawyer Street, lying southwesterly of Sawyer Street and northwesterly of Fairfax Avenue. |
15-0321 CD 2, 5 |
To Council
Motion (Krekorian - Koretz) - That the Council, in accordance with the Municipal Code, approve the street banner program in support of the "America, We Thank You" as a City of Los Angeles event street banner program; etc. |
15-0322 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Motion (Fuentes - Blumenfield) - That the Department of Water and Power be requested to report to the City Council in 30 days relative to its benchmarking assessment Phase I findings. |
15-0323 CD 11 |
To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
Motion (Bonin - Blumenfield) - That the Department of General Services negotiate and execute individual lease agreements at significantly reduced rates with each of the offices of State Senator Ben Allen, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, and Congressmemeber Ted Lieu for use of portions of the West Los Angeles Municipal Building located at 1645 Corinth Avenue, Los Angeles. |
15-0324 CD 14 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated March 20, 2015, relative to a final map of Parcel Map L.A. No. 2014-0599 located at 1550 North San Pablo Street northerly of Alcazar Street. |