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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Friday, February 27, 2015 | |
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13-1070 CD 11 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for March 4, 2015) Motion (Bonin - Buscaino) - That the Council Action of September 24, 2013 relative to an appeal for property located at 11764 West Idaho Avenue be rescinded and that the matter be referred back to the West Los Angeles Planning Commission to supplement its findings in the matter prescribed by the Court's order. |
13-1672 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 15-0020, dated February 17, 2015, relative to the recommendation of a qualified vendor to provide official police garage towing and storage services for Service Area 18. |
14-0600-S40 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-04984-0000, dated February 26, 2015, relative to a special studies report on the resources required to create a centralized grants office in the Office of the City Administrative Officer. |
14-1648 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-06542-0006, dated February 26, 2015, relative to an agreement with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Incorporated to provide targeted-destination ambulance services to Kaiser facilities. |
15-0010-S8 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for March 4, 2015) Motion (Parks - Martinez) - That by adoption of this Motion, the Council provide an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the hit-and-run of Michael Darrell Adkins on February 10, 2015, etc. |
15-0011-S5 CD 4 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for March 4, 2015) Motion (LaBonge - Buscaino) - That funds from the Council District 4 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund be utilized to pay for the posting of Temporary No Parking Signage to allow for tree trimming on Ventura Boulevard, etc. |
15-0147 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
City Attorney report R15-0056, dated February 27, 2015, relative to the draft Ordinance authorizing the award of one design-build contract for the decompassioning, disablement, demolition and removal of Scattergood Generating Station Unit 3 pursuant to a competitive sealed proposal. |
15-0236 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Fire and Police Pensions report, dated February 25, 2015, relative to the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Annual Report for the Department of Fire and Police Pensions. |
15-0243 CD 15 |
To Trade, Commerce and Tourism Committee
Board of Harbor Commissioners report, dated February 26, 2015, relative to Board Resolution No. 15-7750 approving Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) General Purpose Operating Agreement No. 15-3307 with Spectrum Brands, Incorporated, FTZ 202, Site 20A. |
15-0244 CD 15 |
To Trade, Commerce and Tourism Committee
Board of Harbor Commissioners report, dated February 26, 2015, relative to Board Resolution No. 15-7749 approving Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) General Purpose Operating Agreement No. 15-3306 with Schenker, Incorporated, FTZ 202, Site 41. |
15-0245 |
To Public Safety Committee
Mayor report, dated February 26, 2015, relative to the request for authority to accept Grant Award for the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, Fiscal Year 2014 Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program. |
15-0246 CD 8 |
To Council
Motion (Parks - Koretz) - That pursuant to Section 245 of the City Charter (PROP 5), and consistent with the advice of the City Attorney, Council assert jurisdiction over the January 28, 2015 East Los Angeles Area Planning Commission failure to take action, and therefore, effective denial of the appeal, in the matter of an Appeal of Case No. ZA-2001-5451-CU-PA1-1A, for the property located at 3721 North Marmion Way. |
15-0248 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-08795-0003, dated Febrary 27, 2015, relative to the authority for the Director of Finance to proceed with executing an amendment to Contract No. C-122244 with Transworld Systems, Incorporated (formerly NCO Financial Services) for continuation of services related to the collection of delinquent accounts owed to the City. |
15-0249 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-03892-0071, dated February 27, 2015, relative to the Grant Acceptance Packet for the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), Fiscal Year 2014-15 Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach (UVAO) Program. |
15-0250 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for March 4, 2015) Motion (Huizar for Fuentes - Martinez - Buscaino) - That the Bureau of Engineering be authorized to execute a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Water and Power to accept the funds to implement Green Street Elements in the Sun Valley EDA Public Improvment Project, etc. |
15-0251 CD 11 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Bonin - Buscaino) - That the Council, pursuant to the Municipal Code, hereby prohibits the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 7 feet in height, or 22 feet in length, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. at various locations; etc. |
15-0252 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Parks) - That the Fire Department and the Police Department be directed to report on the special needs treatment and procedures which may be currently in place and which may be needed when called for service involving dementia persons. |
15-0253 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Controller report, dated February 27, 2015, relative to the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Report on the Application of Agreed-upon Procedures related to the Article XIII_B Appropriation Limit Calculation. |