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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, January 07, 2015 | |
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10-0224 CD 14 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for January 14, 2015) Motion (Huizar - Buscaino) - That the Council amend Council File 10-0224 relative to an alley vacation to revise Condition 6F in the Bureau of Engineerings report to read: Widen La Loma Road by 2 feet on the south side, construct integral curb and gutter and a 10 foot sidewalk between Figueroa Street and the driveway at station 6+33 as described in plans Index P-37640. |
12-1041 CD 15 |
To Economic Development Committee
City Clerk report dated December 12, 2014, relative to the San Pedro Historic Waterfront Business Improvement District's 2014 Fiscal Year Annual Planning Report. |
14-0443 |
To Ad Hoc on Film and TV Production Jobs Committee
Department of Water and Power (DWP) report, dated December 29, 2014, relative to request to consider allowing the film industry to utilize parking at the John Ferraro Building and other DWP facilities for film industry use. |
14-0876-S2 CD 14 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for January 14, 2015) Motion (Huizar - Buscaino) - That funds in the Pipeline Franchise Revenue portion of the Council District 14 Real Property Trust Fund be transferred/appropriated/allocated to the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services Fund to perform beautification services in Council District 14. |
14-1401 |
To Ad Hoc on Film and TV Production Jobs Committee
Department of Water and Power report, dated December 29, 2014, relative to a request to report to Council with a comprehensive list of available buildings, facilities, open space, and parking lots that could reasonably accommodate production shoots or basecamps. |
14-1431-S1 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Buscaino) - That the Council, subject to approval of the Mayor, authorize the Department of Transportation to accept funds from AT&T, deposit the funds and appropriate therefrom to Fund Salaries Overtime Account, to cover the cost of expedited reviews of traffic control plans. |
15-0005 CD 1 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated January 7, 2015, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 1052 South Dewey Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S1 CD 4 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated January 7, 2015, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 1400 North Mansfield Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S2 CD 8 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated January 7, 2015, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 9320 South Figueroa Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S3 CD 10 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated January 7, 2015, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 2550 South 3rd Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0012 CD 2 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated January 5, 2015, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Lankershim Boulevard and Otsego Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
15-0013 CD 11 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated January 5, 2015, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Bellanca Avenue and Manchester Avenue Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
15-0014 CD 15 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated January 5, 2015, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Pacific Coast Highway and Figueroa Place Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
15-0015 CD 2 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
South Valley Area Planning Commission report, dated January 6, 2015, relative to zone change for the property located at 11430-11436 West Hatteras Street. |
15-0016 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 14-0461, dated January 6, 2015, relative to the grant application and award for National Institute for Justice (NIJ) Fiscal Year 2014 DNA Capacity Enhancement and Backlog Reduction Program from the NIJ. |
15-0018 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Motion (Buscaino - Bonin) - That the Department of Water and Power and the Bureau of Sanitation be requested/instructed to report to the Council in 30 days on their water supply efforts, and in particular the current status of recycled water projects - the Harbor Refineries Pipeline Project (HRPP) and the Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF) expansion, etc. |
15-0019 CD 3 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Buscaino) - That the Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, authorize the Department of Transportation to accept funds from the Westfield LLC, developer of The Village at Westfield Topanga Project, deposit the funds into Fund B-permits Revenue Source, and transfer therefrom to Fund Salaries Overtime Account, to cover the cost of an ongoing expedited review of the striping and signal plan for the B-permit design work associated with the Project. |
15-0020 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (Bonin - Krekorian) - That the Council instruct the City Planning to report back in 45 days on the best practices of other jurisdictions, including the County of Los Angeles, to ensure proper resource allocation for condition inspections and enforcement; etc. |
15-0021 CD 15 |
To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
Motion (Buscaino - Blumenfield) - That the Council instruct the Department of General Services to negotiate and execute a lease for 501 North Mesa Street, San Pedro, CA 90731 for a new Gang Alternatives Program office for the amount of one dollar per fiscal year, subject to City Attorney review and approval as to form and legality. |
15-0022 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (LaBonge - Englander) - That the Police Department (LAPD) report on cyber-crimes perpetrated in Los Angeles and its efforts to combat cyber-crimes, including any data on how many instances of cyber-crimes occur in Los Angeles every year, and to report on the feasibility of establishing a Cyber Crimes Division within the LAPD to investigate and prosecute individuals who commit cyber-crimes in the City of Los Angeles. |
15-0023 CD 6 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for January 14, 2015) Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Englander) - Resolve that, pursuant to Council Rule 18, regular meetings of the Council shall be held in the Van Nuys City Hall, as follows: Friday, February 6, 2015; Friday, April 17, 2015; Friday June 5, 2015; Friday August 7, 2015; Friday, October 9, 2015; Friday, December 4, 2015. |
15-0170 CD 3 |
To Council
Office of Finance report dated, January 6, 2015, relative to the proposed tax lien of $23,512.48, be recorded for real or personal property of Accent on Home Care Incorporated at 18520 Burbank Boulevard, Unit 103, Tarzana. |
15-0170-S1 CD 9 |
To Council
Office of Finance report, dated January 6, 2015, relative to the proposed tax lien of $13,669.82, be recorded for real or personal property of Central Inn Incorporated at 954 East 88th Street, Los Angeles. |
15-0170-S2 CD 3 |
To Council
Office of Finance report, dated January 6, 2015, relative to the proposed tax lien of $26,315.68, be recorded for real or personal property of Collections Solutions Software Incorporated at 5950 Canoga Avenue, Suite 120, Woodland Hills. |
15-0170-S3 CD 5 |
To Council
Office of Finance report, dated January 6, 2015, relative to the proposed tax lien of $19,501.31, be recorded for real or personal property of Westside Ventures Incorporated at 3388 South Robertson Boulevard, Los Angeles. |