Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Tuesday, December 02, 2014           
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CD 1
  To Council (Tentatively scheduled for December 9, 2014)
Motion (Cedillo - Price) - That the Council reaffirm its findings for the reward offer relative to the unsolved murder of Michelle Lozano (Council Action of February 1, 2012) and that the reward offer be reinstated for an additional period of six months from the publication of the renewed offer of reward by the City Clerk, etc.

CD 10
  To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Blumenfield) - That the Department of General Services be instructed to effectuate a non-financial transfer of jurisdiction for the following properties to the Department of Recreation and Parks: 1903 West Cordova Street (APN: 5074-027-900) and 2436-2508 West Boulevard (APNs: 5050-6-900, 902, 903, 907, 912).

CD 5
  To Council (Tentatively scheduled for December 9, 2014)
Motion (Koretz - LaBonge) - That the Council, in accordance with the Municipal Code, approve the street banner program identifying the La Cienega Design Quarter (LCDQ) as a City of Los Angeles Non-Event Street Banner Program.

  To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 13-11-1015, dated November 25, 2014, relative to actions updating the process for collecting and disbursing funds relative to the Arts Development Fee.

  To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0170, dated November 26, 2014, relative to the acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2014 Securing the Cities grant award and budget modifications to the Fiscal Year 2012 and 2013 Securing the Cities grant awards.

  To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 14-08-0607, dated December 2, 2014, relative to Resolution to include in the Citys 2015-16 State Legislation Program its position for legislation that would strengthen the enforcement of laws regulating unsafe excavation practices, etc.

CD 9
  To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated December 2, 2014, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 1457 East 48th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 10
  To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated December 2, 2014, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 1654 South Hobart Boulevard from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 13
  To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated December 2, 2014, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 1027 North Bonnie Brae Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 13
  To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated December 2, 2014, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 1031 North Bonnie Brae Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 14
  To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated December 2, 2014, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 4642 East Grey Drive from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 14
  To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated December 2, 2014, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 4675 East Grey Drive from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

  To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
City Attorney Report R14-0436, dated December 2, 2014, relative to the request to destroy certain obsolete records from the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Parking Operations Support and Adjudication / Research and Compliance Division (DOT/62 - 564 Boxes) for the period of December 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009.

  To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
City Attorney Report R14-0437, dated December 2, 2014, relative to the request to destroy certain obsolete records from the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Parking Operations Support and Adjudication / Research and Compliance Division (DOT/62 - 616 Boxes) for the period of March 31, 2009 to June 30, 2009.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0640-01399-0065, dated November 26, 2014, relative to the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Second Construction Projects Report.

  To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 14-0423, dated November 25, 2014, relative to modifying the Municipal Code relating to the Massage Therapist Permit and the Adult Entertainment to comply with Assembly Bill (AB) 1147.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R14-0434, dated November 25, 2014, relative to a settlement discussion in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), in the case of State Farm General Insurance Company v. City of Los Angeles for inverse condemnation for damages caused by sewer blockage at 10883 Chalon Road, Bel Air.

CD 13
  To Council (Tentatively scheduled for December 9, 2014)
Motion (O'Farrell - Parks) - That Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, appropriate funds from the Unappropriated Balance Fund to the General Services Fund (Salaries - As Needed), for services in connection with the November 13, 2014 Council District 13 special reception for Liberty Hill Foundation in the City Hall Tom Bradley Room.

  To Housing Committee
Mayor report dated December 1, 2014, relative to the appointment of Dash Stolarz to the Rent Adjustment Commission for the term ending May 20, 2018. Ms. Stolarz will fill the vacancy created by Jose Oliva, whom has been removed.

CD 13
  To Council (Tentatively scheduled for December 9, 2014)
Motion (O'Farrell - Krekorian) - That Council waive all City of Los Angeles Bond policies to allow the California Municipal Finance Authority to issue the bonds on behalf of the mixed-use affordable housing facility project located at 3200 West Temple Street and instruct the City Clerk to schedule a Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) hearing on the agenda for the City Council Meeting; etc.

CD 11
  To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
Motion (Bonin - Blumenfield) - That Council direct the Asset Management Strategic Planning Unit of the City Administrative Officer, in conjunction with the Economic and Workforce Development Department, Chief Legislative Analyst, Department of General Services, and any other necessary departments, to designate 1900 South Bundy Drive / 11950 West Missouri Avenue as intended for economic development, purpose, projects, or activities; etc.

  To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Bonin - Buscaino) - That Council request the Board of Public Works require a 30-day public notice and public hearing for any permit application for the removal of three or more trees on private property and also require that tree removal permit extensions be limited to one three-month extension after the expiration of the initial 90-day period.

  To Economic Development Committee
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee

Motion (Bonin - Wesson, Jr. - Huizar) - That Council direct the City Administrative Officer and the Chief Legislative Analyst, in conjunction with the relevant City Departments and the City Attorney to review short-term rental regulations recently adopted or proposed by San Francisco, Portland, Oregon and other cities in California and other states; etc.

  To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Blumenfield - Huizar - Koretz) - Resolve that the City of Los Angeles honors the contributions of Angelenos who worked tirelessly to pass the 1994 California Desert Protection Act and recommits itself to the protection of the desert environment, etc.

  To Public Safety Committee
Mayor report, dated December 1, 2014, relative to the budget modifications and reallocation of funds for the Fiscal Year 2010 Edward Bryne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) award from the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance.

  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
City Planning report, dated November 14, 2014, relative to the proposed zone correction ordinance for 2718-2722 Compton Avenue and 2701 Nevin Avenue.

  To Economic Development Committee
Workforce Investment Board and Economic and Workforce Development Department joint report, dated December 1, 2014, relative to authorization to accept and expend grant award to provide training and re-employment services to job seekers experiencing homelessness, formerly incarcerated individuals and disconnected youth.

  To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Mayor report, dated December 1, 2014, relative to the re-exemption of one (1) Veterinarian position for the Zoo Department.

CD 1
  To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated December 2, 2014, relative to a final map of Tract No. 71749 at 2927-2941 West Francis Avenue and 2914-2924 West 8th Street easterly of Vermont Avenue.

CD 10
  To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated December 2, 2014, relative to a final map of Parcel Map No. 2012-0220 at 3217 South Fay Avenue northerly of Washington Boulevard.