Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Tuesday, November 04, 2014 | |
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13-0478 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
City Attorney report R14-0396, dated October 31, 2014, relative to a draft ordinance amending the Municipal Code to allow the landscaping, including the planting of edible plant materials within the parkway portion of the street in an area zoned for residental use. |
13-0723-S3 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-04668-0010, relative to Fiscal Year 2014-15 Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) Program extensions and related actions. |
13-1193-S1 CD 4 |
To Transportation Committee
Motion (LaBonge - OFarrell) - That CalTrans be requested to report to the City Council with a report with recommendations on how to enhance the significance and the accessibility of the portions of Route 66 located in the City of Los Angeles |
13-1364-S2 |
To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Attorney report R14-0393, dated October 31, 2014, relative to a draft ordinance amending the City Election Code to allow processing vote-by-mail ballots postmarked by election day. |
14-0002-S102 |
To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Buscaino - Blumenfield) - Resolve that, with the concurrence of the Mayor and by the adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2015-16 Federal Legislative Program its position for any proposal to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of the United States (U.S.) for five years, which would give certainity to U.S. exporters, large and small, while sending a message to the world that the U.S. is open for business. |
14-0011-S26 CD 4 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2014) Motion (LaBonge - Krekorian) - That funds from the Council District 4 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund be transferred/appropriated to the Street Services Fund for services in connection with the Commonwealth at Dundee Place Irrigation Repair Project; etc. |
14-0011-S27 CD 1 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2014) Motion (Cedillo - Buscaino) - That funds in the Council District 1 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund be transferred/appropriated to the Street Services Fund (Contractual Services) for installation and removal of holiday lights at the median island at 4044 Eagle Rock Boulevard in Council District 1. |
14-0011-S28 CD 13 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2014) Motion (OFarrell - Parks) - That funds from the Council District 13 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund be transferred/appropriated to the Integrated Solid Waste Management Trust (Reimbursement of Expenditures) for the purchase and installation of Automated Litter Bins in Council District 13; etc. |
14-0148-S1 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (LaBonge - Buscaino) - That the Board of Public Works be directed to report back to the City Council with a list of locations that identify existing storage containers on the streets of Los Angeles, with recommendations on how to prevent these containers from being in the public rights-of-way and on how the Bureau of Street Services Investigation and Enforcement Bureau can improve regulations over these visibility obstructions. |
14-0257-S2 CD 14 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2014) Motion (Huizar - Blumenfield) - That the City Council authorize the Controller to appropriate funds from Central Los Angeles Recycling and Transfer Station Community Amenities Trust Fund to Planning's General Fund (Contractual Services) for survey work of Berkshire Historic Preservation Preservation Overlay Zone. |
14-0813-S1 |
To Transportation Committee
Motion (LaBonge - OFarrell) - That the Department of Transportation be instructed to prepare a report outlining the efficiency of Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control since its implementation in February 2013, current and future improvements that will better the flow of traffic for the City of Los Angeles, and recommendations on how to educate and involve the public to make this signal synchronization progam more effective. |
14-1134-S1 |
To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Price) - That the General Services Department, Real Estate Services Division, be authorized to effectuate a non-financial transfer of jurisdiction and control of certain City owned property from the jurisdiction of the General Services Department to the Department of Transportation, within APN 5024-019-(903 & 904), subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form. |
14-1197-S1 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Motion (LaBonge - Fuentes) - That the Department of Water and Power be requested to report back with a study on the potential benefits of implementing artificial grass for home installations and how it can make an impact in the current drought conditions. |
14-1312 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0130-02010-0002, dated November 3, 2014, relative to the acceptance of the grant award for the 2014 Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Grant Program from the State of California for the term July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. |
14-1350 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
City Attorney report R14-0395, dated October 31, 2014, relative to a draft ordinance amending the Municipal Code to establish the hours during which beach parks under the control, operation or management of the Board of Recreation and Parks will open and close to the public. |
14-1350-S1 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
City Attorney report R14-0397, dated October 31, 2014, relative to a discussion in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) regarding threatened litigation concerning the hours of operation of beach parks. |
14-1375 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-03790-0043, dated October 31, 2014, relative to the 2012 Solving Cold Cases with Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Program grant extension and modification. |
14-1446 |
To Council
City Administrative Officer report, dated October 31, 2014, relative to the recommendation for an annual salary of Wendy Grace Macy as the permanent General Manager of Personnel Department. |
14-1499-S1 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (LaBonge - Buscaino) - That the Chief Legislative Analyst, Bureau of Street Services, Bureau of Sanitation, and General Services Department be instructed to work together to make an assessment with recommendations on how to clean up neighborhoods by better coordinating City services, etc. |
14-1500 CD 4 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Aging, and River Committee
Department of Recreation and Parks report, dated October 31, 2014, relative to the request for the future operation and management of the Greek Theater Concession in Griffith Park. |
14-1501 CD 7 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
North Valley Area Planning Commission report, dated October 31, 2014, relative to an appeal at 12361 and 12385 North San Fernando Road. |
14-1502 |
To Council
Port of Los Angeles report, dated October 29, 2014, relative to request approval of foreign travel of Harbor Commissioners Ambassador Vilma Martinez and Edward R. Renwick. |
14-1503 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-03892-0070, dated November 3, 2014, relative to the Grant Acceptance Packet for the third year funding for the California Victim Compensation Board, Joint Powers of Verification Unit Sub-award through Los Angeles County. |
14-1504 CD 5 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated November 4, 2014, relative to final map of Tract No. 71717 at 806-814 North Formosa Avenue northerly of Waring Avenue. |
14-1505 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2014) Motion (Martinez - LaBonge) - That the City Council accept the generous donation by Waste Management of the thirty (30) special event boxes, and that Council District 6 be authorized to accept the donation, thank the donor on behalf of the City, and place the donated boxes in and around City Hall to collect books during The Love of Reading Book Drive from November 5-31, 2014. |
14-1506 CD 13 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2014) Motion (OFarrell - LaBonge) - That funds in the Hollywood Mobility Trust Fund account in the Council District 13 Public Benefits Trust Fund be appropriated/allocated/utilized/spent for specialized services by Deborah Murphy Urban Design and Planning to initiate work on a pedestrian safety plan for Hollywood, etc. |
14-1507 CD 9 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2014) Motion (Price - Bonin) - That City Council request the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance amending the Municipal Code which establishes regulations for the parking of vehicles for private sale on certain city streets or public lands, to prohibit the parking of such vehicles with a "For Sale" sign on Gage Avenue between Street between Central Avenue and Avalon Boulevard. |
14-1508 CD 15 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for November 12, 2014) Motion (Buscaino - Bonin) - That funds in the Wilmington Beautification Trust Account in the Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund be transferred/appropriated to the Board of Public Works Fund (Contractual Services) for services to be provided by the Los Angeles Conservation Corps relative to additions and improvements at the East Wilmington Greenbelt Vest Pocket Park in the community of Wilmington. |
14-1509 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Englander, et al. - OFarrell) - That the City Attorney be authorized to accept the offer of the law firm of Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe, LLP, to assist, on a pro bono basis, the City Attorney in representing the City in the United States Supreme Court in the case of City of Los Angeles v. Patel, and to process and execute any documentation as may be needed in this matter; etc |
14-1516 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (LaBonge - Fuentes) - That the Los Angeles Fire Department be instructed to study and report back on the feasibility of amending the Red Flag Warning to protect the numerous narrow substandard streets in these hillside neighborhoods located from the base of the Santa Monica Mountains to Griffith Park on the West, through the Hollywood Hills all the way to West Hollywood and West Los Angeles. |
14-1517 CD 1 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Cedillo - Buscaino) - That the Bureau of Engineering, with the assistance of the Deartment of City Planning and the Department of Building and Safey, be instructed to waive the roadway widening improvement requirements along 8th Street and Union Avenue, as provided under the Municipal Code, for the project located at 1550 West 8th Street, etc. |
14-1518 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Motion (LaBonge - Fuentes) - That the Department of Water and Power and the Fire Department be instructed to identify locations in which the Fire Departtment can utilize hydrants located at open body reservoirs, and the feasibility of using these locations for training practices. |
14-1519 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (Cedillo - Bonin - Krekorian) - That the Council request the City Attorney, with the assistance of the Planning Department and the Housing Community Investment Department, to prepare and present an Ordinance that provides consistency between the Citys Density Bonus Ordinance and amendments that have been made to the State Density Bonus Act with the enactment into law of AB 2222 effective January 1, 2015, and prior amendments in 2008 with the enactment into law of AB 2280. |
14-1520 |
To Trade, Commerce and Tourism Committee
Motion (LaBonge - Bonin - Huizar) - That the Los Angeles World Airports be requested to report back to the City Council on how to proceed with encouraging the United States Department of Transportation to consider a proposal for nonstop services from the Los Angeles International Airport to the Chubu Centrair International Airport. |
14-1521 CD 4 |
To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
Motion (LaBonge - OFarrell) - That the City Administrative Officer, Chief Legislative Analyst, Police Department, Fire Department, General Services Department and all other relevant City agencies be instructed to study the entire site, including all adjacent parcels, and report back to the Los Angeles City Council on the feasibility of expanding and creating a new civic center in Hollywood for the future. |
14-1522 CD 4 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (LaBonge - OFarrell) - That the Council initiate consideration of Dantes View, located on the Mount Hollywood Train in Griffith Park, as a City Historic-Cultural Monument under the procedures of the Administrative Code, and instruct the Planning Department to prepare the Historic-Cultural Monument application for review and consideration by the Cultural Heritage Commission. |