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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Tuesday, August 12, 2014 | |
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14-0002-S89 |
To Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (LaBonge - Buscaino) - Resolve that, with the concurrence of the Mayor and by adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2013-14 State Legislative Program its position for SB 511 (Lieu) which would establish the California Export Finance Office and require the Governors Office of Business and Economic Development to convene a statewide business partnership for promotion of trade and explore greater utilization of California ports. |
14-0005-S322 CD 14 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated August 11, 2014, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 2857 East Cincinnati Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), Case No. 321242. |
14-0005-S323 CD 14 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated August 11, 2014, and a Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 2857 East Cincinnati Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), Case No. 401409. |
14-0010-S20 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for August 19, 2014) Motion (LaBonge - Koretz - Englander) - That by adoption of this Motion, the Council provides an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the Purse Packing Bandit, responsible for series of robberies committed in the West Los Angeles area, and in support thereof, make the following findings pursuant to the Administrative Code; etc. |
14-0078-S2 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Motion (Bonin - Fuentes - Blumenfield) - That the Council request the Department of Water and Power (DWP) to report to the Council on the feasibility of implementing the policy recommendations as stated in the Motion from the UCLA report titled Residential Water Consumption in Los Angeles: What are the drivers and are conservation measures working?, or on the progress of any similar existing efforts already underway at the DWP; etc. |
14-0078-S3 |
To Innovation, Technology and General Services Committee
Motion (Bonin - Fuentes - Blumenfield) - That Departments of Water and Power and General Services immediately cease irrigation of turfgrass on large lawns located on City property that are not specifically intended for recreation, etc. |
14-0600-S208 |
To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated August 8, 2014, relative to street re-striping and traffic loop installations related to Pavement Preservation Projects. |
14-0600-S220 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee To Transportation Committee Department of Transportation report, dated August 8, 2014, relative to street re-striping and traffic loop installations related to Pavement Preservation Projects. |
14-0810 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 14-08-0574, dated August 12, 2014, relative to Motion (LaBonge - Fuentes) regarding a donation of a surplus horse to Footprints 4 Life. |
14-0813 |
To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated August 8, 2014, relative to street re-striping and traffic loop installations related to Pavement Preservation Projects. |
14-0853 |
To Housing Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1097, dated August 11, 2014, relative the authorization to release a Request for Proposal for the Housing and Community Investment Department Systems Division for Information Technology Professional services. |
14-1111 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated August 11, 2014, relative to the establishment of salary for the new class of Senior Port Electrical Mechanic (Class Code 3847). |
14-1111 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
City Attorney report R14-0300, dated August 11, 2014, relative to the draft Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 182982 (Amending Section of the Administrative Code for 2014-15 to 2015-16 Fiscal Year salaries and Benefits) to provide a salary for the new, non-represented class of Senior Port Electrical Mechanic (Code 3847). |
14-1112 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Wesson, Jr., et al. - Buscaino - LaBonge) - That Council authorize the Controller to release funds to the Joint Safety Institute (JSI) and Joint Training Institute (JTI) Trust pursuant to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 18 MOU and final conditions outlined in the Motion; etc. |
14-1115 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Public Safety Committee Motion (Englander - Wesson, Jr. - Koretz) - That the City Administrative Officer, in consultation with the Chief Legislative Analyst, be directed to prepare a comprehensive analysis of police officer compensation and compare that information to neighboring jurisdictions and other departments of similar size in California and other parts of the United States which should include all of the information as mentioned in the Motion; etc. |
14-1116 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Englander - Bonin) - That the Fire Department be directed to work with PulsePoint to implement emergency alerts in the Fire Departments area of coverage, so that emergency alerts will be issued in the City of Los Angeles when an individual has suffered cardiac arrest and needs Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). |