Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Wednesday, May 01, 2024           
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  To Civil Rights, Equity, Immigration, Aging and Disability Committee
Mayor report, dated May 1, 2024, relative to the 50th Program Year (2023-24) of the Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan.

CD 12
  To Council
Resolution (Lee - Park) relative to designating 15711 Roscoe Boulevard; Woodley Avenue and 118 Freeway; Lassen Street and 405 Freeway; Plummer Street and 405 Freeway; Hayvenhurst Avenue and 118 Freeway; Gaynor Avenue and 118 Freeway, in Council District 12, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 41.18 (c), for enforcement against sitting, lying, sleeping, or storing, using, maintaining, or placing personal property, or otherwise obstructing the public right-of-way.