Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Tuesday, November 07, 2023           
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CD 7
  To Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee
Motion (Rodriguez - Krekorian) relative to amending the Council Actions of June 21, 2016, February 13, 2019, and June 19, 2019, regarding approval of the use of tax-exempt CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) from the Pacoima/Panorama City Redevelopment Project Area, to make budget modifications.

  To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Padilla - Park) relative to instructing the Fire Department to report on the status of SAFER grant programming and staffing to support a second Fire Engine at Fire Station 7 and its delivery of services to the community.

CD 11
  To Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee
Board of Airport Commissioners report, dated October 2, 2023, relative to Board Resolution No. 27813, which authorizes the Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles World Airports, to execute a Change Order to Contract DA-5277 with LAX Integrated Express Solutions, LLC, for the Landside Access Modernization Program's Automated People Mover Project at Los Angeles International Airport, for the Global Roadways Claim.

CD 14
  To Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee
Motion (de Leon - Rodriguez) relative to directing/authorizing the Economic and Workforce Development Department to negotiate with the County of Los Angeles on the development of an application package for the Downtown Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District, and to report on a quarterly basis.

  To Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee
Motion (Rodriguez for Blumenfield - Krekorian) relative to the transfer/appropriation of funds between various department accounts and funds, as specified in this Motion, that must be approved prior to consideration of the First Financial Status Report, to meet urgent contract obligations and operational needs.

CD 2
  To Council
Motion (Krekorian - McOsker) relative to the transfer/appropriation of funds from the General City Purposes Fund for a recycling pilot program in which debris, or grapple scrap, will be moved to roll off dumpsters.

CD 6
  To Council
Motion (Padilla - Hernandez) relative to approving a personal services contract with Creatrix Management Group, LLC, to provide services to Council District Six.

  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (Padilla - Harris-Dawson - Price) relative to requesting the City Attorney prepare and present an ordinance with an urgency clause that amends the Los Angeles Municipal Code to extend the existing one calendar year deadline to complete the Pre-Application Review process for commercial cannabis licenses, and to extend the Department of Cannabis Regulation's authority to issue new Temporary Approvals.