Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Wednesday, August 16, 2023           
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  To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-10464-0007, dated June 27, 2023, relative to authorizing the Los Angeles Police Department to execute the 21st Amendment to Contract No. C-123897 with Motorola Solutions, Incorporated, for the Land Mobile Radio network and the PremierOne Computer-Aided Dispatch System.

CD 9
  To Public Works Committee
Motion (Price - Lee) relative to directing the Bureau of Engineering to issuing a Revocable Permit to allow the owner of property at 3900-3972 South Figueroa Street, 3901-3969 South Flower Drive, and 450 West 39th Street, to close, gate, occupy, demolish, excavate and commence construction of permanent improvements.

  To Personnel, Audits, and Hiring Committee
Personnel Department report, dated August 9, 2023, relative to the specific implementation, benchmarks and hiring goals for the Targeted Local Hiring and Strategic Workforce Development Task Force.

  To Housing and Homelessness Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2023, relative to the reappointment of Ms. Belinda Allen to the Affordable Housing Commission, for the term ending June 30, 2028.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 23-06-0364, dated August 15, 2023, relative to a revised Resolution to include in the City’s 2023-24 State Legislative Program, a position on SB 512 (Bradford), which would exclude the terms “gross receipts” and “sales price,” from the amount of the cannabis excise tax imposed and the amount of any tax imposed by a city or county on the privilege of engaging in commercial cannabis activity.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 23-08-0422, dated August 16, 2023, relative to Resolution (Rodriguez - Krekorian) to include in the City’s 2023-24 Federal Legislative Program, a position on the President of the United States issuing a presidential proclamation under the Antiquities Act, and any administrative or legislative action which would expand the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.

CD 10
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
City Attorney report R23-0297, dated August 14, 2023, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the West Adams-Baldwin Hills-Leimert Community Plan Implementation Overlay District, to modify development regulations in Parcel Group A of the Venice/National Transit Oriented Development Subarea.

CD 10
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
City Attorney report R23-0298, dated August 14, 2023, relative to the draft Ordinance amending the plan area boundaries of the Exposition Corridor Transit Neighborhood Plan.

CD 13
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Los Angeles City Planning Commission report, dated August 14, 2023, relative to a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) appeal for the project located at 1200-1210 North Cahuenga Boulevard, 6337-6357 West Lexington Avenue, and 6332-6356 West La Mirada Avenue.

  To Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee
City Attorney report R23-0299, dated August 14, 2023, relative to a draft Ordinance levying taxes and setting the tax rates for several interest and sinking funds for bonded indebtedness of the City, for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024.

  To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0160-01542-0012, dated August 14, 2023, relative to proposed adjustments to Police Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2024.

CD 13
  To Council
Application, submitted August 15, 2023, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages for Besties Vegan Paradise, located at 4882-4884 West Fountain Avenue.

CD 14
  To Council
Motion (de Leon - Padilla) relative to instructing the City Clerk to transfer funds from the AB 1290 Fund for expenses related to the production of Summerfest on Broadway.

  To Energy and Environment Committee
Motion (Krekorian - Yaroslavsky) relative to requesting the City Attorney, in consultation with the Bureau of Sanitation (BOS), to draft an ordinance amending the sections of the Los Angeles Municipal Code relating to enforcement of the plastics ordinances enforced by BOS, to contain enforcement and appeals procedures that are consistent with one another and align with the City's ACE Program.

  To Government Operations Committee
Motion (Padilla - Park) relative to instructing the Information Technology Agency and Personnel Department to report on the technology training currently available for City employees.

CD 14
  To Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee
Motion (de Leon - Lee) relative to authorizing and instructing the Chief Legislative Analyst to hire consultant{s) necessary to evaluate the proposed 670 Mesquit Project and make recommendations on economic development incentives that could help the project move forward.

CD 7
  To Neighborhoods and Community Enrichment Committee
Motion (Krekorian - Rodriguez - Padilla) relative to renaming the portion of the Pacoima Wash Natural Park, located at 801 Eighth Street, under City of Los Angeles jurisdiction, to honor Cindy Montanez as a tribute to her contributions to the City.

CD 15
  To Public Works Committee
Motion (McOsker - Raman) relative to designating the intersection of 700 West D Street and Bay View Avenue, in Wilmington, as Jose Quezada Memorial Square, and directing the Department of Transportation to erect permanent ceremonial signs to this effect at this location.

  To Civil Rights, Equity, Immigration, Aging and Disability Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2023, relative to the appointment of Mr. Jorge Acevedo to the Commission on Disability, for the term ending June 30, 2028.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Attorney report R23-0300, dated August 14, 2023, relative to a draft Ordinance calling for a Primary Nominating Election on March 5, 2024, and a General Municipal Election on November 5, 2024, in the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Unified School District, and authorizing their consolidation with the State Primary and General Elections to be held on the same dates.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Clerk report, dated August 15, 2023, relative to a Resolution requesting authorization to consolidate the City of Los Angeles Primary Nominating Election with the State Primary Election, to be held on March 5, 2024, and the City of Los Angeles General Municipal Election with the State General Election, to be held on November 5, 2024.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Attorney report R23-0301, dated August 14, 2023, relative to a draft Ordinance calling a special election on March 5, 2024, for the City Mobility Plan Street Improvement Measures, and to consolidate this special election with the City's Primary Nominating Election and the State Primary Election to be held on the same date.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Attorney report R23-0302, dated August 14, 2023, relative a draft Ordinance calling a special election on March 5, 2024, for Hotel Land Use, Replacement Housing, and Police Permit Requirements, and a program to place unhoused individuals in vacant hotel rooms, and consolidating this special election with the City's Primary Nominating Election and the State Primary Election to b held on the same date.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Attorney report R23-0303, dated August 14, 2023, relative to a draft Ordinance calling a special election on March 5, 2024, for a minimum wage for employees working at certain healthcare facilities, and consolidating this special election with the City's Primary Nominating Election and the State Primary Election to be held on the same date.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Attorney report R23-0304, dated August 14, 2023, relative to a draft Ordinance calling a special election on March 5, 2024, for limits on healthcare executive compensation, and consolidating this special election with the City's Primary Nominating Election and the State Primary Election to be held on the same date.