Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Thursday, March 09, 2023 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed or email notification . All Council Files can be found at |
15-0087-S9 |
To Housing and Homelessness Committee
Los Angeles Housing Department revised report, dated March 8, 20023, relative to a request to approve the recommended list of potential co-applicants in the Strategic Growth Council's Round 7 Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program. |
16-0081-S3 |
To Economic and Community Development Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05667-0002, dated March 9, 2023, relative to a request from the Economic and Workforce Development Department and Workforce Development Board to allocate funds to the Gang Injunction Curfew Settlement Program for Fiscal Year 2022-23. |
17-0046-S2 |
To Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee To Civil Rights, Equity, Immigration, Aging and Disability Committee City Administrative Officer report 0220-05357-0008, dated March 9, 2023, relative to the Los Angeles Justice Fund Program closeout and related actions to establish and implement its successor program Represent LA. |
17-0090-S15 |
To Housing and Homelessness Committee
Proposition HHH Administrative Oversight Committee report 0220-05151-0432, dated March 9, 2023, relative to a Los Angeles Housing Department request for approval of an amended Prop HHH Fiscal Year 2020-21 Project Expenditure Plan and the issuance of final loan commitment. |
18-1019-S1 CD 11 |
To Housing and Homelessness Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1646, dated March 9, 2023, relative to authorizing the Los Angeles Housing Department to issue supplemental tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds for Building 208 Apartments, a supportive housing project. |
20-1022-S1 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report, dated December 6, 2022, relative to a donation from the Los Angeles Police Foundation to the Media Relations Division, for website support services from Fundamental Design Group. |
21-1015-S3 |
To Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee To Energy and Environment Committee To Public Works Committee City Administrative Officer updated report 0220-05912-0011, dated March 8, 2023, relative to Board of Public Works, Climate Emergency Mobilization Office federal and state grant applications for the Environmental Justice Government-to-Government program. |
22-0102 |
To Civil Rights, Equity, Immigration, Aging and Disability Committee
Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department report, dated March 8, 2023, relative to an equity analysis on the violence and crime that Black women and girls experience in the City of Los Angeles. |
22-0841-S1 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Fire Commissioners report, dated February 21, 2023, relative to accepting the in-kind donation of a commercial-grade stack washer and dryer from First-In Foundation to Fire Station 94. |
22-0847-S3 |
To Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee To Government Operations Committee City Administrative Officer report 0640-01399-0127, dated March 9, 2023, relative to an addendum to the 2022-23 Fourth Construction Projects Report. |
23-0271 |
To Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee
City Attorney report R23-0083, dated March 8, 2023, relative to a request for closed session to discuss a proposed legal services agreement with Colantuono, Highsmith and Whatley, PC, for legal services associated with Apartment Owners Association of California, Inc. v. City of Los Angeles, consolidated with Frederick H. Leeds v. City of Los Angeles. |
23-0272 CD 13 |
To Council
Application, submitted March 8, 2023, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages for Market Plus, located at 6010 Fountain Avenue. |
23-0273 |
To Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee To Public Safety Committee Fire Department report, dated March 7, 2023, relative to a request for the transfer of funds in the Unappropriated Balance for an inventory replacement of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. |
23-0274 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Hiring Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0111-31447-0118, dated March 8, 2023, relative to a request to authorize substitute authority without funding for 188 positions in the Fire Department, to address position control issues associated with the transition to the Workday system. |
23-0276 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Fire Commissioners report, dated February 21, 2023, relative to the in-kind donation of four LUCAS devices from the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation to the Emergency Medical Services Bureau. |
23-0900-S22 CD 2 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated March 8, 2023, relative to an Ordinance of Intention for Chandler Boulevard and Wilkinson Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |