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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Tuesday, August 16, 2022 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed ![]() ![]() |
12-0049-S26 CD 2 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Los Angeles Housing Department report, dated August 11, 2022, relative to a request to approve the extension of ground lease terms for the City-owned property located at 6842 Gentry Avenue, for the continuation of affordable and supportive housing. |
12-0968-S6 CD 1, 8, 9 |
To Housing Committee
Los Angeles Housing Department report, dated August 8, 2022, relative to a request for authority to execute a First Amendment to Contract C-135171 with New Economics for Women (NEW), to provide services related to home ownership within the USC Nexus Study area for the USC Affordable Housing Program. |
13-1232-S2 CD 12 |
To Council
Motion (Lee - Koretz) relative to allocating/appropriating funds in the Sunshine Canyon Community Amenities Trust Fund to the Granada Hills Youth Recreation Center, Inc., for youth sports opportunities. |
17-0600-S45 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Personnel Department report dated August 12, 2022, relative to the implementation, benchmarks, and hiring goals for the Targeted Local Hiring and Strategic Workforce Development Task Force. |
18-1094-S1 CD 12 |
To Council
Motion (Lee - Koretz) relative to allocating/appropriating funds from the Sunshine Canyon Community Amenities Trust Fund for any aspect of the efforts/operations of the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce or Granada Hills Community Foundation, including an annual Street Faire event. |
20-1127-S1 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment To Public Safety Committee Mayor report, dated August 12, 2022, relative to a request for authority to execute a contract with Grey Wall Software LLC Veoci to provide situational awareness dashboard development and user training. |
21-0008-S23 CD 12 |
To Transportation Committee
Motion (Lee - Krekorian) relative to amending the Council Action of December 2, 2021, to exclude both sides of Lemarsh Street, from Etiwanda Street to Lindley Avenue. |
22-0002-S114 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Koretz - Blumenfield) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on AB 2764 (Nazarian), which would prohibit commercial animal feeding operations from commencing or expanding operations beginning January 1, 2023, except as specified. |
22-0008-S15 CD 5 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Koretz - Lee) relative to prohibiting the parking of oversized vehicles along both sides of Pickford Street, between South Robertson Boulevard and South Shenandoah Street. |
22-0600-S94 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Police Department report, dated July 26, 2022, relative to staffing the Hollywood Entertainment District for Fiscal Year 2022-23. |
22-0766 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Attorney report R22-0272, dated August 16, 2022, relative to a draft Ordinance adopting the Los Angeles Police Department's policy for the Use of Equipment covered by California Assembly Bill 481. |
22-0937 CD 13 |
To Council
Application, submitted August 12, 2022, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages for Target, located at 609 North Dillon Street. |
22-0939 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (de Leon - Blumenfield) relative to requesting the Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority to report with an update on its housing navigation services which are part of its strategy to reduce unsheltered homelessness. |
22-0940 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05291-1218, dated August 12, 2022, relative to a request for authority to execute contracts with BLX Group LLC; Hawkins, Delafield and Wood LLP; and Omnicap Group LLC for arbitrage calculation services for various debt financing programs. |
22-0941 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (de Leon - Blumenfield) relative to requesting the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to provide full access to the Homeless Management Information System, to the Council District Homeless Coordinators. |
22-0942 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (de Leon - Blumenfield) relative to requesting the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to report on the Continuum of Care application for the year 2022. |
22-0943 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - Lee) relative to instructing the Department of Animal Services, City Administrative Officer, Chief Legislative Analyst, and other relevant departments and stakeholders, to determine the budgetary needs for the department to fully staff seven animal shelters. |
22-0944 CD 8 |
To Public Works Committee
Motion (Harris-Dawson - Blumenfield) relative to instructing the City Engineer to report with recommendations to temporarily close the alley adjacent to 9617 South Hobart Boulevard, east of Western Avenue, between West 96th Street and West 98th Street. |