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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Friday, August 05, 2022 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed ![]() ![]() |
14-0737-S1 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
City Attorney report R22-0261, dated August 4, 2022, relative to a draft Ordinance approving the South SWP Hydro Power FERC Project No. P-2426 Cost Sharing Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources, for the South State Water Project Hydropower Project. |
20-0841-S25 CD 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment To Homelessness and Poverty Committee City Administrative Officer report 0220-05151-0364 dated August 5, 2022, relative to the twelfth report regarding the COVID-19 Homelessness Roadmap funding recommendations. |
20-0841-S25 CD 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment To Homelessness and Poverty Committee Bureau of Engineering report, dated August 5, 2022, relative to a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption for the Crisis and Bridge Housing projects located at 1533 North Schrader Boulevard and 1920 West 3rd Street, in Council District One. |
22-0002-S98 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 22-07-0459, relative to Resolution (Raman - Koretz - de Leon) to include in the City's 2021-22 Federal Legislative Program its position on H.R. 693, the San Gabriel Mountains Foothills and Rivers Protection Act, and H.R. 1075 and S. 1769, the Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act. |
22-0002-S106 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 22-07-0465, dated August 1, 2022, relative to Resolution (Koretz - Martinez) to include in the City's 2021-2022 State Legislative Program its position on SB 930 (Wiener), which authorizes selected California cities to issue permits extending the cutoff time for alcohol sales to 4:00 a.m. |
22-0002-S112 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Krekorian - O'Farrell) relative to including in the City's 2021-2022 State Legislative Program its position on AB 1278 (Nazarian), which would require doctors to provide each patient a written notice of the Open Payments database. |
22-0008-S13 CD 8 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Harris-Dawson - Koretz) relative to prohibiting the parking of oversized vehicles along both sides of West 54th Street and West 48th Street, between Arlington Avenue and South Western Avenue. |
22-0256 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Office of Finance report, dated July 27, 2022, relative to the Investment Report for month ending June 30, 2022. |
22-0756 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05151-0366, dated August 5, 2022, relative to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority's proposed plan to close down and demobilize the City's Project Roomkey program. |
22-0756 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority report, dated August 4, 2022, relative to the demobilization plans for the remaining Project Roomkey sites. |
22-0884 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners report, dated August 4, 2022, relative to the transfer/appropriation of funds within Fund 302 for various budgetary adjustments. |
22-0894 |
To Council
Motion (Cedillo - Buscaino) relative to the transfer/appropriation of funds from the Mayor's portion of the Heritage Month and Celebration and Special Events line item in the General City Purposes Fund for services in connection with the special recognition on August 3, 2022, for Vin Scully, including the illumination of City Hall. |
22-0896 |
To Council
Motion (Krekorian - Blumenfield) relative to the transfer of funds to the Bureau of Street Services Fund for the Travel Account. |
22-0897 |
To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
Motion (Koretz - Blumenfield) relative to requesting the City Attorney, in collaboration with the City Administrative Officer, Chief Legislative Analyst, and Chief Procurement Officer, explore methods to increase public access to Request for Proposals for the provision of professional services, while they are in circulation. |
22-1200-S49 |
To Council
Motion (de Leon - Buscaino) relative to appointing Erich Nakano to the Proposition HHH Citizens Oversight Committee for a full three-year term, effective July 1, 2022. |