Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Thursday, May 26, 2022 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed or email notification . All Council Files can be found at |
20-0933 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 20-08-0820, dated May 25, 2022, relative to establishing a Juneteenth National Independence Day as a paid City holiday. |
21-0680 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Los Angeles Fire Department report, dated May 26, 2022, relative to short, medium and long-term plans to transition its fleet to zero-emission vehicles. |
21-1372 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Department of Aging report, dated May 26, 2022, relative to a request for authority to accept additional Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) grant funds, execute Standard Agreement HI-2122-25 Amendment 1, and execute a contract with the Center for Health Care Rights for HICAP related services. |
21-1431 |
To Housing Committee
City Attorney report R22-0194, dated May 24, 2022, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code to require replacement obligations and occupant protections for new housing development projects. |
22-0041 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Community Investment for Families Department report, dated May 24, 2022, relative to the proposed strategic action plan for ending family and childhood poverty in Los Angeles by 2035. |
22-0618 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Economic and Workforce Development Department report, dated May 24, 2022, relative to a request for the exemption of thirty-six grant funded positions, pursuant to Charter Section 1001 (d)(4). |
22-0620 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-03145-0356, dated May 23, 2022, relative to a proposed 2022 Ballot Measure to establish a new citywide assessment program to fund parks and recreational facilities. |
22-0621 CD 13 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 29, 2021, relative to a request for approval of refund for claim number 154298, from West Temple, LLC, under permit number 18010-20000-05663 for the project located at 2812 West Temple Street (Nos. 1-42). |
22-0622 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report, dated May 17, 2022, relative to approval of the donation from the Air Support Angels Foundation of a helicopter FastFin upgrade, for the benefit of the Air Support Division. |
22-1200-S28 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Mayor report, dated May 26, 2022, relative to the appointment of Cynthia Ruiz to the Board of Water and Power Commissioners, for the term ending June 30, 2025. Ms. Ruiz will fill the vacancy created by Susana Reyes, who has resigned. |