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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, May 18, 2022 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed ![]() ![]() |
10-0005-S274 CD 10 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing Department report, dated May 17, 2022, relative to the removal of 1437 South Norton Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
21-1332 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment
City Attorney report R22-0179, dated May 17, 2022, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Administrative Code to require a City Council resolution to raise the dollar threshold for contracts exempt from the writing requirement when necessary to respond to a declared federal, state, or local emergency. |
22-0005-S81 CD 15 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing Department report, dated May 17, 2022, relative to the removal of 1911 East 105th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
22-0005-S82 CD 14 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing Department report, dated May 17, 2022, relative to the removal of 456 South Breed Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
22-0005-S83 CD 7 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing Department report, dated May 17, 2022, relative to the removal of 10034 North Samoa Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
22-0005-S84 CD 10 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing Department report, dated May 17, 2022, relative to the removal of 3940 South Gibraltar Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
22-0005-S85 CD 7 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing Department report, dated May 17, 2022, relative to the removal of 8926 North Orion Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
22-0584 CD 15 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Board of Harbor Commissioners report, dated May 12, 2022, relative to Board Resolution No. 22-9992 authorizing the proposed Foreign-Trade Zone Operating Agreement with Interport Logistics, LLC, FTZ 202, Site 66. |
22-0600-S1 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Aging, with the assistance of the Department of Recreation and Parks, to report to the Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee on geographic areas with a high concentration of seniors that would benefit from an increased number of senior centers and the resources needed to open additional facilities. The report should identify the predominant languages in these areas. |
22-0600-S2 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Animal Services Department to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on the number of veterinary clinics willing to accept City vouchers, including the impact of voucher subsidies on the program and a comparison of the City's voucher rates compared to other cities. |
22-0600-S3 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Cannabis Regulation to report to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee on the demographic breakdown of Social Equity Program participants, including the number of licenses that have been issued and the number of licenses that are pending approval. |
22-0600-S4 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Cannabis Regulation to report to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee on any pending unlicensed cannabis business locations that require a cease and desist letter to be issued. |
22-0600-S5 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Cannabis Regulation to report to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee on best practices and policy recommendations concerning the illegal cannabis business enforcement governance structure and how the City could more effectively address issues surrounding illegal grow houses in the San Fernando Valley. |
22-0600-S6 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Cannabis Regulation to report to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee on the number of open and pending cases related to illegal cannabis businesses. The report should include an estimate of the projected revenue to be received through licensed retailers, including Social Equity Program participants. |
22-0600-S7 |
To Public Works Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer to report to the Public Works Committee on the status of the City's applications for projects in the State's Budget and the 2021-22 Federal Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act. |
22-0600-S8 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on the impact of federal grants on the City's comprehensive plan to address homelessness. |
22-0600-S9 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer, in consultation with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on the funding needed to bring outreach programs in-house, and a transition plan for data and information transfer, should services be provided by City employees. |
22-0600-S10 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to requesting the City Attorney to report to the Public Safety Committee on metrics related to outreach to property owners to shut down illegal cannabis activities. |
22-0600-S11 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the City Clerk to report to the Information, Technology, and General Services Committee on ways the City archives can be more accessible and user friendly to historians and the general public, including best practices that the City can implement and any additional resources that would be required. |
22-0600-S12 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Community Investment for Families to report to the Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee and Budget and Finance Committee with recommendations on the administration of the Justice Fund. |
22-0600-S13 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to requesting the Controller to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on potential efficiencies that would result from a centralized accounting team, which would serve multiple City departments. |
22-0600-S14 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Cultural Affairs to report to the Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee on the steps necessary to renovate the Lincoln Theater as a public-private partnership with the nonprofit Coalition for Responsible Community Development. |
22-0600-S15 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Cultural Affairs to report to the Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee on establishing a comprehensive maintenance program for the preservation of historic murals and the necessary steps to reduce the risk of vandalism to these murals. The report should include recommendations on potential funding sources, partnership opportunities, and outside grants. |
22-0600-S16 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department on Disability to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on any disparity in American Sign Language compensation and whether any policy changes are needed. |
22-0600-S17 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Economic and Workforce Development Department to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on ways the Department can assist with creating pathways for entry-level hiring in departments throughout the City. |
22-0600-S18 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Emergency Management Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on the programming breakdown of the Innovation and Development Division and how resources are currently distributed to address climate change challenges, such as wildfires. |
22-0600-S19 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Fire Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on strategies to recruit women of color through local colleges, high schools, and other organizations. |
22-0600-S20 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Fire Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on potential partnerships with the Conservation Corps for brush clearance efforts and other outside entities that use goats to eliminate invasive and overgrown brush. |
22-0600-S21 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Fire Department to report to the Public Safety Committee with a breakdown of funding allocated for fire prevention and equity measures the Department is taking to distribute these services throughout the City. |
22-0600-S22 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Fire Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on wall-time data over the last three years and policy and funding recommendations to reduce wall-time. |
22-0600-S23 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the General Services Department to report to the Information, Technology, and General Services Committee on which City facilities use contracted custodial services and how much of these services can be insourced with City employees. The report should include a cost-benefit analysis of insourcing these services with City employment compared to using contracted services. |
22-0600-S24 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on performance metrics related to Homeless Engagement Teams, including the number of individuals in each team, number of individuals engaged by the teams, and number of placements made by the teams. |
22-0600-S25 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on metrics related to domestic violence (DV) survivors, including the proportion of the homeless community that are DV survivors and number of housing placements for DV survivors. |
22-0600-S26 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on the growth in the agency staff and a breakdown of staff increases by program. |
22-0600-S27 |
To Housing Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Housing Department to report to the Housing Committee with recommendations to streamline the process for certifying accessibility of housing within the Accessible Housing Program and metrics for success and efficiency. |
22-0600-S28 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Information Technology Agency to report to the Information, Technology, and General Services Committee on timelines for all departments to comply with ITA's website standards policy and when the City's websites would be accessible to languages other than English. |
22-0600-S29 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Information Technology Agency, in collaboration with the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Lighting, and other relevant departments, to report to the Information, Technology, and General Services Committee, on the implementation of permanent Wi-Fi hotspots. |
22-0600-S30 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Information Technology Agency to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on opportunities to collaborate and engage with local colleges, high schools, and other organizations to streamline and improve the City's recruitment hiring process for Information Technology employees. |
22-0600-S31 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Information Technology Agency to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on recommendations for governance or policy changes needed to facilitate hiring in the Department. |
22-0600-S32 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Library Department to report to the Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee on the library locations that are currently offering Wi-Fi hotspots and the resources needed to expand the Tech2go mobile hotspot program in disadvantaged communities. |
22-0600-S33 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Library Department to report to the Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee on a comprehensive assessment of the Department’s overall security needs, including at each library facility. |
22-0600-S34 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System to report to the Budget and Finance Committee with a list of emerging managers, broken down by ethnicity and gender. |
22-0600-S35 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on the number of emerging managers and the amount of investments they have made over the last five years. |
22-0600-S36 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on diversity and equity within the organization, including internal goals and performance metrics. |
22-0600-S37 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on the number of emerging managers, broken down by ethnicity and gender. |
22-0600-S38 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee To Public Safety Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Personnel Department to report to the Public Safety Committee and the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on the effectiveness of the system that identifies issues and delays in the police officer hiring process, and any improvements that the Department has made to the hiring process as a result of evaluating that data. |
22-0600-S39 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Personnel Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on the 90-day track and other hiring tracks that different departments use that can be applied to the Police Department personnel. The report should include the potential for on-the-spot hiring, 90-day hires, and how these tracks could impact civilization in the Police Department. |
22-0600-S40 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee To Public Safety Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Personnel Department to report to the Public Safety Committee and Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on the number of Police Department candidates that drop out of the hiring process, whether there is a pattern in the types of candidates that are most likely to drop out, and how this can be addressed. |
22-0600-S41 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Personnel Department to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on efficiencies in the hiring process identified during the "Aspire to Hire" workshop. The report should describe the insight gained related to both sworn and civilian hiring, and include processes that would expedite mid-career hiring for candidates with significant work experience. |
22-0600-S42 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee To Planning and Land Use Management Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Planning Department to report to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee and Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on challenges with hiring and filling City Planner vacancies and recommendations to improve service delivery and other changes that the Department could implement to improve efficiency given the ongoing hiring challenges. |
22-0600-S43 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee To Public Safety Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Police Department to report to the Public Safety Committee and the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on ways to expedite hiring sworn and civilian employees, including any recommendations for policy and governance changes and background review requirements. |
22-0600-S44 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Police Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on the Systemwide Mental Assessment Response Team (SMART) Program and County resources, how SMART officers partner with County clinicians, and whether the County has committed to providing additional resources if the City expands the SMART program. |
22-0600-S45 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Police Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on the inconsistences in use of the Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment (SARA) model for solving community problems and how using the SARA model can help address homelessness. |
22-0600-S46 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Police Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on which City facilities use contracted security services and how much of these services can be insourced with City employees. The report should include a cost-benefit analysis of insourcing these services with City employment compared to using contracted services. |
22-0600-S47 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee To Public Works Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Board of Public Works to report to the Public Works Committee and the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on the services being provided by the Public Information Officer (PIO), how Public Works Bureaus are using those services, and if the PIO can provide support for the overall communication needs in the Department of Public Works to ensure that Bureaus are not duplicating services or resources. |
22-0600-S48 |
To Public Works Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Engineering, with the assistance of the Bureau of Street Services, Department of Transportation, and other departments as needed, to report to the Public Works Committee on how best to incorporate Complete Streets principles into all street projects. |
22-0600-S49 |
To Public Works Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Engineering to report to the Public Works Committee on the total number of bridges that are eligible for federal funding and how the Bureau will ensure that all 38 bridges in need of repairs will accommodate all modes of transportation. |
22-0600-S50 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee To Homelessness and Poverty Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Sanitation to report to the Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee and the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on the additional services provided by the second shift CARE+ Teams. The report should provide a deployment schedule. |
22-0600-S51 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Sanitation to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on how the Bureau is collaborating with the Personnel Department to develop initiatives to expedite hiring and increase the Bureau's workforce, including the use of Targeted Local Hire for CleanLA positions. |
22-0600-S52 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Sanitation to report to the Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee with a framework to approach the collection of organics and food waste required to reach compliance with Senate Bill 1383. |
22-0600-S53 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Sanitation to report to the Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee on opportunities for the Bureau to develop a partnership with the Youth Development Department for recruitment. |
22-0600-S54 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Sanitation to report to the Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee on the necessary resources and steps needed to clear the backlog and expedite processes related to Low Impact Development and Stormwater approval for the construction of housing. |
22-0600-S55 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Sanitation to report to the Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee that compares the Bureau's costs to provide bulky item pickup services to multi-family homes to the $7.8 million that the City collects for this program. |
22-0600-S56 |
To Public Works Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Street Lighting to report to the Public Works Committee with a long-term plan to comprehensively address copper wire theft that prioritizes areas with an over-concentration of outages, particularly in the most disadvantaged communities. |
22-0600-S57 |
To Public Works Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Street Services to report to the Public Works Committee on the number of miles and street segments that remain under the Failed Streets and Concrete Streets programs. |
22-0600-S58 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Street Services to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on whether the Targeted Local Hire and Bridge to Jobs Programs have facilitated filling vacancies. The report should include recommendations to further expedite hiring. |
22-0600-S59 |
To Public Works Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Bureau of Street Services to report to the Public Works Committee on what, if any, barriers exist to the City's purchase of native plant species, recommendations to ensure that native plant species are available for purchase, and any measures the City needs to take to maximize the use of native plant species. |
22-0600-S60 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Recreation and Parks to report to the Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee on the status of providing Wi-Fi services at parks and park facilities and on opportunities to partner with the private sector to support this effort. |
22-0600-S61 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Recreation and Parks to report to the Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee on the feasibility of using wildlife, specifically goats, to support brush clearance activities in parks. |
22-0600-S62 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Transportation to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on governance and structural changes that are needed to expedite hiring to fill the Department’s vacancies. |
22-0600-S63 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Transportation to report to the Transportation Committee on challenges in closing service requests at district offices, which have led to a 50 percent reduction in closed service requests compared to 2018-19 and 2019-20. |
22-0600-S64 |
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Youth Development Department to report to the Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee on developing milestones related to measuring participation in youth programs throughout City department, how to track resources invested, and metrics to measure the participation and success of each program. |
22-0600-S65 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Police Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on the effectiveness and cost efficiency of utilizing the contract model versus hiring non-sworn security personnel to provide security at City facilities, including the West Valley Municipal Building. |
22-0600-S66 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on the need for ongoing Neighborhood Council election funding within the Department and the amount of funding needed in pre-election and election years. |
22-0600-S67 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer, with assistance from the Office of the City Attorney, to report on a policy and cost allocation framework for making departments more accountable for employment related litigation payouts, including setting liability reduction targets. |
22-0600-S68 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Homelessness and Poverty Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer to report on the cost and feasibility of extending the Mayfair and the Grand Project Roomkey sites through July 31, 2022 and August 31, 2022, respectively, to ensure the successful ramp down of the program by providing housing navigation services and improving exit outcomes. |
22-0600-S69 |
To Housing Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Housing Department to include in its next expenditure report to the Linkage Fee Oversight Committee and the City Council, recommendations for appropriations for two Housing Impact Trust Fund programs: 1) Two million for an Accessory Dwelling Unit Program; and, 2) Five million for the expansion of the Moderate-Income Purchase Assistance Program. |
22-0600-S70 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment to work with the City Attorney’s Office and the Personnel Department to delineate the appropriate responsibilities for their respective Departments/Office in resolving Neighborhood Council disputes. |
22-0600-S71 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the Board of Public Works to report on the potential use of funding in the Unappropriated Balance for Graffiti Abatement. The report should include metrics that describe the impact on services from the increased level of funding in Fiscal Year 2021-22 and how those services were delivered equitably. |
22-0600-S72 CD 4 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 1 (Raman - Price), dated May 18, 2022, relative to adding funding for a sub-drain system to mitigate groundwater causing hazardous driving conditions in Council District Four, as the Benedict Canyon Draining Improvement Project. |
22-0600-S73 CD 11 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Homelessness and Poverty Committee Budget Motion No. 2 (Bonin - Harris-Dawson), dated May 18, 2022, relative to adding funding for a temporary interim shelter for people experiencing homelessness in Council District Eleven. |
22-0600-S74 CD 4 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Homelessness and Poverty Committee Budget Motion No. 6 (Raman - Krekorian), dated May 18, 2022, relative to adding funding for a Homeless Multi-Disciplinary Team dedicated to the San Fernando Valley to provide outreach in Council District Four. |
22-0600-S75 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 7 (Raman - Lee), dated May 18, 2022, relative to adding funds to conduct a feasibility and design study that examines safety and mobility improvements to make Griffith Park safer for cyclists and pedestrians. |
22-0600-S76 CD 8 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Homelessness and Poverty Committee Budget Motion No. 9 (Harris-Dawson - Bonin), May 18, 2022, relative to adding funding for the Safe Passage program and Homeless Outreach Teams to provide services for people experiencing homelessness in Council District Eight. |
22-0600-S77 CD 1 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 10 (Cedillo - O'Farrell), dated May 18, 2022, relative to adding funding for the planning and design costs for the Pheasant Drive Street Construction Project. |
22-0600-S78 CD 1 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Homelessness and Poverty Committee Budget Motion No. 11 (Cedillo - O'Farrell), dated May 18, 2022, relative to adding funding to maintain existing daily mobile showers in Council District One (Showers of Hope). |
22-0600-S79 CD 1 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 12 (Cedillo - de Leon), dated May 18, 2022, relative to designating funding within the Gang Reduction and Youth Development Office line item in General City Purposes to maintain four Crisis Peace Ambassador teams in Council District One. |
22-0600-S80 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 14 (Koretz - Buscaino), dated May 18, 2022, relative to deleting regular position authority for one Municipal Police Captain II and add regular position authority without funding for one Police Captain II to maintain staffing levels due to the pending requirement of Municipal Police II position at the Police Department's Custody Services Division. |
22-0600-S81 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 15 (Koretz - Buscaino), dated May 18, 2022, relative to deleting regular position authority for one Police Performance Auditor III and add regular position authority without funding for one Police Special Investigator to support the Police Department's Office of the Inspector General. |
22-0600-S82 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 16 (Price - Wesson), dated May 18, 2022, relative to adding resolution authority and six-months funding for one Deputy City Attorney III to assist the Civil, Human Rights, and Equity Department's Discriminations Enforcement Division. |
22-0600-S83 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 18 (Price - Wesson), dated May 18, 2022, relative to the adding resolution authority and six-months funding for six Traffic Officer II positions and one Senior Traffic Supervisor I, to restore parking enforcement and abandoned vehicle services at the Department of Transportation's South Area Office. |
22-0600-S84 CD 4 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 20 (Raman - Koretz), dated May 18, 2022, relative to adding funding for a geotechnical study and design for necessary safety improvements and repairs for the Historic Mulholland Highway Safety Improvement Project in Council District Four. |
22-0600-S85 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 22 (Koretz - Rodriguez), May 18, 2022, relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer to report on the use of funds in General Fund revenue, to be transferred from nine special funds detailed in CAO Budget Memo No. 55 (Table A), to partially offset the cost to add resolution authority and nine months funding for four positions in the Office of the Controller. |
22-0600-S86 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Motion No. 23 (Koretz - Rodriguez), dated May 18, 2022, relative to reinstating the Human Resources and Payroll Systems Contingency. |
22-1200-S25 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Mayor report, dated May 16, 2022, relative to the appointment of Ms. Lora Hall to the Community Forest Advisory Committee, as the Council District Thirteen representative. |