Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Thursday, October 14, 2021           
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  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
City Attorney report R21-0310, dated October 13, 2021, relative to a revised draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code to update fees for applications and appeals for planning approvals.

  To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated October 14, 2021, relative to the second annual report back on CEQA Transportation Section update, implementing Senate Bill 743

CD 11, 15
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Department of City Planning report, dated October 14, 2021, relative to a request for a modification to the proposed Mello Ordinance approved by City Planning Commission on May 13, 2021.

CD 9
  To Budget and Finance Committee
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee

Municipal Facilities Committee report 0220-05786-0004, dated October 13, 2021, relative to adding the legal Ordinance for the sale of City-owned property at 3971-3973 South Flower Drive and 3977-3979 South Flower Drive.

  To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05601-0003, dated October 12, 2021, relative to authorizing the Mayor to accept the Fiscal Year 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks (CCTA) grant extension; and negotiate and execute contract amendments.

  To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated October 14, 2021, relative to Executive Directive 25, LA's Green New Deal - Active Transportation Implementation Plan report

  To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 21-178, dated October 1, 2021, relative to an After-Action Implementation Plan.

  To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
City Attorney report R21-0308, dated October 13, 2021, relative to a draft Ordinance approving the Red Cloud Wind Pseudo-Tie Agreement, DWP Agreement No BP21-003, and delegating to the Board of Water and Power Commissioners Authority to amend agreement.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Office of Finance report, dated September 28, 2021, relative to the Investment Report for the month ending August 31, 2021.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05867-0000, dated October 12, 2021, relative to recommendations on including the City Council in the COVID-19 Emergency Fund decision-making process.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05720-0082, dated October 12, 2021, relative to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Account, General City Purposes Fund Status Report, for the week ending Friday, October 1, 2021.

CD 3
  To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated October 13, 2021, relative to an Ordinance of Intention for the Reseda Boulevard and Clark Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.

CD 9
  To Public Safety Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 24, 2021, relative to the Council District 9 Benefits Trust Fund No. 48x for Fiscal Year 2020-21.

  To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment
To Economic Development and Jobs Committee

Economic and Workforce Development Department report, dated September 20, 2021, relative to a request for authority to accept the financial assistance awarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security program, to implement a new CARES Revolving Loan Fund Program.

  To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated September 28, 2021, relative to the 48th Program Year of the Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan, Fourth Year Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-22.

  To Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee
Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department report, dated October 14, 2021, relative to the establishment of the Los Angeles Reforms for Equity and Public Acknowledgment of Institutional Racism (L.A. REPAIR) Innovation Fund, for a participatory budgeting pilot to empower historically disempowered groups; and position and contract authorities.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R21-0307, dated October 12, 2021, relative to a request for closed session to discuss the proposed legal services agreements with Beveridge and Diamond PC, and Summa LLP, for legal services related to the July 11, 2021 sewage discharge incident at the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant, and waiver of potential conflict of interest.

  To Council
City Attorney report R21-0311 dated October 13, 2021, relative to requirements to continue teleconference meetings pursuant to AB 361.

CD 5
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Department of City Planning report, dated October 12, 2021, relative to determining that the proposed project located at 2107-2121 South Westwood Boulevard qualifies for a Sustainable Communities Project Exemption (SCPE).

CD 4
  To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated October 5, 2021, relative to the establishment of Overnight Parking District No. 566 for streets near Wilshire Park in Council District 4.

  To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Mayor report, dated October 14 2021, relative to the appointment of Nancy Sutley to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, for the term ending December 31, 2022. Ms. Sutley will fill the vacancy created by John Murray, who has resigned.