Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, August 04, 2021 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed or email notification . All Council Files can be found at |
14-1174-S19 CD 15 |
To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
Motion (Buscaino - Koretz) relative to rescinding the Council Action of August 16, 2017, approving the use of CRA/LA Excess Bond Proceeds available to Council District 15, from the Pacific Corridor Redevelopment Project Area to the Warner Grand Theater Project, and that the funds be reverted to its original source. |
16-0243-S2 |
To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Krekorian - Price) relative to instructing the Department of Water and Power, with the assistance of relevant City departments, to create a long term hiring and workforce plan that coincides with a pathway identified in the LA100 study. |
20-0668 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 21-07-0581, dated August 4, 221, relative to the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting deadlines for 2021. |
21-0002-S152 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Lee - Buscain) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on SB 340 (Stern), which would permit a family member, friend, or acquaintance with personal knowledge of a person receiving involuntary mental health treatment to make a request, to testify in a judicial review proceeding. |
21-0002-S153 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Lee - Buscaino) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on SB 507 (Eggman), which would broaden the criteria to permit assisted outpatient treatment services to individuals who have been subject to involuntary holds, to prevent a relapse or deterioration. |
21-0002-S154 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Bonin - Ridley-Thomas - Raman) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 Federal Legislative Program its position on H.R. 568 (Bush), the Unhoused Bill of Rights. |
21-0008-S14 CD 7 |
To Council
Resolution (Rodriguez - Buscaino) relative to prohibiting the parking of oversized vehicles along both sides of Fox Street, between Tamarack Avenue and San Fernando Road, and all other streets mentioned in this Resolution. |
21-0008-S15 CD 7 |
To Council
Resolution (Rodiguez - Buscaino) relative to prohibiting the parking of oversized vehicles along both sides of Del Sur Street, between San Fernando Road and the southerly dead end. |
21-0010-S14 |
To Council
Motion (Price - Lee) relative to an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the death of Robert Maurice King on November 10, 2020. |
21-0010-S15 |
To Council
Motion (Price - Lee) relative to providing an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the death of Tajanae Alicelynn Nelson, on June 21, 2020. |
21-0307 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (Ridley-Thomas - Bonin - Blumenfield) relative to approving General City Purposes funding for the City's YMCA Shower Program and the Portable Hygiene Station Program. |
21-0860 CD 12 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Municipal Facilities Committee report 0150-11931-0000, dated August 3, 2021, relative to authorizing the General Services Department to negotiate and execute a new lease agreement with Samip Paudyal dba The Coffee Shop, to continue operating a coffee shop at the City-owned Chatsworth Metro Train Station, located at 10040-A Old Depot Road. |
21-0874 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated August 3, 2021, relative to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Account, General City Purposes Fund Status Report, for the week ending Friday, July 30, 2021. |
21-0875 CD 13 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Krekorian) relative to directing the Department of General Services, with the assistance of the departments listed in this Motion, to negotiate a lease agreement with Urban Alchemy, for the use of 1710 North Cherokee Avenue, Suite No. 3, for the Crisis and Incident Response through Community Lead Engagement (CIRCLE) Pilot Program and its COVID-19 related services in Hollywood. |
21-0876 CD 15 |
To Council
Motion (Buscaino - Blumenfield) relative to the transfer or appropriation of funds in the Real Property Trust Fund, to support speed hump needs and services in Council District 15. |
21-0877 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment
Motion (Rodriguez - de Leon) relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer, Chief Legislative Analyst, Personnel Department, and Emergency Management Department, and requesting the City Attorney, to report on a plan to offer all City employees and contractors regular testing at their job sites. |
21-0878 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment
Motion (Martinez - O'Farrell - Harris-Dawson - Raman) relative to requesting the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance that would require eligible individuals to have received at least one dose of vaccination, to enter indoor spaces. |
21-0879 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Motion (Krekorian - Blumenfield - Price) relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer and the Information Technology Agency, with assistance from the Economic and Workforce Development Department, to report on the impacts of and potential revenue from SB 156, current broadband assistance programs, and potential fund use to enhance the City's digital inclusion efforts. |
21-0880 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R21-0241, dated August 4, 2021, relative to a request for closed session to discuss the need for outside counsel, to assist in the defense of civil rights lawsuits involving the Los Angeles Police Department. |
21-0882 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (Ridley-Thomas - Harris-Dawson) relative to approving several reprogramming actions of the State of California Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funds, as detailed in this Motion, to ensure that the full amount of the City's HEAP grant is expended by the statutory June 30, 2021 deadline. |
21-1200-S6 |
To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Mayor report, dated August 3, 2021, relative to the reappointment of Irma Beserra Nunez to the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument Authority, for the term ending June 30, 2025. Ms Beserra Nunez's current term expired on June 30, 2021. |