Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Monday, June 21, 2021           
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  To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
City Attorney report, dated June 15, 2021, relative to consideration of a flavored tobacco sales ban.

CD 15
  To Public Works Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05835-0000, dated June 11, 2021, relative to a cost estimate on the improvement of F Street, in San Pedro, and funding recommendations.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated June 15, 2021, relative to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Account, General City Purposes Fund Status Report, for the week ending Friday, June 11, 2021.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 21-06-0490, dated June 21, 2021, relative to the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-21.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 21-04-0293, dated June 14, 2021, relative to adopting the revised Resolution to include in the City’s 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on AB 1282 (Bloom-Wilk), SB 376 (Stern), and AB 534 (Bonta), which seek to protect domesticated and wildlife animals from inhumane conditions and practices; and on AB 702 (Santiago), if amended to have the State provide sufficient resources to aid local jurisdictions implement local breeder permitting programs.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 21-05-0398, dated June 14, 2021, relative to adopting a revised Resolution to include in the City’s 2021-2022 Federal Legislative Program its position on any legislation and/or administrative action which recognizes the Secretary of Education's legal authority through the Higher Education Act of 1965 to broadly cancel student debt.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 21-05-0399, dated June 14, 2021, relative to adopting Resolution (Koretz – Krekorian – O’Farrell) to include in the City’s 2021 - 2022 Federal Legislative Program its position on S. 984 (Merkley) and H.R. 2238 (Lowenthal), the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act, which would address the plastic pollution crisis that is contaminating our air, water, and land.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 21-0002-S106, dated June 15, 2021, relative to adopting Resolution (Koretz - Lee) to include in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on AB 1401 (Friedman), which would prohibit a city or county from imposing minimum parking requirements on all developments located within one-half mile walking distance of a major transit stop or high-quality transit corridor.

CD 8
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated June 17, 2021, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 6520 South Brynhurst Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 9
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated June 17, 2021, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 740 East 50th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 9
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated June 17, 2021, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 968 West 43rd Place from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 9
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated June 17, 2021, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 965 West 47th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 10
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated June 17, 2021, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 2646 South Vineyard Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 10
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated June 17, 2021, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 3127 West 11th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 13
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated June 17, 2021, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 1711 Morton Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R21-0202, dated June 15, 2021, relative to a draft Ordinance to extend tax and police and fire permit fee payment deadlines for certain businesses.

  To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05486-0003, dated June 16, 2021, relative to the Workforce Development Board Year 22 (2021-22) Annual Plan and related actions.

City Attorney report R21-0200, dated June 14, 2021, relative to an update on Second Amendment litigation.

  To Public Works Committee
Board of Public Works report 2021-0435, dated June 18, 2021, relative to a request for approval of Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Contract C-127097, with e2020 Technology, Incorporated, for program management and document control system services.

CD 9
  To Budget and Finance Committee
To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee

Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated June 14, 2021, relative to the proposed framework for a Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) program for underserved Angelenos most adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

CD 6
  To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated June 9, 2021, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for the Sherman Way and Caldus Avenue Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.