Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Wednesday, June 02, 2021           
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  To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Price) relative to the Department of Recreation and Parks to promptly remove all outdated signage related to park vending at all city parks, and replace them with appropriate and updated messaging to clarify park vending rules and required permits.

  To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
Motion (Rodriguez - de Leon - Harris-Dawson) relative to the Chief Legislative Analyst with the assistance of the City Administrative Officer, to report on the county, state and federal funding available for healthy food financing for the City of Los Angeles

  To Public Works Committee
Mayor report, dated May 31, 2021, relative to the re-appointment of Ms. Teresa Villegas to the Board of Pubic Works for the term ending June 30, 2026. Ms. Villegas' current term expired on June 30, 2021

CD 2
  To Public Works Committee
Motion (Krekorian - Blumenfield) relative to temporarily closing Saticoy Street North from 700 feet easterly of Bellaire Avenue to its easterly terminus for the three-year duration of the Tiny homes on Saticoy Street Homeless Roadmap project.

CD 10
  To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1548, dated June 2, 2021, relative to the authorization to issue tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the Solaris Apartments, a Supportive Housing Project.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Cedillo - de Leon) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 Federal Legislative Program its position for legislation that would expand housing voucher programs to be available to all eligible families

  To Council
Motion (Cedillo - de Leon) relative to the transfer or appropriation of funds from the Street Furniture Revenue Fund to the Measure M Fund for a pending study and installation of speed humps on 12th Street from Albany to Union Avenue in Council District One as detailed in text of this motion

CD 15
  To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1541, dated June 2, 2021, relative to the authorization to issue a Tax-Exempt Multifamily Conduit revenue bonds or notes and issue taxable multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the Sagepointe, a Supportive Housing Project

CD 2
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Appeal, submitted June 1, 2021, relative to the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners' determination on a haul route for the property located at 3690 North Goodland Avenue.

CD 5
  To Council
Motion (Koretz - Raman) relative to asserting jurisdiction over the Central Los Angeles Area Planning Commission regarding eldercare facilities at 825-873 Holt Avenue.

  To Transportation Committee
Motion (Raman - Krekorian - Koretz) relative to authorizing the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to sign a Cooperative Agreement between LADOT and Heritage Housing Partners in support of an Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program Round 6 application.

  To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Motion (Buscaino - Lee) relative to directing the Department of General Services, with assistance of the City Attorney, to negotiate and execute a tieback agreement with the property owner and/or developer of a project to the City-owned property located at 1513 East 103rd Street, for the installation of tiebacks on the City's property, before June 30th, 2021