Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Monday, March 22, 2021           
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  To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-11864-0000, dated March 16, 2021, relative to authorizing the Board of Public Works to execute an Amendment to Contract No. C-127625 with FilmLA, Incorporated, for film permitting services.

  To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-11381-0001, dated March 4, 2021, relative to authorizing the General Manager, Personnel Department, to execute the First Amendment to the First Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement C-127047 with Cornerstone OnDemand, Incorporated, to provide access to the Learning Management System.

CD 6
  To Public Works Committee
Bureau of Engineering report, dated March 15, 2021, relative to the Tonopah Street Pedestrian Tunnel Closure project.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated March 16, 2021, relative to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Account, General City Purposes Fund Status Report, for the week ending Friday, March 12, 2021.

  To Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee
City Attorney report R21-0091, dated March 16, 2021, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Administrative Code to establish a Civil, Human Rights and Equity Department; include the Board of Commissioners on the Status of Women and Board of Human Relations Commissioners; establish the Civil and Human Rights Community Engagement Fund; and clarify provisions of the Civil and Human Rights Law.

  To Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee
Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners report 21-031, dated March 19, 2021, and Board Resolution No. 10587, relative to a request for approval to transfer appropriations to the Information Technology Agency for communication services in Fiscal Year 2020-21.

  To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated March 11, 2021, City Attorney Reports R21-0061 and R21-0062, dated February 17, 2021, and draft Ordinances relative to amending the Los Angeles Administrative Code, to establish the salary and new non-represented class of Executive Director, Civil, Human Rights, and Equity Department (Class Code 9423).

CD 6
  To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
Economic and Workforce Development Department report, dated March 16, 2021, relative to a request for authority to accept a short payment for the current balance of a Section 108 loan for the Vineland Fitness Center and Office Project, located at 7634 North Vineland Avenue.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R21-0090, dated March 16, 2021, relative to a request for approval of the Attorney Conflicts Panel for the period of 2021-23.

  To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated March 11, 2021, City Attorney report R21-0063, dated February 17, 2021, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Administrative Code to establish a salary for the new non-represented classification of Defined Contribution Plan Manager (Class Code 9152).

CD 11
  To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated March 17, 2021, relative to an Ordinance of Intention for the Santa Monica Boulevard and Barrington Avenue Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.