Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Wednesday, March 03, 2021           
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CD 14
  To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Motion (de Leon - Rodriguez) relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer, in coordination with the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, to negotiate and execute an amendment to the Ground lease with the Go For Broke National Education Center and Little Tokyo Service Center to supersede the existing Supplemental Ground Lease Agreement.

CD 4, 13
  To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
City Clerk report, dated February 26, 2021, relative to the renewal of the East Hollywood (Property-Based) Business Improvement District.

  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
City Attorney report R21-0081, dated March 1, 2021, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code with respect to temporary installation, use and assemblage permits issued by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety and the Los Angeles Fire Department.

CD 6, 15
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
City Attorney report R21-0081, dated March 1, 2021, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code with respect to temporary installation, use and assemblage permits issued by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety and the Los Angeles Fire Department.

  To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Proposition HHH Administrative Oversight Committee report 0220-05151-0242, dated March 3, 2021, relative to the City Administrative Officer and Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department joint Quarterly Report for the Prop HHH Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19 Bond Issuances and the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Project Expenditure Plan (July 1 – September 30, 2020 and October 1 – December 31, 2020).

  To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Proposition HHH Administrative Oversight Committee report 0220-05151-0250, dated March 3, 2021, relative to a request to amend the Prop HHH Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Loan Program Fiscal Year 2020-21 Project Expenditure Plan, to include four projects from the Prop HHH PSH Loan Program pipeline

CD 5
  To Council
Motion (Koretz - Blumenfield) relative to approving a street banner campaign being coordinated by the Encino Neighborhood Council, as a City Non-Event Street Banner Program.

  To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated March 1, 2021, relative to the 2018-2022 Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding No. 34 (MOU 34) for the California Teamsters Public, Professional and Medical Employees Union.

  To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated March 1, 2021, relative to the 2019-23 Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding No. 5 (MOU 5) for the Municipal Construction Inspectors Association (MCIA).

CD 2
  To Council
Motion (Krekorian - O'Farrell) relative to adopting the TEFRA Resolution approving the issuance of bonds for NoHo 5050 Apartments, a multifamily affordable housing project, located at 5050 Bakman Avenue, in Council District Two.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated March 3, 2021, relative to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Account, General City Purposes Fund Status Report, for the week ending Friday, February 26, 2021.

  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0130-02090-0002, dated March 3, 2021, relative to retroactively authorizing the Director of Planning to accept a Certified Local Government grant from the California Office of Historic Preservation, to develop web and video training content for HistoricPlacesLA

  To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment
Motion (Ridley-Thomas - Martinez) relative to instructing the Economic and Workforce Development Department to extend the termination date of the Los Angeles Community Care Corps Program, to utilize any remaining unspent balance.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Rodriguez - et al. - Buscaino - et al.) relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer to identify funding sources and report back with recommendations and controller instructions to fund the City's cost for the Therapeutic Van Pilot Program in order to implement the program immediately.

CD 8
  To Public Works Committee
Motion (Harris-Dawson - Blumenfield) relative to amending the Council Action of September 29, 2020, regarding naming the intersection at West 78th Place and South Western Avenue, to name it "Rev. Richard 'Meri Ka Ra' Byrd Square," and direct the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to erect permanent ceremonial signs to this effect, at this location.

CD 11
  To Council
Motion (Bonin - Buscaino) relative to authorizing the Board of Public Works to transfer funds within the Venice Area Surplus Real Property Fund No. 434, to support transfers to the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Blumenfield Cedillo) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on AB 14 (Aguiar-Curry), the Internet for All Act, which would prioritize the deployment of broadband infrastructure in vulnerable and unserved rural and urban communities by extending the ongoing collection of funds deposited into the California Advanced Services Fund.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Koretz - Blumenfield) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State and Federal Legislative Program its position on any legislation and administrative action by the Los Angeles County and FEMA to increase their COVID-19 vaccination allocations to educators, in numbers sufficient that LAUSD can meet its goal for an April 9th re-opening of in-person instruction.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Koretz - Martinez - O'Farrell) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program, its position on any legislative effort by the Senate and Assembly Joint Legislative Audit Committee to conduct a comprehensive investigation and audit of the personnel policies and practices of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Lee – O’Farrell – Martinez - et al.) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State and Federal Legislative Program its position on legislation and/or administrative action that establishes programs and provides funding to combat any form of hate crimes, discrimination, harassment, and violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Blumenfield - Rodriguez) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on AB 34 (Muratsuchi), the California Broadband for All Act, which would place a general obligation bond measure on the November 2022 ballot to fund increased access to broadband services to rural, urban, suburban, and tribal unserved and underserved communities.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (O'Farrell - Price) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on AB 832 (Bloom), which would transfer to the City of Los Angeles all land use related plans and functions of the former Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Blumenfield – Rodriguez) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on SB 764 (Umberg), which would require the California Department of Justice to establish a statewide domestic terrorism task force.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (O’Farrell – Price) relative to including in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program its position on Senate Constitutional Amendment 2 (Allen and Weiner) to repeal Article 34 from the California Constitution and remove any limit on affordable housing units that be supported by the City.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R21-0078, dated February 26, 2021, relative to a request for closed session to discuss settlement in the case of Ron Sarfaty v. City of Los Angeles.

  To Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated March 2, 2021, City Attorney report R21-0082, dated March 1, 2021, relative to a draft Ordinance to amend the Los Angeles Administrative Code, to provide a personal leave benefit for non-represented employees.

CD 6
  To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated March 2, 2021, relative to the final map of Tract No. 70004 located at 9100 Telfair Avenue, northerly of Wicks Street

  To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Board of Airport Commissioners report, dated February 18, 2021, and Resolution No. 27203, relative to approving the Amendment to the Right of Way Agreement with Southern California Gas Company, for infrastructure improvements associated with the Receiving Station-X Project of Los Angeles World Airports.

CD 6
  To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
Municipal Facilities Committee report 0150-11853-0000, dated March 3, 2021, relative to authorizing General Services Department to negotiate and execute a new non-profit sub-license agreement with Instituto De Educacion Popular del Sur De California (IDEPSCA) for the operation of a Day Laborer Resource Center, at the property located at 8250 Balboa Place.

  To Public Safety Committee
Board of Fire Commissioners report 21-021, dated March 2, 2021, relative to the in-kind donation of four E-Bikes and four spare batteries from the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation, to the Los Angeles Fire Department for use by the Bike Team.

CD 13
  To Council
Motion (O'Farrell - Price) relative to transferring funds from the AB1290 Fund to the Transportation Trust Fund, to implement and install two speed tables along Riverside Drive, between Elmgrove Street and Birkdale Street, in Council District 13.

CD 10
  To Economic Development and Jobs Committee
Motion (Ridley-Thomas - Harris-Dawson - Price) relative to instructing the Economic and Workforce Development Department, with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst, City Administrative Officer, and City Attorney, to perform the activities necessary to allow the City to exercise the Option Agreement and to negotiate directly with CRA/LA, for the acquisition of the Marlton Square site.

  To Council
Motion (Buscaino - O'Farrell) relative to resolving to waive review of the anticipated March 4, 2021 actions of the Board of Harbor Commissioners to approve Master Joint Permit No. 20-18 and No. 21-01, and Revocable Permit No. 20-22.

CD 14
  To Council
Motion (de Leon - Koretz) relative to adopting the TEFRA Resolution approving the issuance of bonds for 6th and San Julian, an affordable housing project, located at 401-411 East 6th Street, in Council District 14.

  To Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee
Motion (Buscaino – et al. – Price) relative to directing the Chief Legislative Analyst, with the assistance of the named Departments, to report with recommendations to strengthen the oversight, mitigation, and response to street harassment in City public spaces and transit systems.

  To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Lee – et al. – Blumenfield) relative to directing the Los Angeles Police Department, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to report on the recent reports of increased hate crimes targeting Asian American communities and cultural sites.

CD 10
  To Public Works Committee
Motion (Ridley-Thomas - Blumenfield) relative to instructing the City Engineer to take all necessary steps to temporarily close South Mansfield Avenue, between West Adams Boulevard and the I-10 Freeway for reasons of public safety.

CD 10
  To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Motion (Ridley-Thomas - Buscaino) relative to directing the Department of General Services, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to negotiate and execute a tieback agreement with the property owner and/or developer of a project adjacent to the City-owned property located at 3612 11th Avenue, for the installation of tiebacks on the City's property.

  To Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee
Motion (Koretz - - Blumenfield) relative to instructing the Bureau of Sanitation and Chief Legislative Analyst, with the assistance of listed departments, to report on the feasibility of developing and/or procuring AI technology and services, to provide accurate and regular reporting and public disclosure of the City's organization-wide greenhouse gas footprint.

CD 2
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted March 2, 2021, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of cannabis at the location of 4233 North Coldwater Canyon.

CD 2
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted March 2, 2021, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of cannabis at the location of 12159 West Ventura Boulevard.

CD 4
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted March 2, 2021, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of cannabis at the location of 4325 North Woodman Avenue.

CD 2
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted March 2, 2021, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of cannabis at the location of 10970 West Ventura Boulevard.

CD 4
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted March 2, 2021, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of cannabis at the location of 4500 North Forman Avenue, Suite 1.

CD 6
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted March 2, 2021, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of cannabis at the location of 11285 West Goss Street.

CD 6
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted March 2, 2021, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of cannabis at the location of 11332 West Goss Street.

CD 2
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted March 2, 2021, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, relative to the sale of cannabis at the location of 7674 North San Fernando Road.

CD 2
  To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated February 24, 2021, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for the Camellia Avenue and Landale Street No. 1 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.