Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, September 23, 2020 | |
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12-1152-S7 |
To Council
Resolution (Martinez - Price) relative to the designation of Councilmember John Lee as the Voting Delegate for the City of Los Angeles to the Annual Business Meeting of the League of California Cities Annual Conference, to be held October 7-9, 2020. |
18-0902 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-08078-0008, dated September 11, 2020, relative to authorizing the General Manager, Information Technology Agency, to execute Amendment No. 2 to Contract C-125796 with AT and T Corporation for Citywide telecommunications services. |
19-1043 CD 15 |
To Council
Motion (Buscaino - Koretz) relative to amending the Council Action of September 11, 2019 regarding the San Pedro Little Italy Project, to authorize the Bureau of Engineering to prepare, process and execute the necessary documents and/or payments to Gensler, a City consultant, utilizing the Pipeline Franchise Revenue portion of the Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund, for the next phases of more detailed analysis and design work for this Project. |
20-0002-S89 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 20-09-0877, dated September 22, 2020, relative to adopting Resolution (Harris-Dawson - Price - Wesson - Martinez) to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position on Assembly Bill 2405 (Burke), which would establish housing as a right for all individuals. |
20-0010-S16 CD 11 |
To Council
Motion (Bonin - Cedillo) relative to providing an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person or persons responsible for any of the acts of arson in Venice, starting in September 2020. |
20-0147-S46 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated September 22, 2020, relative to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Account, General City Purposes Fund Status Report, for the week ending Friday, September 18, 2020. |
20-0423 CD 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15 |
To Council
Motion (Ryu - Rodriguez) relative to amending the Council Action of May 13, 2020 regarding to the Department of Cultural Affairs Report, dated May 6, 2020, which identified and reallocated Arts Development Fees project commitments in Council District Four, to change the category/proposed use for RC32 from "CD 4 COVID-19 Emergency Response Program (ERP)" to the new project typology "ADF Developer-led Project," and as further detailed in this Motion. |
20-0841 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05734-0004, dated September 22, 2020, relative to the funding recommendations for COVID-19 Homelessness Roadmap projects. |
20-0900-S68 CD 14 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated September 23, 2020, relative to an Ordinance of Intention for the Forecourt and Esplanade Improvements Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
20-1087 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Clerk report, dated September 21, 2020, relative to access to casting Vote-by-Mail ballots in the November 3, 2020 General Election. |
20-1200-S32 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Mayor report, dated September 22, 2020, relative to the appointment of Yvette Lopez-Ledesma to the City Planning Commission for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Lopez-Ledesma will fill the vacancy created by Veronica Padilla, who has resigned. |
20-1200-S33 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Mayor report, dated September 22, 2020, relative to the appointment of Sarah Rascon to the East Los Angeles Area Planning Commission for the term ending June 30, 2025. Ms. Rascon will fill the vacancy created by Teri Stein, who withdrew from consideration. |
20-1215 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
City Attorney report 20-0272, dated September 22, 2020, relative to a draft Ordinances finding that the public interest and necessity require the acquisition by eminent domain of portions of the properties located at 9300 South La Cienega Boulevard, 5307 West Century Boulevard, and 6101 West Century Boulevard. |
20-1215 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Board of Airport Commissioners report, dated September 22, 2020, relative to the Resolutions of Necessity (Board Resolutions Nos. 27104, 27105, 27106), which authorize the commencement of eminent domain proceedings to acquire properties located at 6101 West Century Boulevard, 5307 West Century Boulevard, and 9300 South La Cienega Boulevard, for the Los Angeles International Airport Landside Access Modernization Program. |
20-1216 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 20-0125, dated September 22, 2020, relative to authorizing the Chief of Police to retroactively apply for and accept the grant award from the Department of Homeland Security, for the Fiscal Year 2020 Port Security Grant Program. |
20-1219 |
To Council
Motion (Martinez - Price) relative to allocating Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funding from the Skid Row line item for the Downtown Women's Center's Health and Wellness program, to provide meals to women in the Skid Row Area. |
20-1220 CD 14 |
To Council
Resolution (Martinez - O'Farrell) relative to authorizing Councilman-elect Kevin de Leon to solicit and accept gifts made to the City for the purpose of financing the Councilman's transition staff and expenses. |
20-1221 |
To Council
Motion (Rodriguez - Blumenfield) relative to the appropriation of funds from the Fire Department to the General Services Department for services in connection with the illumination of City Hall, on October 3, 2020, to pay tribute to fallen firefighters who have made the ultimate sacrifice. |
20-1222 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Martinez) relative to instructing the Chief Legislative Analyst and City Administrative Officer, in coordination with Los Angeles County, to initiate discussions with Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong and/or the Soon-Shiong Foundation on how the City and County can partner to provide medical and mental health services to the residents of the City, at St. Vincent Medical Center. |
20-1223 CD 5 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
Motion (Koretz - Bonin) relative to requesting the City Attorney's Environmental Justice Unit to investigate the code violations identified by the Los Angeles Fire Department in its review of the West Pico Drill Site, and report on the results. |
20-1224 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Resolution (Koretz - Blumenfield) relative to authorizing the Department of Animal Services to create a new program entitled, The Pet Retention Program, to be funded in the Animal Welfare Trust Fund, to provide medical care and treatment for privately owned pets of low-income City residents. |
20-1225 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee To Public Safety Committee Motion (Koretz - Bonin - Ryu) relative to directing the Bureau of Sanitation, in conjunction with relevant City departments, to develop a healthy soil strategy for the City to support urban agriculture, address carbon sequestration, and increase water capture. |