Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Monday, June 22, 2020 | |
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12-1316-S3 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
City Attorney report 20-0158, dated May 27, 2020, relative to a draft Ordinance amending Port of Los Angeles Tariff No. 4, Section Four, Dockage. |
12-1316-S3 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Board of Harbor Commissioners report, dated June 17, 2020, relative to approving Resolution No. 20-9649, authorizing proposed Permanent Order 20-7280 to amend Port of Los Angeles Tariff No. 4, Section Four, Dockage, Item No. 485 Passenger Vessel Lay Up Rates; and corresponding draft Ordinance. |
13-1211 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Mayor report, dated June 22, 2020, relative to the reappointment of Anthony Pirozzi to the Board of Harbor Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2025. Mr. Pirozzi's current term expires on June 30, 2020. |
15-1430-S1 |
To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
Department of Cultural Affairs report, dated June 18, 2020, relative to a request for approval to apply and accept a grant from the Getty Foundation for an original exhibition as part of the Pacific Standard Time: Art x Science x LA program. |
18-0083 CD 11 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Board of Airport Commissioners report, dated June 18, 2020, and Resolution No. 27052, relative to approval of Change Order 5 to Contract DA-5262 with Austin Commercial, LP, for design and construction services for the Terminal Cores and Automated People Mover Interface Project. |
18-0174 CD 14 |
To Council
Mayor report, dated June 19, 2020, relative to a veto of the Council action to enact an ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a Development Agreement for the property located at 900-1080 San Julian Street, 901-1075 South San Pedro Street, and 1100-1118 South San Julian Street. |
18-0174-S2 CD 14 |
To Council
Mayor report, dated June 19, 2020, relative to a veto of the Council action to enact an ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a Development Agreement for the property located at 900-1080 San Julian Street, 901-1075 South San Pedro Street, and 1100-1118 South San Julian Street. |
19-0623 |
To Council
Chief Legislative Analyst report 20-06-0653, dated June 22, 2020, relative to follow-up recommendations for a potential vacancy tax and empty homes penalty. |
19-0623 |
To Council
City Attorney Report R20-0202, dated June 22, 2020, relative to ballot resolutions regarding the proposed special parcel tax proposition, and draft Ordinance calling a special election for the proposition on November 3, 2020. |
19-0914 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst and City Administrative Officer joint report 0220-05701-0001, dated June 22, 2020, relative to the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program funding recommendations for A Bridge Home and Hygiene Services. |
20-0221 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Board of Airport Commissioners report, dated June 18, 2020, and Resolution No. 27045, relative to requesting approval for a two year contract with Pacific Bell Telephone Company, for materials and services for the Airport Police E911 Dispatch Telephone System Replacement Project. |
20-0473 |
To Public Safety Committee
Emergency Management Department report, dated June 22, 2020, relative to the potential impacts of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic to public shelter operations during a concurrent wildfire event. |
20-0553 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
City Attorney report 20-0200, dated June 19, 2020, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code to authorize the use of an administrative citation for failure to abate a public nuisance consisting of weeds or others dangerous conditions on real property. |
20-0753 |
To Housing Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1468, dated June 22, 2020, relative to requesting approval of various actions regarding the City's application strategy for the 2020 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grant. |
20-0804 CD 1, 2, 8, 13, 14 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1469, dated June 22, 2020, relative to authorizing the General Manager, Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, to issue funding commitment letters to existing projects applying to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee in 2020 Round 2, and various actions related to other exiting Managed Pipeline Projects. |
20-0813 CD 14 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Los Angeles City Planning Commission report, dated June 18, 2020, relative to a Vesting Tentative Tract and appeals of the project located at 813-815 West Olympic Boulevard and 947-951 South Figueroa Street |
20-0813-S1 CD 14 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Los Angeles City Planning Commission report June 18, 2020, relative to the Master Conditional Use Permit, Conditional Use, Transfer of Area Rights, Site Plan Review, and Director's Decision for the projects located at 813-815 West Olympic Boulevard and 947-951 South Figueroa Street. |
20-0814 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
City Attorney report R20-0201, dated June 19, 2020, relative to recent significant court decisions. |
20-0815 |
To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
Mayor report, dated June 22, 2020, relative to the appointment of Aaron Thomas to the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument Authority for the term ending June 30, 2021. Mr. Thomas will fill the vacancy created by Robert Vinson, who has resigned. |
20-0900-S40 CD 11 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated June 17, 2020, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Centinela Avenue and Alvern Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
20-0900-s41 CD 7 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated June 17, 2020, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Cobalt Street and San Fernando Road No. 1 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |