Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Wednesday, June 03, 2020           
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CD 13
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1149 North New Hampshire Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 8
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1636 West 59th Place from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 9
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 6015 South Raymond Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

  To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Proposition HHH Administrative Oversight Committee report 0220-05151-0194, dated June 2, 2020, relative to approving the Proposition HHH Permanent Supportive Housing Project Expenditure Plan (Prop HHH PEP) Fiscal Year 2020-2021, and amending the Prop HHH PEP Fiscal Year 2018-2019.

  To Council
Motion (Blumenfield - Rodriguez) relative to requesting the Controller transfer funds from the participating City departments and Bureaus to the Engineering Special Services Fund, to streamline the City's process in making its annual payment to ESRI, Incorporated for Geographic Information System software licenses and maintenance services during Fiscal Year 2019-20, and through the term of the contract.

  To Housing Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 20-05-0540, dated June 3, 2020, relative to the 46th Year (2020-21) Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan Budget.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Ryu - Rodriguez) relative to including in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Programs its position on the preservation of funding in the Governor's budget for the California Kids Investment and Development Savings (CalKIDS) Program and the Child Savings Account (CSA) Grant Program.

CD 5
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal 853 North Formosa Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 8
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1538 West 79th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 8
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1600 West 51st Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 9
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1018 49th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 9
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1520 East 42nd Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 10
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1537 South 4th Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 10
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 4241 South 2nd Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 13
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1515 West Duane Street (Case No. 171209) from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 13
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1515 West Duane Street (Case No. 407365) from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

CD 14
  To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 29, 2020, and Resolution relative to the removal of 1618 North Tremont Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report, dated June 3, 2020, relative to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Account, General City Purposes Fund Status Report for the week ending Friday, May 29, 2020.

  To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment
Motion (Buscaino - Krekorian - et al. - Price) relative to requesting the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority collaborate with public agencies identified in the Motion and with philanthropy, to coordinate the development of a COVID-19 Homelessness Recovery Roadmap and the provision of essential services and housing to the homeless population, with a focus on those age 65 and over.

  To Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment
Motion (Martinez - Price) relative to instructing the Chief Legislative Analyst, working with all relevant departments, to prepare a COVID-19 economic recovery and neighborhood investment plan that focuses on stabilizing the hardest hit communities.

CD 13
  To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Price) relative to authorizing the General Manager, General Services Department, to negotiate a lease agreement with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, for 60 family beds at the Retan Hotel located at 1732 Whitley Avenue; and a sub-lease agreement with People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) to operate the family shelter, and submit to Council for approval.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Koretz - et al. - Ryu - Buscaino) relative to condemning the murder of George Floyd, and urging Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison to promptly arrest former officers Kueng, Lane and Thao, based on what already is known about their roles in the murder of George Floyd, and to complete a thorough investigation leading to appropriate criminal charges, at the earliest opportunity.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Martinez - et al. - Curren for Krekorian) relative to instructing the City Administrative Officer and the Chief Legislative Analyst, with assistance from the Mayor, to identity cuts in the Los Angeles Police Department's budget to reinvest in disadvantaged communities of color.