Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Wednesday, May 27, 2020           
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  To Ad Hoc on Comprehensive Job Creation Plan Committee
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee

Information Technology Agency, Chief Procurement Officer, Office of Budget and Innovation and Bureau of Contract Administration report, dated May 27, 2020, relative to authorizing the Information Technology Agency (ITA) to procure software licensing with Salesforce through the City's Insight contract to replatform the City's solicitation and regional procurement portal as described under Section 1 of this report

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 20-04-0457, dated May 27, 2020, relative to adopting Resolutions (Rodriguez - Ryu - Blumenfield) and (Martinez - Price) to including in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position for SB 1141 (Rubio), which would add coercive control to the state's definition of "abuse," and further define conduct that constitutes coercive control.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 20-04-0457, dated May 27, 2020, relative to adopting Resolutions (Rodriguez - Ryu - Blumenfield) and (Martinez - Price) to including in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position for SB 1141 (Rubio), which would add coercive control to the state's definition of "abuse," and further define conduct that constitutes coercive control.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Ryu - Blumenfield) relative to including in the City's 2019-20 State and Federal Legislative Programs its position on administrative and/or legislative action to denounce anti-Asian bigotry, anti-Semitism, and all hateful speech, violent action and the spread of misinformation related to COVID-19 that casts blame, promotes racism or discrimination, or harms the Los Angeles Asian and Pacific Islander, Jewish, immigrant or other communities.

  To Housing Committee
Motion (Martinez - O'Farrell - Wesson) relative to allocating funds from the COVID-19 Federal Relief Fund to the COVID-19 Emergency Renters Relief Program.

CD 10
  To Transportation Committee
Board of Transportation Commissioners corrected report, dated March 13, 2020, relative to establishing Preferential Parking District No. 280, in the Pico Neighborhood in Council District 10.

CD 11
  To Transportation Committee
Board of Transportation Commissioners corrected report, dated March 13, 2020, relative to establishing Preferential Parking District No. 291, in the Westchester Area of Council District 11.

  To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power report, dated May 19, 2020, relative to the feasibility of expanding the Lifeline program to include COVID-19 related economic hardship as a qualifying criteria, or the creation of a new reduced rate program for low income customers who have been financially affected by COVID-19.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Ryu-Koretz) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to instruct the City Administrative Officer, with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst, to report on the feasibility of using additional reserve funds to offset proposed furloughs in City departments that provide direct housing, homeless, senior, and social services.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to instruct the City Administrative Officer, with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst, to report on the feasibility of providing funding for the Motor Sweeper Route Optimization Technology to remap and optimize Street Sweeping Routes.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Ryu-Koretz) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to instruct the City Administrative Officer, with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst, to report on the feasibility of restoring funding for the repair and reconstruction of failed asphalt streets and failed concrete streets to FY 2019-20 funding levels.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Ryu-Koretz) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to delete the request to the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance amending the Los Angeles Administrative Code regarding Transit Occupancy Tax and the Arts and Cultural Facilities Trust Fund.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Ryu-Koretz) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to instructing the City Administrative Officer, with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst, to report with recommended deletions of position authority from departments whose operations may be reduced in light of the COVID-19 State of Emergency, in order to restore resolution authority for one Environmental Specialist II and one City Planning Associate for the Wildlife Pilot Study.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Cedillo - Krekorian) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to instruct the Bureau of Sanitation and the City Administrative Officer to report with an appropriate classification to add resolution authority, in the Bureau of Sanitation, for a Labor Relations Advocate position.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to add resolution authority and funding for one Personnel Director, two Senior Personnel Analyst I's, and one Personnel Analyst to develop and implement the Human Resources Payroll project.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to add resolution authority without funding for one Principal Project Coordinator and one Community Services Representative in the Board of Public Works to support Climate Emergency Mobilization Office activities.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to exempt one Physician and seven Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) in the Custody Care Program, and 32 Background Investigator I's and eight Background Investigator Il's in the Public Safety Division, in the Personnel Department, from furloughs.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to set aside funding in the Unappropriated Balance for Climate Change Emergency Mobilization and Climate Change Emergency Projects.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell) relative to the amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2020-21 to add resolution authority without funding in the Bureau of Street Services for one Principal Civil Engineer, two Systems Analysts and two GIS Specialists, one Street Services General Superintendent II, and one Street Services General Superintendent II.

CD 9
  To Council
Motion (Price - Martinez) relative to transferring/appropriating funds from the AB 1290 Fund to the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCID) COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Fund, to assist eligible renters in Council District 9.

CD 9
  To Council
Motion (Price - Martinez) relative to approving the Street Banner Program being coordinated by the Voices Neighborhood Council, as a City of Los Angeles Non-Event Street Banner Program.

  To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee

Motion (Krekorian - Martinez) relative to instructing the Department of City Planning, with the assistance of relevant City departments, to report with recommendations for permitting child care facilities by-right, or creating an administrative approval process; implementing a pre-submittal review process with Early Childhood Education providers; and implementing a pilot program to satisfy outdoor space with public parks.

CD 10
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (Wesson - Martinez) relative to initiating consideration of the properties located at 1619 South Van Ness Avenue and 1623 South Van Ness Avenue, and instructing the Department of City Planning to prepare the Historic Cultural Monument applications for review and consideration by the Cultural Heritage Commission.

  To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
Motion (Wesson - Martinez) relative to instructing the the Emergency Management Department to work with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to develop a plan that equitably delivers COVID-19 vaccines by prioritizing essential workers, communities of color, high-risk populations, children, and the unhoused when a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine becomes available.

  To Council
Motion (Blumenfield - Ryu) relative to the transferring/appropriating funds from the Mayor's portion of the Heritage Month Celebration and Special Events to the General City Purposes Fund for the Mayor's special recognition of all the healthcare, front line, and essential workers, including the illumination of City Hall during the month of May.

  To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
Motion (Lee - Rodriguez) relative to requesting the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent Safer at Home order, on residential and commercial LADWP utility bills.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Harris-Dawson - Bonin) relative to utilizing funds from the Heritage Month Celebration and Special Events in the General City Purposes Fund for the following events: Summer Jazz Concert (Virtual), Holiday Tree Lighting (Virtual), Holiday Toy Drive, Turkey Drive, MLK Freedom Festival (Virtual) and Our Pride (Virtual).

  To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Ryu - Blumenfield) relative to utilizing General City Purposes Fund, Heritage Month Celebration and Special Events funds for the Jewish Heritage Month and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month events.

  To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
Motion (Rodriguez - Lee) relative to instructing the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Economic and Workforce Development Department to report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on creative industries and provide recommendations to support and revive the creative economy.

  To Economic Development Committee
Motion (Rodriguez - Lee) relative to instructing the Economic and Workforce Development Department, with the assistance of any other relevant departments, to create an "Office of Small Business Recovery" to provide a one-stop shop to assist business owners.

CD 4
  To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated May 27, 2020, relative to a draft Ordinance of Intention for the Saloma Avenue and Magnolia Boulevard Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.

CD 7
  To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated May 27, 2020, relative to a draft Ordinance of Intention for the Fenton Avenue and Carl Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.

CD 13
  To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated May 27, 2020, relative to the draft Ordinance of Intention for Douglas Street and Montana Street No. 2 Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.

  To Transportation Committee
Mayor report, dated May 26, 2020, relative to the appointment of John Jones III to the Board of Transportation Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2022. Mr. Jones will fill the vacancy created by Tafarai Bayne, who has resigned.