Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Friday, March 13, 2020           
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  To Transportation Committee
Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) report, dated March 5, 2020, relative to adopting the Resolution for authority to apply for and accept grant funds from the State of California Department of Transportation Low Carbon Transit Operations Program, to continue funding the free fare on LADOT DASH service.

  To Transportation Committee
Los Angeles Department of Transportation report, dated March 5, 2020, relative to authority to submit a grant application to the Federal Transit Administration Grants for Bus and Bus Facilities program.

  To Council
Communication from the Los Angeles City Council President, dated March 11, 2020, relative to conducting the City's business with the upmost caution, in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

  To Public Safety Committee
Mayor report, dated March 12, 2020, relative to the appointment of Charley M. Mims to the Police Permit Review Panel for the term ending June 30, 2022. Mr. Mims will fill the vacancy created by Guy Lipa, who has resigned.