Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Wednesday, January 15, 2020           
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CD 11
  To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Bonin - Buscaino) relative to naming the intersection of Lincoln Boulevardand Venice Boulevard asVenice Japanese American Memorial Monument Square.

  To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05291-0703, dated January 13, 2020, relative to the status of the Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles' (MICLA) Commercial Paper Programs and reauthorization of expired MICLA projects.

  To Economic Development Committee
Economic and Workforce Development Department and Workforce Development Board (WDB)joint report, dated January 14, 2020, relative to the acceptance of Program Year (PY)2019-20 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Carry-In Report and approval of modifications to the PY 2019-20 WDB Annual Plan budget.

CD 4
  To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Los Angeles City Planning Commission report, date January 14, 2020, relative to the Zone Change for the projects located at 14130 and 14154 West Riverside Drive and 4715–4745 North Hazeltine Avenue.

CD 11
  To Council (tentatively scheduled for January 22, 2020)
Motion (Bonin - Buscaino) relative to a transfer of funds from Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Blanket Authority No. 6757-5 to the Transportation Trust Fund No. 840, for overtime costs associated with Los Angeles Department of Transportation services during construction of the Century Trunk Line Unit 1 Project.

CD 11
  To Council (tentatively scheduled for January 21, 2020)
Motion (Bonin - Koretz) relative to asserting jurisdiction over the November 20, 2019 (Letter of Determination date: December 20, 2019) West Los Angeles Planning Commission action to deny the appeal, and thereby sustain the determination of the Director of City Planning to approvea Coastal Development Permit and Mello Act Compliance Review,in the matter of Case No. DIR-2016-3293-CE, for the properties located at 635-637 East San Juan Avenue.

  To Council (tentatively scheduled for January 22, 2020)
Resolution (Cedillo - Koretz - Krekorian - Lee) relative to requestingthe Commissioner of Major League Baseball remove the 2017 and 2018 World Series titles and recall the World Series Commissioner's Trophies from the Houston Astros and Boston Red Sox, andaward them to the Los Angeles Dodgers.

CD 2
  To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Krekorian - O'Farrell) relative to initiating street vacation proceedings to vacate West Raymer Street, westerly of Woodman Place; and directing the Bureau of Engineering to investigate the feasibility of this vacation request, and related actions.

  To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated January 14, 2020, relative to the appointment of Ana Bryan to the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles Board of Commissioners, for the term ending June 30, 2021.