Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Tuesday, October 08, 2019 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed or email notification . All Council Files can be found at |
15-0087-S4 |
To Housing Committee
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated September 25, 2019, relative to approval of the City's criteria and application strategy for the 2019 Round 5 funding opportunity for the Strategic Growth Council's Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program. |
15-0160-S255 CD 8 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated October 1, 2019, relative to the proposed lien of $522.42 to be recorded for the property at 2510 West Vernon Avenue. |
16-0226 CD 6 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
North Valley Area Planning Commission report, dated October 4, 2019, relative to the Vesting Zone Change (Measure JJJ); Building Line Removal and appeal for the project located at 9502-9508 North Van Nuys Boulevard; 14533-14535 West Plummer Street. |
16-0703 |
To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 4, 2019, relative to the status of the planning and administration in support of a Los Angeles Children's Savings Account Program. |
18-0532 |
To Economic Development Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-15291-0685, dated October 1, 2019, relative to Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. C-123199 with AEG Management LACC, LLC for the management and operation of the Los Angeles Convention Center. |
19-0005-S222 CD 9 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 4, 2019, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 145 West 71st Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
19-0005-S223 CD 9 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 4, 2019, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 323 East 57th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), Case No. 13598. |
19-0005-S223 CD 9 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 4, 2019, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 323 East 57th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), Case No. 206254. |
19-0005-S224 CD 11 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 4, 2019, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 600 East Victoria Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
19-0005-S225 CD 11 |
To Council
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 4, 2019, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 3600 South Centinela Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
19-0011-S6 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for 10/15/19) Motion (O'Farrell - Rodriguez) relative to the transfer/appropriation of funds for services in connection with the Council District 13 special recognition of Indigenous Peoples Day, including the illumination of City Hall. |
19-0160-S118 CD 11 |
To Council
Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety report, dated October 1, 2019, relative to the proposed lien of $3,673.56 to be recorded for the property at 428 North Carmelina Avenue. |
19-0229 |
To Economic Development Committee
Bureau of Contract Administration report, dated October 4, 2019, relative to staff and resource requirements needed to initiate the proposed Fair Work Week program. |
19-0229 |
To Economic Development Committee
Bureau of Contract Administration report, dated October 4, 2019, relative to implementation recommendations for a Los Angeles Fair Work Week law. |
19-0681 CD 11 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Department of City Planning report, dated October 3, 2019, relative to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Appeal for the project located at 2465-2467 South Purdue Avenue. |
19-0900-S99 CD 14 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting revised report, dated October 2, 2019, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Grand Avenue and 1st Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
19-0941 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Homelessness and Poverty Committee City Attorney report R19-0331, dated October 4, 2019, relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code to exempt from the Transient Occupancy Tax the sheltering of homeless individuals. |
19-1192 CD 14 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee Seismic Governance Committee report, dated October 4, 2019, relative to authorizing Bureau of Engineering to repurpose funds from the General Fund through the 2019-20 Adopted Budget for the reimbursement of staff costs for the Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project to be used instead to reimburse the California Department of Transportation for the remaining balance of the real estate expenditures that are not eligible to receive Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funding. |
19-1202 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Housing Committee Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated October 3, 2019, relative to amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) relative to the annual registration fee imposed under the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) and consideration of a draft ordinance to adjust the annual registration fee per rental unit. |
19-1205 |
To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
Motion (Koretz - Rodriguez) relative to requesting the City Attorney to draft an Ordinance that would prohibit the sale of all e-cigarettes and vaping devices until such devices are approved by the Federal Drug Administration. |
19-1206 CD 14 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for 10/15/19) Motion (Huizar - O'Farrell) relative to the transfer of funds for the installation of holiday tree lights within Council District 14. |
19-1207 CD 11 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for 10/15/19) Motion (Bonin - Blumenfield) relative to a payment from CDC Mar Panama, LLC, the developer of the Panama Creative Office Complex located at 12964 Panama Street / 4802 Alia South Road, to be used for permitting and installation of left turn signal upgrades to the 90 West and 90 East Freeway. |
19-1208 CD 4 |
To Council (Tenatively scheduled for 10/15/19) Motion (Rodriguez for Ryu - O'Farrell) relative to the transfer/appropriation of funds from accounts listed in the Motion, to pay for the structural retrofit of City Parking Lot No. 629 located at 14591 Dickens Street. |
19-1209 CD 14 |
To Council (Tenatively scheduled for 10/15/19) Motion (Huizar - Buscaino) relative to waiving the City of Los Angeles Multifamily Bond policy to allow the California Public Finance Authority to issuebonds to provide financing for the Project located at 636-642 South Main Street, and to alsoexecute and enforcement of the terms of the Regulatory Agreement. |
19-1210 CD 7 |
To Council (Tentatively scheduled for 10/15/19) Motion (Rodriguez - Lee) relative to approving the Street Banner program promoting the Dia de los Muertos Music & Arts for the period of October 2019-November 2019. |
19-1211 |
To Housing Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Martinez) relative to requesting the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, with the assistance of other relevant City departments, to report within 60 days on the feasibility of creating an inventory and monitoring system for units subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) that have been vacated by the Ellis Act and have become, or are suspected to become, Tenants in-Common units. |
19-1212 CD 6, 7 |
To Transportation Committee
Motion (Rodriguez - Martinez - Lee) relative to authorizing the Los Angeles Department of Transportation and the Bureau of Sanitation to negotiate and execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the non-profit Community Partners to implement the Green Together NE Valley Collaborative Network Plan and Project Implementation, and to receive grant funds from the Transformative Climate Communities program to purchase 14 new DASH buses for Pacoima-Sun Valley. |
19-1213 |
To Transportation Committee
Motion (Krekorian - Koretz) relative to a request to the City Attorney to prepare and presentan ordinance that would amend the Los Angeles Municipal Code to expressly prohibit the use of digital applications and digital infrastructure to re-route vehicular traffic that is inconsistent with official City street designations. |
19-1214 |
To Economic Development Committee
Motion (Wesson - et al. - Rodriguez - et al.) relative to instructing the Chief Legislative Analyst, with the assistance of the City Administrative Officer, to procure an independent study of average wages earned and business-related expenses incurred by Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) drivers in the City of Los Angeles; and that the study include the impact on the City and a method for determining an hourly minimum wage. |
19-1215 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (Lee - Rodriguez) relative to requesting the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to report on the discrepancy between its Point-In-Time Count and the Los Angeles Times analysis regarding the number of homeless individuals with mental illness or substance abuse disorder; and further instructions as detailed in the Motion. |