Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Monday, July 01, 2019 | |
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14-1174-S18 CD 9 |
To Economic Development Committee
CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee report 0111-31341-0105, dated June 28, 2019, relative to the appropriation of all earned interest for the Commercial Corridor Litter Abatement Project recommendations, as amended, that would authorize the appropriation of funds plus all earned interest, in CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds from the Broadway/Manchester Redevelopment Project Area and the Exposition/University Park Redevelopment Project Area for the Commercial Corridor Litter Abatement Project. |
14-1174-S62 CD 6 |
To Economic Development Committee
CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee report 0111-31341-0106, dated June 28, 2019, relative to the appropriation of funds plus all earned interest in CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds from the Reseda/Canoga Park Redevelopment Project Area (Taxable Series 2003-B,2006- C, 2010-0) and (Tax-Exempt Series 2003-A, 2010-E) for the Sherman Way Median and Sidewalk Repair and Improvements Project. |
14-1174-S76 CD 1 |
To Economic Development Committee
CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee report 0111-31341-0107, dated June 28, 2019, relative to approval of the report recommendations that would authorize the appropriation of funds plus all earned interest, in CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds from the Westlake Redevelopment Project Area (Taxable Series 2006-A and 2008-B) for the Westlake Safe Routes to School Project. |
14-1174-S77 CD 1 |
To Economic Development Committee
CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee report 0111-31341-0108, dated June 28, 2019, relative to approval of recommendations that would authorize the appropriation of funds plus all earned interest, in CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds from the Pico Union 2 Redevelopment Project Area (Taxable Series 2008-B) for the Magnolia Elementary Safe Routes to School Project. |
14-1174-S88 CD 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 |
To Economic Development Committee
CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee report 0111-31341-0109, dated June 28, 2019, relative to the authorization for appropriation of all current and future interest income earned on CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds to Special Fund 57D for eligible projects and program administration in accordance with the Bond Expenditure Agreement and Bond Spending Plan. |
15-1531 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Personnel Department report, dated June 25, 2019, relative to the Employee Engagement Survey Program for the City of Los Angeles Fiscal Year 2018-19. |
16-0037-S97 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 19-0126, dated May 21, 2019, relative to a monetary donation from the Los Angeles Police Foundation for the Harvard Park Community Safety Partnership Program, for the benefit of 77th Street Area and the community it serves. |
18-0384-S1 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05558-0000, dated June 28, 2019, relative to requesting the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance relative to the Measure W - Safe, Clean Water (SCW) Program. |
19-0002-S89 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 19-05-0552, dated June 28, 2019, relative to Resolution (Martinez - Huizar) to include in the City's 2019-20 Federal Legislative Program, its position on any legislation or administrative action that would establish a merit-based immigration system as proposed by the President. |
19-0002-S106 |
To Council
Chief Legislative Analyst report 19-06-0659, dated July 1, 2019, relative to Resolution (Ryu - Martinez - Krekorian) to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position on AB 196 (Gonzalez), which would increase Paid Family Leave compensation to 100 percent of an employee's wage. |
19-0002-S113 |
To Council
Chief Legislative Analyst report 19-06-0697, dated July 1, 2019, relative to Resolution (Harris-Dawson) to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program, its position on ACA 6 (McCarty — Bonta, et al.) which would provide for the restoration of voting rights for electors upon completion of their prison term. |
19-0002-S114 |
To Council
Chief Legislative Analyst report, dated June 28, 2019, relative to Resolution (O'Farrell - Koretz) to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position on AB 1110 (Friedman) which would require landlords to provide earlier notice of rent increases of 10 percent or more. |
19-0002-S116 |
To Council
Chief Legislative Analyst report 19-06-0696, dated June 28, 2019, relative to Resolution (Huizar - Buscaino - Ryu) to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position on legislative or administrative action to initiate a state audit of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, in order to identify if its statutes need to be clarified or if changes are needed to improve the local implementation and seeking for authorization of procedures for the appointment of a conservator. |
19-0002-S117 |
To Council
Chief Legislative Analyst report 19-06-0695, dated June 28, 2019, relative to Resolution (Koretz — Harris-Dawson) to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position on SB 592 (Wiener), which would amend the Housing Accountability Act by reducing local control of housing land use decisions and would allow developers who prevail in court over the rejection of a housing development to receive compensatory damages. |
19-0002-S118 |
To Council
Chief Legislative Analyst report 19-06-0694, dated July 1, 2019, relative to Resolution (O'Farrell - Krekorian) to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program, its position on SB 222 (Hill) which would add military and veteran status to the list of characteristics protected against housing discrimination under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and define source of income as including Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)vouchers. |
19-0737 CD 8 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Department of City Planning report, dated June 28, 2019, relative to a Conditional Use Permit to allow the sale and dispensing of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) appeal for the project located at 2595 South Hoover Street, Suite B. |
19-0746 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Board of Public Works report 2019-0535, dated June 28, 2019, relative to the project approval and mitigated negative declaration for the Soto Street Roadway Widening Project (from Multnomah Street to Mission Road) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance. |