Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, February 06, 2019 | |
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09-2398-S1 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-08935-0004, dated January 31, 2019, relative to the Third Amendment to Contract No. 128006 between Lynden J. and Associates, Incorporated and the Los Angeles Fire Department for as-needed court reporter services. |
14-0600-S223 |
To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
Zoo Department report, dated February 5, 2019, relative to the Amendment No. 5 to the Operating Agreement with the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association, which provides an extension to the Concessions Agreement to August 16, 2019. |
14-1191-S1 CD 4 |
To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
Motion (Ryu - Rodriguez) - Relative to evaluating the site located at 3210 and 3248 West Riverside Drive in Los Feliz to determine if the property is suitable for development as a senior center, community center and other uses to serve the Griffith Park Adult Community Club. |
15-0070-S2 CD 10 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for February 13, 2019) Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Bonin) - Relative to the appropriation of funds for supplemental charter bus services in Council District 10. |
16-0475-S4 |
To Economic Development Committee
Economic and Workforce Development Department and Workforce Development Board joint report, dated February 1, 2019, relative to the approval of recommendations to accept and distribute 2018 California Megafires National Dislocated Worker Grant (NDWG) funds to the City's Worksource Centers (WSC) and America's Job Centers of California (AJCC) to provide temporary jobs and workforce development career services. |
16-0756 CD 6 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Municipal Facilities Committee report, dated February 4, 2019, relative to a request for authorization to negotiate and execute a new lease at Fire Station 7 located at 14123 Nordhoff Street with the United Firefighters of Los Angeles to provide a wellness and employee assistance program. |
16-0777 |
To Public Safety Committee
Mayor report, dated February 5, 2019, relative to the proposed budget modifications and grant contracting authorities related to the Fiscal Year 2016 Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant award. |
17-0071-S1 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on Police Reform
City Attorney report R19-0027, dated February 5, 2019, relative to the draft Ordinance regarding implementing Los Angeles City Charter Amendment C by providing an accused officer the option of having a Board of Rights composed of three civilian members. |
17-0306 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0130-02075-0001, dated February 5, 2019, relative to the grant extension for the 2016-18 National Crime Statistics Exchange Implementation Assistance Program. |
17-0436-S2 CD 12 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for February 13, 2109) Motion (Smith - Koretz) - Relative to extending the deadline for the Council to act on the Historic-Cultural Monument application for The Apeta Momonga Mission Trail, located at 20765-20855 West Rinaldi Street; 11026-11050 North De Soto Avenue; 11100-11101 North Lurline Avenue and 11200 North Porter Ranch Drive. |
17-0950 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee To Transportation Committee Bureau of Engineering, Department of Transportation and Bureau of Street Services joint report dated January 31, 2019, relative to a report back on the budget for the Reseda Boulevard, Street Reconstruction / Vision Zero Program. |
18-0543 |
To Economic Development Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0020-05551-0000, dated February 5, 2019, relative to a request to approve Program Year 2018-19 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Carry-In Report and related actions. |
19-0002-S26 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (O'Farrell - Martinez) - Resolve that the City hereby includes in its 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position for Governor Newsom's Proposed California Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-20 relative to K-12 education and other legislation or administrative action that would provide additional funding to local school districts, providing them the variety of resources and increase the transparency on the use of those funds. |
19-0117 CD 5 |
To Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee
L.A. for Kids Steering Committee report, dated January 4, 2019, relative to the award of Proposition K inflation funds and additional specified GAP funds for the Robertson Recreation Center projectlocated at 1641 Preuss Road. |
19-0121 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of fire Commissioners report 19-006, dated February 5, 2019, relative to the acceptance of grant funds for the 2018 Port Security Grant Program. |
19-0122 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Controller report, dated February 5, 2019, relative to the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Municipal Improvement Corporation Financial Statements and Management Discussion and Analysis Report. |
19-0123 CD 8 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for February 13, 2019) Motion (Harris-Dawson - Huizar) - Relative to the issuance of revenue bonds or notes to finance the acquisition, rehabilitation, improvement and equipping of three multifamily rental housing projects located at 7850 South Normandie Avenue, 1818 West 71st Street and 1742 West 84th Place. |
19-0124 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for February 13, 2019) Motion (Ryu - Rodriguez) - Relative to the transfer/appropriation of funds for permits and services rendered for the APAHM: Pacific Bridge Concert. |
19-0125 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Motion (Koretz - Blumenfield) - Relative to amending Sections 53.50(a) and 53.50(f) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to include the requirement of Department of Animal Services permits for mobile and independent groomers, and to establish permit fees for these categories. |
19-0126 CD 4 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (Ryu - Harris-Dawson) - Relative to evaluating the site located at 3210 and 3248 West Riverside Drive to determine if the property is suitable for development as a Crisis and Bridge Housing Program Facility. |
19-0127 CD 10 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Smith) - Relative to the Department of General Services to report on the scope of vermin and pest control issues and protocols for cleaning and clean up within the Civic Center complex owned and/or operated by the City of Los Angeles. |
19-0128 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Buscaino - O'Farrell - Ryu) - Relative to requesting the Department of Recreation and Parks on how it can acquire and use zero-emission, battery-electric lawn and garden equipment and directing various City Departments that use lawn and garden equipment to report on a strategy and timeline by which it can pilot and evaluate the use of zero emissions maintenance equipment. |
19-0129 CD 9 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Price, Jr. - Ryu) - Relative to instructing the City Engineer to report with recommendations on temporarily closing the alley adjacent to the property at 513 East Vernon Avenue and located between East Vernon Avenue and East 43rd Place for reasons of public safety. |