Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Wednesday, September 05, 2018           
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CD 3
  To Economic Development Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Bonin) - Relative to the utilization of funding by the Bureaus of Engineering, Street Lighting, Street Services, and the Department of Transportation for pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements at the intersection of Victory Boulevard and Vanalden Avenue as part of the Reseda River Loop project.

CD 3
  To Economic Development Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - O'Farrell) - Relative to the utilization of funding by the Bureaus of Engineering, Street Services, Sanitation, and the Department of Recreation and Parks for public improvements as they relate to the second phase of the Reseda River Loop/Aliso Creek project.

CD 5, 7, 10, 11
  To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Rodriguez - Bonin) - Relative to the funding of safe parking pilot programs within Council Districts Five, Seven, 10 and 11 as part of the City's Comprehensive Homeless Strategy (Strategy 6B).

  To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Motion (Rodriguez - O'Farrell) - Relative to instructing the Information Technology Agency, with the assistance of the Department of General Services and other departments as necessary, to report on the progress of the Citywide Procurement System project.

  To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Personnel Department report, dated September 4, 2018, relative to implementation, benchmarks and hiring goals for the Targeted Local Hiring and Strategic Workforce Development Task Force.

  To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Wesson, Jr. - Ryu - O'Farrell) - Resolve that the City hereby includes in its 2017-18 State Legislative Program its position for Proposition 4, the Children's Hospital Bonds Initiative.

CD 8
  To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Harris-Dawson - O'Farrell) - Relative to reaffirming the reward offer in the murder of Keyond Tyrone Brown and that the reward offer be reinstated for an additional period of six months.

CD 11
  To Council (tentatively scheduled for September 18, 2018)
Motion (Bonin - Blumenfield) - Relative to the appropriation of funds for cutting and removing overgrown vegetation from the median island at La Cienega Boulevard from Slauson Avenue to Fairview Avenue in Council District 11.

  To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
City Attorney report R18-0272, dated September 4, 2018, relative to a revised draft Ordinance authorizing the utilization of competitive sealed proposal process with alternative project delivery methods on contracts for the Mainline Replacement Program, Trunk Line Replacement Program, Mid-Valley and Western District Operations and Maintenance Facilities, Water Quality Laboratory, and the Fairmont Reservoir Water Quality Treatment Facility.

  To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Board of Water and Power Commissioners report, August 29, 2018, relative to Board Resolution No. 019 019 authorizing a merit pay adjustment for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's general manager within guidelines established by City Council.

  To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Department of Cultural Affairs report, dated August 31, 2018, relative to resolution authority for one position of Arts Manager II to support the Los Angeles World Airport's Midfield Satellite Concourse Art Program.

CD 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 15
  To Budget and Finance Committee
Board of Public Works report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappropriation of funds for several existing Office of Community Beautification contractors providing clean-up, graffiti abatement and beautification services; and to continue the I-405 tree removal and replacement project.

CD 9
  To Housing Committee
Motion (Price, Jr. - Ryu) - Relative to the issuance of bonds for the acquisition and rehabilitation of a multifamily housing project known as the Broadway Apartments located at 301 West 49th Street in Council District Nine.

  To Transportation Committee
Motion (Bonin - Blumenfield) - Relative to adoption of the resolution authorizing the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to apply for, accept funds, and execute any necessary agreements for the Fiscal Year 2017-18 State of Good Repair Program funds from Caltrans for the bus electrification of twenty shuttles for the CityRide Program.