Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Monday, August 27, 2018 | |
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11-0138-S3 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R18-0268, dated August 27, 2018, relative to a request for appropriations for outside counsel. |
13-0398 CD 15 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Board of Harbor Commissioners report, dated August 24, 2018, relative to Board Resolution No. 18-8334 and Order No. 18-7234, which sets aside all Southern California International Gateway project activities and environmental approvals. |
13-0923 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-11174-0000, dated August 23, 2018, relative to proposed contracts with Lynden J. and Associates, Incorporated and Ben Hyatt Certified Deposition Reporters to provide court reporter services. |
15-0160-S937 CD 14 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 13, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $2,946.56 to be recorded for the property at 5188 east Alhambra Avenue (aka 5172 East Alhambra Avenue). |
15-0850 |
To Ad Hoc on Comprehensive Job Creation Plan Committee To Economic Development Committee Chief Legislative Analyst reports 17-10-1024 and 17-10-1022, dated August 27, 2018, relative to the proposed changes to the Local Business Preference Program. |
17-0276-S2 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
City Attorney report R18-0265, dated August 22, 2018, relative to a draft Ordinance finding that the public interest and necessity require the acquisition by eminent domain of property in the City located at 9790 Bellanca Avenue. |
17-0831 |
To Ad Hoc on Comprehensive Job Creation Plan Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 18-08-0778, dated August 27, 2018, relative to the evaluation of models for public banks, public banking activities in other jurisdictions, quasi-banking services currently offered by the City, and issues associated with the formation of a public bank. |
17-1001 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05151-0044, dated August 27, 2018, relative to the recommended Comprehensive Homeless Strategy enhancement and timeframe for completion. |
17-1002 CD 9 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Bureau of Engineering report, dated August 21, 2018, relative to a notice of intention to relinquish collateral facilities along Route 110 Freeway between West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and West 39th Street. |
18-0160-S321 CD 9 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 5, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $3,682.13 to be recorded for the property at 918 East 90th Street. |
18-0160-S322 CD 4 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 15, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $2,755.51 to be recorded for the property at 10357 West Margate Street. |
18-0160-S323 CD 7 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report dated June 12, 2018, relative to the proposed lienof $762.29 to be recorded for the property at 14300 West Herron Street. |
18-0803 CD 11 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated August 21, 2018, relative to the final map of Parcel Map No. 2015-3312, located at 15229 West Sunset Boulevard, westerly of Monument Street. |
18-0900-S93 CD 5 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated August 22, 2018, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Corning Street and Whitworth Drive No. 1 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |