Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, August 15, 2018 | |
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10-0398 |
To Housing Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1284, dated August 14, 2018, relative to a new interagency agreement with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles for the provision of professional environmental services. |
13-0378-S4 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for August 22, 2018) Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Ryu) - Authorize the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment to use the Council chambers, 4th floor media room, rotunda, Spring Street forecourt, 10th floor rooms, Controller's conference room, and the Board of Public Works room on September 22, 2018. |
13-1038 |
To Transportation Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Boris Gorbis to the Board of Taxicab Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2023. Mr. Gorbis's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
13-1049 |
To Transportation Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Eric Eisenberg to the Board of Transportation Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2023. Mr. Eisenberg's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
13-1055 |
To Transportation Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the reappointment of John Ly to the Board of Transportation Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2023. Mr. Ly's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
14-0757 |
To Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Irene Tovar to the Human Relations Commission for the term ending June 30, 2022. Ms. Tovar's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
14-1679 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Alma Ortiz to the Harbor Area Planning Commission for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Ortiz's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
15-0160-S207 CD 15 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated May 30, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $3,285.64 to be recorded for the property at 340 North Pacific Avenue (aka: 334 North Pacific Avenue). |
16-0160-S285 CD 15 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 8, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $3,931.80 to be recorded for the property at 1520 West Pacific Coast Highway (aka: 1522 Pacific Coast Highway). |
16-0160-S602 CD 15 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 7, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $2,813.27 to be recorded for the property at 11627 South Main Street. |
16-0160-S937 CD 13 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated February 22, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $3,500.16 to be recorded for the property at 4207 East Willimet Avenue. |
16-0345-S6 CD 4 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Ryu - Krekorian) - Relative to the funding of supportive housing units on the Anita May Rosenstein Campus at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. |
16-1459 |
To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Rebecca Pleitez to the Commission for Community and Family Services for the term ending June 30, 2022. Ms. Pleitez's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
17-0031 |
To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Amelia Herrera-Robles to the Commission for Community and Family Services for the term ending June 30, 2022. Ms. Herrera-Robles's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
17-0160-S555 CD 5 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated May 21, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $2,419.60 to be recorded for the property at 9988 West Reevesbury Drive. |
17-0248 |
To Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Christopher Hopkins to the Board of Zoo Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2023. Mr. Hopkins's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
17-0600-S118 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R18-0258, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the Citywide Outside Counsel Expenditures Report for Fiscal Year 2018 as of June 30, 2018. |
17-0730 |
To Housing Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1283, dated August 14, 2018, relative to utilizing program income to enter into an Executive Advisor Task and Placement Agreement under the City's Master Placement Agreement with Fuse Corps, for placement of an Executive Advisor in the Housing and Community Investment Department's Asset Management Division. |
18-0002-S42 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 18-04-0367, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the Resolution (Krekorian - Englander) to include in the City's 2017-18 State Legislative Program its position for AB 1698 (Daly), amended to incorporate the language originally included in SB 1030 (Newman), which would make driving while operating a wireless communications device punishable by a violation point against a driver's record. |
18-0005-S173 CD 5 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated August 9, 2018, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 1116 South Manning Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
18-0005-S174 CD 8 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated August 9, 2018, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 718 West 85th Street from the Rent Escrow Account program (REAP). |
18-0005-S175 CD 9 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated August 9, 2018, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 1346 West 40th Place from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
18-0005-S176 CD 10 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated August 9, 2018, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 1409 South Hobart Boulevard from the Rent Escrow Account program (REAP). |
18-0005-S177 CD 11 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated August 9, 2018, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 20 East 29th Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
18-0005-S178 CD 8 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated August 9, 2018, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 538 West 80th Street from the Rent Escrow Account program (REAP). |
18-0008-S56 CD 10 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Wesson, Jr. - Price, Jr.) - Resolve that parking of oversized vehicles is restricted along both sides of the 4000-4400 block of West Washington Boulevard. |
18-0160-S310 CD 10 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated May 23, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $2,424.93 to be recorded for the property at 1871 South Curson Avenue. |
18-0160-S311 CD 6 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated June 5, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $1,266.72 to be recorded for the property at 11813 West Pendleton Street. |
18-0160-S312 CD 3 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated May 18, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $628.56 to be recorded for the property at 18640 West Ingomar Street. |
18-0160-S313 CD 5 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated May 23, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $2,605.79 to be recorded for the property at 5024 North Rubio Avenue. |
18-0160-S314 CD 15 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated May 18, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $1,651.64 to be recorded for the property at 26232 South Zephyr Avenue. |
18-0160-S315 CD 8 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated May 23, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56 to be recorded for the property at 6608 South Hoover Street. |
18-0160-S316 CD 8 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated May 25, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $3,302.75 to be recorded for the property at 9814 South Main Street. |
18-0235 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Attorney report R18-0259, dated August 14, 2018, relative to a revised draft Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code to require a Los Angeles Fire Department permit for the temporary use of a building or premise as a place of assemblage and to require crowd management and medical plans for certain assembly occupancies. |
18-0298 CD 6 |
To Housing Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-00540-1286, dated August 14, 2018, and Resolution, relative to issuing tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds for the Casa del Sol Apartments project. |
18-0485 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Port of Los Angeles (Department) report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the number of single stall restrooms located on Department property. |
18-0757 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R18-0261, dated August 15, 2018, relative to a draft Ordinance levying taxes and setting the tax rates for several interest and sinking funds for the bonded indebtedness of the City for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2019. |
18-0761 CD 13 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted August 14, 2018, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages for Voodoo Vin, located at 713 North Virgil Avenue. |
18-0762 CD 5 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Central Area Planning Commission report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to a Tentative Tract and Appeal for the project located at 836-838 North Poinsettia Place. |
18-0763 |
To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Program Cycle 9 Call for Projects. |
18-0764 CD 11 |
To Public Safety Committee
Bureau of Engineering report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to an offer to dedicate easement for sanitary sewer and storm drain purposes on property lying on the east side of Sunset Boulevard, north of Barrington Place - Right of Way No. 36000-10054. |
18-0766 CD 14 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Huizar - Bonin) - Relative to the transfer of maintenance responsibility for a landscaped area including trees, constructed as part of the Soto Mission Bridge Removal and Intersection Improvement Project, from the Bureau of Engineering to the Bureau of Street Services. |
18-0767 CD 13 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Transportation Committee Motion (O'Farrell - Martinez) - Authorize the Department of Transportation to reserve parking space at the Hollywood and Highland parking facility for use by the Hollywood Business Improvement District's security services personnel. |
18-0768 CD 10 |
To Transportation Committee
Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Martinez) - Request the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code to prohibit the parking of vehicles with a "For Sale" sign on the 1900-2200 blocks of 10th Avenue. |
18-0770 CD 14 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Huizar - Bonin) - Instruct the Bureau of Engineering and Bureau of Sanitation to report back with a plan and timeline for restoring the intersection of Bushnell Way and Wheeling Way to a proper condition in a timely manner. |
18-0771 CD 5 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application, submitted August 15, 2018, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages for Beverly Center VIP Lounge Space 119, located at 8500 West Beverly Boulevard (Space 119). |
18-0900-S86 CD 12 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to an Ordinance of Intention for Prairie Street and Winnetka Avenue Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
18-0900-S87 CD 14 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to an Ordinance of Intention for Avenue 56 and York Boulevard Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
18-1200-S23 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the appointment of Jose Sandoval to the Board of Animal Services for the term ending June 30, 2023. Mr. Sandoval will fill the vacancy created by Layne Dicker, whose term has expired. |
18-1200-S24 |
To Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the appointment of Harout "Harry" Semerdjian to the Human Relations Commission for the term ending June 30, 2022. Mr. Semerdjian will fill the vacancy created by Marco Ramirez, whose term has expired. |
18-1200-S25 |
To Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee
Mayor report, dated August 14, 2018, relative to the appointment of Berta "Betty" Avila to the Cultural Affairs Commission for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Avila will fill the vacancy created by Josefina Lopez, whose term has expired. |