Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Tuesday, August 14, 2018 | |
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12-1681-S3 |
To Health, Education, and Neighborhood Councils Committee
Motion (Ryu - Cedillo) - Relative to recommendations for improvements in the subdivision process of Neighborhood Councils. |
13-1018 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Gail A. Willis to the South Los Angeles Area Planning Commission for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Willis's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
13-1022 |
To Health, Education, and Neighborhood Councils Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Jorge Acevedo to the Disabled Access Appeals Commission for the term ending June 30, 2023. Mr. Acevedo's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
14-0156 |
To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Tara Maxey to the Commission for Community and Family Services for the term ending June 30, 2022. Ms. Maxey's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
14-0760 |
To Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Mark Rothman to the Human Relations Commission for the term ending June 30, 2022. Mr. Rothman's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
14-0763 |
To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Dr. Mariedel Leviste to the Commission for Community and Family Services for the term ending June 30, 2022. Dr. Leviste's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
15-0514 |
To Health, Education, and Neighborhood Councils Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Iran C. Hopkins to the Commission on Disability for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Hopkins's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
16-1172 |
To Immigrant Affairs, Civil Rights, and Equity Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Angelica Solis-Montero to the Human Relations Commission for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Solis-Montero's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
16-1209 |
To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Jesse Wilson to the Commission for Community and Family Services for the term ending June 30, 2022. Mr. Wilson's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
17-1083 |
To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Naomi Iwasaki to the Affordable Housing Commission for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Iwasaki's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
18-0002-S109 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Wesson, Jr. - Koretz) - Resolve that the City hereby includes in its 2017-18 Federal Legislative Program its position for HR. 6043 and S. 3032, also known as the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States Act, which would allow State governments to enforce its marijuana laws without undue Federal intervention. |
18-0002-S110 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Buscaino - Martinez) - Resolve that the City hereby includes in its 2017-18 Federal Legislative Program its position for HR 6489 (Barragan), the Safe Liquified Petroleum Gas Storage Act. |
18-0008-S55 CD 11 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Bonin - Harris-Dawson) - Resolve that parking of oversized vehicles is restricted along Victoria Avenue between Penmar Avenue and Glyndon Avenue. |
18-0010-S27 CD 8 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Harris-Dawson - Buscaino) - Relative to an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the death of Brian Andrew Hull on August 5, 2016. |
18-0011-S11 CD 8 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for August 21, 2018) Motion (Harris-Dawson - Bonin) - Relative to the appropriation of funds for bulky item pick up services, weed abatement and power washing services conducted by the Coalition for Responsible Community Development throughout Council District Eight. |
18-0757 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Controller report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to an ordinance levying taxes and fixing the tax rates for the several interest and sinking funds for the bonded indebtedness of the City for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019. |
18-0758 CD 14 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for August 21, 2018) Motion (Huizar - Blumenfield) - Relative to the transfer of funds for the installation of holiday tree lights within Council District 14. |
18-0759 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for August 21, 2018) Motion (Ryu - Rodriguez) - Relative to the submission of a grant application to the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program to be used for the Griffith Park Pilot Recycling Program. |
18-0760 |
To Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee
Motion (Buscaino - Bonin) - Request Los Angeles World Airports to report on current security protocols at Los Angeles International and Van Nuys Airports relative to the prevention of an incident similar to the August 10, 2018 theft of a plane by an airline employee from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. |
18-0900-S28 CD 2 |
To Council
City Clerk report, dated August 10, 2018, relative to the assessment ballot proceeding for Whitsett Avenue and Addison Street Lighting District. |
18-0900-S30 CD 3 |
To Council
City Clerk report, dated August 10, 2018, relative to the assessment ballot proceeding for Vanalden Avenue and Santa Rita Street No. 1 Lighting District. |
18-0900-S32 CD 7 |
To Council
City Clerk report, dated August 10, 2018, relative to the assessment ballot proceeding for Woodman Avenue and Chatsworth Street No. 1 Lighting District. |
18-0900-S33 CD 4 |
To Council
City Clerk report, dated August 10, 2018, relative to the assessment ballot proceeding for Riverside Drive and Glendale Boulevard Lighting District. |
18-0900-S36 CD 11 |
To Council
City Clerk report, dated August 10, 2018, relative to the assessment ballot proceeding for Westgate Avenue and Texas Avenue No. 1 Lighting District. |
18-0900-S37 CD 13 |
To Council
City Clerk report, dated August 10, 2018, relative to the assessment ballot proceeding for Sunset Boulevard and Micheltorena Street Lighting District. |
18-0900-S38 CD 13 |
To Council
City Clerk report, dated August 10, 2018, relative to the assessment ballot proceeding for Sunset Boulevard and Argyle Avenue Lighting District. |
18-0900-S85 CD 11 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated August 13, 2018, relative to an Ordinance of Intention for Arbor Vitae Street and Bellanca Avenue Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |