Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Tuesday, August 07, 2018 | |
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11-1654 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-09639-0001, dated July 24, 2018, relative to Amendment No. 1 to the Personal Services Contract with D and D Services Incorporated (dba West Coast Rendering Company) to remove language requiring a performance bond. |
13-1031 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Mayor report, dated July 23, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Gail Kennard to the Cultural Heritage Commission for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Kennard's current term expired on June 30, 2018. |
14-0953 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0100-00594-0002, dated August 6, 2018, relative to the Designation of Subrecipient's Agent Resolution for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program. |
16-0646 |
To Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee
Department of Recreation and Parks report, dated August 1, 2018, relative to grant awards from the California Department of Education's 2018-19 California State Preschool and California Center-Based Child Care Programs. |
16-1318-S1 CD 3 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Rodriguez) - Direct the Department of General Services to declare the City-owned parcel located at 18825 Edleen Drive as a surplus asset; and related actions. |
18-0002-S102 |
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Ryu - Bonin - O'Farrell) - Resolve that the City hereby includes in its 2017-18 State Legislative Program its position for AB 186 (Eggman) which would allow the City of Los Angeles and County of Los Angeles to open supervised substance consumption program sites to reduce overdoses and communicable diseases. |
18-0007-S20 CD 13 |
To Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee
Bureau of Engineering report, dated August 7, 2018, relative to the Hollywood Walk of Fame for the installation of the name of Jack Black. |
18-0184-S1 CD 13 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for August 14, 2018) Motion (O'Farrell - Huizar) - Relative to extending the deadline for the Council to act on the Historic-Cultural Monument application for 1650 North Silver Lake Boulevard. |
18-0600-S152 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0590-00098-5138, dated July 19, 2018, relative to the 2018-19 Appropriation Limit. |
18-0683 CD 11, 15 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Bureau of Engineering report, dated July 19, 2018, relative to a bridge maintenance agreement with the County of Los Angeles for preventative maintenance work on the Culver Boulevard bridge over Ballona Creek in Council District 11 and the Imperial Highway bridge over Wilmington Avenue in Council District 15. |
18-0684 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R18-0232, dated July 13, 2018, relative to a request to discuss in closed session settlement in the case of Heleine Tchayou, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, et al. |
18-0737 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - O'Farrell) - Relative to instructing the Bureau of Sanitation to report to Council on the feasibility of implementing a Plastic Utensils-On-Request ordinance which requires food service providers to only provide plastic utensils by customer request. |
18-0738 CD 9 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for August 14, 2018) Motion (Price, Jr. - Ryu) - Relative to the issuance of bonds to finance new construction for the project known as Residences on Main, located at 6901-6917 Main Street in Council District Nine; and related actions. |
18-0741 CD 4 |
To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee
Municipal Facilities Committee report, dated July 5, 2018, with Department of General Services report, dated June 28, 2018, relative to a new lease agreement with the State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services for the continued use of the Mount Lee Communication Center facilities located at 3800 Mount Lee Drive. |
18-0900-S80 CD 7 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated July 12, 2018, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Eldridge Avenue and Terra Bella Street No. 1 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
18-0900-S81 CD 7 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated August 6, 2018, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Foothill Boulevard and Bledsoe Street No. 1 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
18-0900-S82 CD 6 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated August 6, 2018, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Vose Street and Kester Avenue No. 2 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
18-0900-S83 CD 14 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated August 6, 2018, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Figueroa Street and Wilshire Boulevard Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
18-0900-S84 CD 11 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated August 6, 2018, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Mayfield Avenue and Westgate Ave No. 1 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |