Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Monday, June 04, 2018 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed or email notification . All Council Files can be found at |
14-0612 |
To Housing Committee
Mayor report, dated June 1, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Carole Brogdon to the Rent Adjustment Commission for the term ending May 20, 2022. Ms. Brogdon's current term expired on May 20, 2018. |
15-0605 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
Bureau of Sanitation report, dated June 1, 2018, relative to funding options for the implementation strategy of five Enhanced Watershed Management Programs. |
16-0393-S1 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05263-0002, dated June 1, 2018, relative to the Financial Status of the Public Works Trust Fund No. 834 for Fiscal Years ending June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2017. |
16-0528 |
To Health, Education, and Neighborhood Councils Committee
Mayor report, dated June 1, 2018, relative to the reappointment of Debra Wehbe to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2023. Ms. Wehbe's current term expires on June 30, 2018. |
17-0360 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
Bureau of Sanitation report, dated June 1, 2018, relative to Los Angeles County's Safe, Clean Water Program (Council file No. 18-0384), and environmental justice (Council file No. 17-0360). |
17-0600-S78 |
To Public Safety Committee
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) report, dated May 23, 2018, relative to a report on LAPD overtime related to the contract with the Metropolitan Transit Authority. |
17-0935 |
To Public Safety Committee
City Attorney report R18-0175, dated May 31, 2018, relative to draft Ordinance adding sections 57.106.7, and to Article 7 of Chapter V of the Los Angeles Municipal Code establishing a fee for a Requested Inspection and amending Sections 57.202 and to define a Requested Inspection and establish the method of calculating a fee for a requested inspection. |
17-1052 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated May 31, 2018, relative to request for approval of recommendations for contracts for the Domestic Violence/Human Trafficking Shelter Operation Program. |
18-0160-S256 CD 7 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated April 19, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56 to be recorded for the property at 11143 North El Dorado Avenue. |
18-0160-S257 CD 2 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated April 19, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56 to be recorded for the property at 6318 North Camellia Avenue. |
18-0160-S258 CD 7 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated April 18, 2019, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56 to be recorded for the property at 7207 West Tranquil Place. |
18-0160-S259 CD 15 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated April 19, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56 to be recorded for the property at 729 North Wilmington Boulevard (aka 731 North Wilmington Boulevard). |
18-0160-S260 CD 7 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Department of Building and Safety report, dated April 18, 2018, relative to the proposed lien of $932.40 to be recorded for the property at 9745 North Burnet Avenue. |
18-0191 CD 14 |
To Public Safety Committee
Bureau of Engineering report, dated May 29, 2018, relative to initiating vacation proceedings for Banning Street, Jackson Street and Ducommun Street from Center Street to its easterly terminus (revised) - VAC-E1401334. |
18-0384 |
To Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee
Bureau of Sanitation report, dated June 1, 2018, relative to Los Angeles County's Safe, Clean Water Program (Council File No. 18-0384), and environmental justice (Council File No. 17-0360). |
18-0478 |
To Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee
Department of Recreation and Parks report, dated May 29, 2018, relative to submission of the CAL FIRE Urban and Community Forestry Program grant application for the City's Park Tree Inventory, Tree Planting and Arboriculture Education Project to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). |
18-0479 |
To Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee
Department of Recreation and Parks report, dated May 29, 2018, relative to adoption of the Resolution authorizing the City to apply for the California Climate Investments Urban Greening Program grant funds for the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex - Sustainable Parking Lot Project. |
18-0480 CD 2 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Los Angeles City Planning Commission report, dated May 29, 2018, relative to a Vesting Zone Change for the project located at 13724–13732 West Victory Boulevard. |
18-0507 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Personnel Department report, dated May 31, 2018, relative to the 2019 LAwell Civilian Benefits Program (LAwell Program). |
18-0511 CD 13 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Application submitted on June 1, 2018, for the Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages for Silverlake Wine, located at 2395 North Glendale Boulevard. |
18-0512 CD 4 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated June 4, 2018, relative to the final map of Parcel Map No. 2016-3790 located at 417-419 North Norton Avenue, northerly of Elmwood Avenue. |
18-0513 |
To Housing Committee
City Attorney report R18-0178, dated June 1, 2018, relative to request for closed session regarding pending litigation two cases: Garris, Switzer, Teague v. City of Los Angeles and Paloma v. City of Los Angeles. |