Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, April 25, 2018 | |
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13-1534 |
To Housing Committee
City Attorney report R18-0101, dated April 12, 2018, relative to a draft Ordinance amending Section 49.95 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to establish a new sunset date for the Foreclosure Eviction Ordinance and to add a severability clause. |
14-0010-S12 CD 8 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for May 2, 2018) Motion (Harris-Dawson - Englander) - That Council reaffirm its findings for the reward offer relative to the unsolved murder of Herman Johnson and that the reward offer be reinstated for an additional period of six months. |
14-1174-S14 CD 8 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for May 2, 2018) Motion (Harris-Dawson - Price, Jr.) - Relative to rescinding the Council action of November 29, 2016 to revert all funds to their original source. |
14-1510-S9 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0160-01545-0013, dated April 25, 2018, relative to the Fiscal Year 2018-19 staffing plan for the Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project. |
16-0475-S2 |
To Economic Development Committee
Economic and Workforce Development Department and Workforce Development Board joint report, dated April 23, 2018, relative to awarding a contract to Managed Career Solutions, Incorporated to provide eligible individuals with training and placement into temporary disaster mitigation jobs. |
16-0865-S3 CD 6 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for May 2, 2018) Motion (Martinez - Ryu) - Relative to the appropriation of funds for monthly cleaning services of the Sherman Way Tunnel in Council District Six. |
16-0931 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Economic Development Committee To Information, Technology, and General Services Committee City Attorney report R18-0092, dated April 6, 2018, relative to a revised draft Ordinance adding Chapter 172 to Division 5 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code to create the Economic Development Trust Fund for the receipt, retention and disbursement of 50 percent of the sale or lease proceeds from City owned properties that has been designated for economic development purposes. |
17-0962 CD 2 |
To Public Safety Committee
Bureau of Engineering report, dated April 24, 2018, relative to initiating vacation proceedings for Ventura Boulevard (portion of southwesterly side) from approximately 190 feet to 312 feet westerly of Whitsett Avenue - VAC-E1401317. |
17-1116 |
To Transportation Committee
City Attorney report R18-0094, dated April 6, 2018, relative to a draft Ordinance adding Section 115.03 to the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to prohibit the use of sound amplifying equipment or unenclosed tour buses and amending Section 111.05 of the LAMC to authorize the Police Department to enforce Section 1115.03. |
18-0008-S20 CD 12 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Englander - Bonin) - Resolve that parking of oversized vehicles is restricted on both sides of Tribune Street, Valley Circle Boulevard and White Oak Avenue; and other streets named in the Resolution. |
18-0008-S21 CD 12 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Englander - Bonin) - Resolve that parking of oversized vehicles is restricted along both sides of Londelius Street from Tampa Avenue to Shirley Avenue; and other streets named in the Resolution. |
18-0011-S2 CD 14 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for May 2, 2018) Motion (Huizar - Englander) - Relative to the appropriation of funds for Rock the Boulevard Initiative by the Bureau of Street Services in Council District Fourteenth. |
18-0269-S2 CD 14 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Los Angeles City Planning Commission report, dated March 29, 2018, relative to the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Height District Change for the project located at 1248 South Figueroa Street; (1240-1260 South Figueroa; 601 West Pico Boulevard). |
18-0360 CD 4 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Los Angeles City Planning Commission report, dated April 5, 2018, relative to the General Plan Amendment, Vesting Zone Change and Height District Change for the project located at 6901-6931 West Santa Monica Blvd; 1107-1121 North Mansfield Avenue; 1106-1126 North Orange Drive; 1118-1110 North Sycamore Avenue; 1107-1117 North Orange Drive; 7051 West Santa Monica Boulevard; 1105-1115 North Sycamore Avenue; and unaddressed parcels Accessor's Parcel Nos: 5532016031, 5532016015 and 5531013025. |
18-0362 CD 3 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Cultural Heritage Commission report, dated April 23, 2018, relative to including Corbin Palms Model H-3 located at 6134 North Jumilla Avenue in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments. |
18-0363 CD 8 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for May 2, 2018) Motion (Harris-Dawson - Krekorian) - Relative to the transfer and appropriation of the General City Purposes Fund used to provide funding to support community programs and groups in Council District Eight. |
18-0364 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Huizar) - Relative to departments to review and identify State or Federal tax breaks and other possible incentives for participants of the Safe Parking Program. |
18-0365 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for May 2, 2018) Motion (Cedillo - Englander) - Relative to an appropriation of funds to hire an intern in the Board of Public Works to assist with Filipino American Heritage Month planning. |
18-0367 CD 9 |
To Economic Development Committee
Motion (Price - Buscaino) relative to instructing the Chief Legislative Analyst to hire consultants necessary to evaluate the proposed hotel project at 3900 Figueroa Street and make recommendations on economic development incentives. |
18-0368 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Koretz) - Relative to instructing all relevant City departments that purchase office cleaning and sanitation supplies to report with a list of their current office supplies vendors and list whether any purchased products are tested on animals. |