Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Thursday, May 18, 2017 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed or email notification . All Council Files can be found at |
17-0600-S1 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2016, relative to instruct the Department of Animal Services to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee on opportunities to use technology to promote animal adoption. |
17-0600-S2 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2016, relative to instruct the Department of Animal Services, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee on how the Administrative Citation Enforcement Program has worked to generate revenue. |
17-0600-S3 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2016, relative to instruct the Department of Animal Services to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee regarding what measures are taken to ensure pet licenses are renewed. The report should include whether the Department can place pet owners that have failed to renew pet licenses on lists for improved enforcement, including the Administrative Citation Enforcement program. |
17-0600-S4 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2016, relative to instruct the Department of Animal Services to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee on how the no-kill policy has reduced the amount of City resources spent on the Employee Assistance Program for employees who have to euthanize animals. |
17-0600-S5 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Animal Services to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee on the increased resources required to provide enforcement and maintain the no-kill policy. The report should include what percent of the City’s General Fund budget this represents as well as a cost-benefit analysis on how increased funding for this purpose would lower long-term costs of animal care and control. |
17-0600-S6 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Building and Safety to report to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee with a timeline for the completion of the BuildLA system. The report should include project milestones and additional resources required. |
17-0600-S7 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee with recommendations for a policy that addresses a minimum annual investment in digital infrastructure. |
17-0600-S8 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Budget and Finance Committee regarding whether Transient Occupancy Tax revenues are later reconciled with actual revenues and whether the Department of Cultural Affairs receives the difference. |
17-0600-S9 |
To Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer, with assistance from the Information Technology Agency and the City Attorney, to report to the Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee on the proposed Bring Your Own Device policy and how this compares to the Mobile Worker policy with regard to the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). |
17-0600-S10 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Budget and Finance Committee with a comparative analysis of the variance in the annualized increase in retiree health care for LACERS, Fire and Police Pension Plan, Department of Water and Power and existing active employees over the past ten years. The report should discuss the practices implemented by each system to determine best practices and lessons learned. |
17-0600-S11 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on best practices implemented by pension funds in other jurisdictions regarding the reduction of costs and maximizing return on investment to determine which practices are being used by the City’s systems. |
17-0600-S12 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee on the continued implementation of the PACE program (see Council File No. 14-1082-S1). |
17-0600-S13 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer, with assistance from the Department of Water and Power and the City Attorney, to report to the Energy and Environment Committee on whether the Department of Recreation and Parks can receive a large-user discount, thereby reducing water and electricity costs. |
17-0600-S14 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on the history of chargebacks to City departments, including the Department of Recreation and Parks. The report should indicate how significantly the chargebacks have grown over time, what impact they have had on services provided by Departments, and whether the policy of chargebacks is mandated or is a policy decision to be made by the Council. |
17-0600-S15 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on the timeline for implementation of the Revenue Commission. |
17-0600-S16 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Transportation Committee on the anticipated amount of local return from the new Gas Tax (SB1) for 2018-19 and beyond. The report should include whether a percentage can be allocated for Vision Zero. |
17-0600-S17 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Transportation Committee on the availability of Measure M funding in the current year for projects related to California State University – Northridge (CSUN), including the operation of DASH service aligned with student schedules and the relocation of the Northridge Station to Reseda Boulevard. |
17-0600-S18 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on plans to release another list of properties for storage and/or housing, the status of the Request for Proposals, and whether there is a comprehensive list of properties citywide. |
17-0600-S19 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to request the City Attorney to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on how the 26 attorney positions spread over five enforcement programs (Administrative Citation Enforcement, Measure D, Proposition 47, Neighborhood Prosecutor and Nuisance Abatement) are coordinated within the City Attorney’s Office. |
17-0600-S20 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Clerk, with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst, to report to the Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee on the online voting system and how it compares to other cities. The report should include a discussion of best practices. |
17-0600-S21 |
To Economic Development Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Convention and Tourism Development Department to report to the Economic Development Committee on establishing a guiding policy for the LACC Private Operator Reserve Account within the Convention Center Revenue Fund. The report should include a discussion of how this account is funded and for what purposes it will be used. |
17-0600-S22 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Cultural Affairs to report to the Arts, Parks and River Committee on the amount of Arts Development Fee monies that have been refunded to contractors. The report should address whether the Department is working actively with Council Offices to ensure the funds are spent on time and should include actual expenditures over the past two years. |
17-0600-S23 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee To Budget and Finance Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Cultural Affairs to report to the Arts, Parks and River Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee on opportunities to earmark additional funds for the Arts and Cultural Facilities and Services Fund from the Airbnb portion of Transient Occupancy Tax for services in underserved communities. The report should include the criteria for defining an underserved community. |
17-0600-S24 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Cultural Affairs to report to the Arts, Parks and River Committee on a potential revenue source for two resolution authority positions that currently do not have funding. |
17-0600-S25 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department on Disability to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on the steps that can be taken locally to mitigate misuse of disabled parking spaces and placards. The report should include whether there are sufficient disabled spaces and what penalties can be applied to those that misuse placards. |
17-0600-S26 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department on Disability to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on potential funding sources available, including Measure H, to fund the AIDS Coordinator Program contracts in consideration of potential federal cuts. |
17-0600-S27 |
To Economic Development Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Economic and Workforce Development Department to report to the Economic Development Committee on the metrics used for economic development programs and the jobs created through the adult and youth workforce development programs. |
17-0600-S28 |
To Economic Development Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Economic and Workforce Development Department to report to the Economic Development Committee on the Department’s ability to use the Assistant Chief Grants Administrator position in the Citywide Economic Development Team to leverage grants. |
17-0600-S29 |
To Economic Development Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Economic and Workforce Development Department to report to the Economic Development Committee on the status of 10 properties that were transferred to the City after the Community Redevelopment Agency was eliminated. The report should include the status of the excess bond proceeds and the CRA Option Properties, and whether additional resources are necessary for the City to effectively leverage this program. |
17-0600-S30 |
To Economic Development Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Economic and Workforce Development Department to report to the Economic Development Committee on how many youth will be served in fiscal year 2017-18, by Council District, through the Youth Employment Program funded in the General City Purposes Budget. |
17-0600-S31 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Public Safety Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Office of Finance, with the assistance of the Los Angeles Police Department and the City Attorney, to report to the Public Safety Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee on security updates and enhancements needed to secure cash operations. |
17-0600-S32 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Fire Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on full restoration of fire service. The report should include a priority listing of restorations and a plan to accomplish this. |
17-0600-S33 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee To Public Safety Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Fire Department and the Personnel Department to report to the Public Safety Committee and the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee on the responsibilities of the proposed Position Control Officer, whether it should be a civilian or sworn position, and report on a regular basis with a metric for the Return to Work Unit and the Position Control Officer. |
17-0600-S34 |
To Housing Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Housing and Community Investment Department to report to the Housing Committee on the service impacts and options available if federal funding is eliminated. |
17-0600-S35 |
To Housing Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Housing and Community Investment Department to report to the Housing Committee on the options available to develop housing for human trafficking victims. The report should include a discussion of Measure HHH, Affordable Housing Trust Funds, and other available funds. |
17-0600-S36 |
To Housing Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Housing and Community Investment Department to report to the Housing Committee on the Department’s ability to track and enforce affordability covenants for conduit financed projects. |
17-0600-S37 |
To Housing Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Housing and Community Investment Department to report to the Housing Committee on how to address the funding needs of Domestic Violence organizations. |
17-0600-S38 |
To Housing Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Housing and Community Investment Department to report to the Housing Committee on the timeframe required for approval of cargo container or similar modular housing projects. |
17-0600-S39 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Los Angeles Homeless Services Agency (LAHSA) to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on the process to distribute travel vouchers to homeless individuals to be connected to a legitimate housing opportunity. The report should include how the process can be expedited. |
17-0600-S40 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to request the Mayor to report to the Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee with historical data and metrics for the Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) Program. |
17-0600-S41 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment, with assistance from the City Administrative Officer, to report to the Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee on the cost to appropriately provide translation services to Neighborhood Councils that require them. The report should include the feasibility of funding this from the Neighborhood Empowerment Fund. |
17-0600-S42 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Personnel Department to report to the Public Safety Committee with a historical analysis of how long the Police and Fire hiring process takes. The report should discuss how the Department prioritizes sworn candidates for hiring and a discussion of lateral hires from other agencies and Reserve Officers. |
17-0600-S43 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Personnel Department to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee regarding how the number of workers’ compensation claims and injury on duty hours compare to other cities. |
17-0600-S44 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Personnel Department to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee with metrics for the Police Sworn Alternative Dispute Resolution Program, including how many sworn are being diverted from Workers’ Compensation and how many sworn are back to work after being on Workers’ Compensation. |
17-0600-S45 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Personnel Department to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee with specific implementation, benchmarks and hiring goals for the Targeted Local Hiring and Strategic Workforce Development Task Force. |
17-0600-S46 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Personnel Department and the City Administrative Officer to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee with recommendations on the conversion of as needed positions to regular positions. |
17-0600-S47 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Personnel Department and the City Administrative Officer to report to the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee on how to make departmental vacancy information more transparent and readily available. |
17-0600-S48 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Planning Department to report to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee with the increased Citywide interest in planning matters. The report should include whether there are plans to create and formalize community and Neighborhood Council training as a function of the outreach team, and whether the outreach team is adequately funded. |
17-0600-S49 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Planning Department to report to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee on hiring a biologist to provide advice on the Ridgeline Ordinance and biodiversity efforts, including wildlife corridors. |
17-0600-S50 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Police Department, with the assistance of the City Administrative Officer, to report to the Public Safety Committee on the Police Service Representative (PSR) staffing requirements necessary to comply with the October 2017 Text-to-911 state mandated implementation timeline. |
17-0600-S51 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Police Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on the cost and potential funding options to train vice officers and eventually all officers on a victimcentered approach to their response to human trafficking situations. |
17-0600-S52 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Police Department, with the assistance of the Information Technology Agency, to report to the Public Safety Committee with an analysis of the Department’s computer replacement needs and recommendations regarding development of an immediate and long-term plan for modernizing the Department’s computers. |
17-0600-S53 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Police Department to report to the Public Safety Committee with a latent fingerprint metric, including a goal of the number of prints per division that would be effective to solve less- than-violent crimes. |
17-0600-S54 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Office of Public Accountability to report to the Energy and Environment Committee on the Office's annual budget for the prior five years and how it compares to the Charter-mandated Department of Water and Power sales of water and power. |
17-0600-S55 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Board of Public Works to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on citywide graffiti abatement, including all budgeted funds for this purpose. |
17-0600-S56 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Engineering to report to the Budget and Finance Committee on the current status of spending related to the Sidewalk Program, including the work done surrounding City facilities. The report should include a cost comparison between using City crews and contractors for sidewalk work. |
17-0600-S57 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Engineering to report to the Transportation Committee on the overlap between High Injury Network (HIN) streets and “D” and “F” streets, by Council District. |
17-0600-S58 |
To Homelessness and Poverty Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Sanitation, with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and the Police Department to report to the Homelessness and Poverty Committee on metrics to measure the success of HOPE teams. |
17-0600-S59 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Sanitation to report to the Energy and Environment Committee on the remediation of the San Fernando Valley groundwater aquifer utilizing treatments, as noted in Council File No. 14-0338-S1. |
17-0600-S60 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Sanitation, with the City Attorney, to report to the Energy and Environment Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee on efforts that can be made to improve personnel and potential safety issues at the Hyperion Treatment Plant. |
17-0600-S61 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Street Lighting to report to the Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee on the location of street lights with remote monitoring systems. |
17-0600-S62 |
To Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Street Lighting to report to the Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee on the build out of a small cell network in streetlights, including options to increase coverage in disadvantaged areas or areas where the free market is not providing coverage and high-speed service. |
17-0600-S63 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Street Services to report to the Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee and the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee on the Bureau’s participation in the Targeted Local Hire Program. The report should include the positions that have been designated and hired through this program and what other opportunities are available to expand the use of this program. |
17-0600-S64 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Street Services to report to the Transportation Committee on relaxed street sweeping parking enforcement in school zones during drop-off (see also Council File No. 14-0367). |
17-0600-S65 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Recreation and Parks to report to the Arts, Parks and River Committee on the Summer Night Lights Program and how it has incorporated identification of human trafficking victims into its training program. |
17-0600-S66 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Recreation and Parks to report to the Arts, Parks and River Committee on the use of energy efficient variable speed pumps at Recreation and Parks pools. |
17-0600-S67 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Recreation and Parks to report to the Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee on a possible ballot measure to create a lower rate or a separate tier for Recreation and Parks for water and electricity costs. |
17-0600-S68 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Recreation and Parks to report to the Arts, Parks and River Committee regarding on the status of the Woodland Hills Recreation Center. |
17-0600-S69 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Recreation and Parks to report to the Arts, Parks and River Committee on options for using grey water and/or recaptured stormwater at Recreation and Parks facilities. |
17-0600-S70 |
To Department of Recreation and Parks
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Recreation and Parks, with the assistance of the General Services Department, to report on the plan for regular maintenance of drought-tolerant landscaping at City facilities. |
17-0600-S71 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Transportation to report to the Transportation Committee on the timeframe to complete the review of Metro traffic plans and non-Metro plans. The report should include recommendations for streamlining the processes and the resources necessary to reduce turnaround time. |
17-0600-S72 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Transportation to report to the Transportation Committee regarding the High Injury Network (HIN) and what percentage of deaths are related to a lack of radar enforcement. The report should include what it will take to post correct traffic signs on 100 percent of HIN streets so traffic officers can give citations and save lives. |
17-0600-S73 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Transportation to report to the Transportation Committee on a plan for coordination between the Department of Transportation and the Bureau of Street Services for Vision Zero and street reconstruction work in the High Injury Network (HIN). |
17-0600-S74 |
To Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Transportation, with the assistance of the Bureau of Street Services and the Bureau of Engineering to report to the Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee on improvements to the grant process to ensure that the City receives as much as possible from various funding sources. The report should include whether the Department has the resources necessary to capture and spend available grant funds. |
17-0600-S75 |
To Transportation Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Transportation to report to the Transportation Committee on how the City’s bikeshare program compares to those in other cities with regard to performance and plans for improvement. |
17-0600-S76 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Zoo Department to report to the Arts, Parks and River Committee on whether there is a Joint Labor/Management Committee to address succession planning issues at the Zoo. The report should include a feasibility analysis of creating a Joint Labor/Management Committee. |
17-0600-S77 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to refer Budget Memo 31 to the Energy and Environment Committee and instruct the City Administrative Officer and the Bureau of Sanitation to report on the creation of a Construction Services Team within the Bureau, including how the team would be structured. The report should include funding options. |
17-0600-S78 |
To Public Safety Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Police Department to separately account for and provide monthly status reports to the Public Safety Committee regarding operational overtime and overtime tracking related to the contract with the Metropolitan Transit Authority. |
17-0600-S79 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Bureau of Street Maintenance to report to the Budget and Finance Committee regarding whether the Bureau has adequate resources to take advantage of transportation grant opportunities, including Active Transportation, Cap and Trade and Measure M. |
17-0600-S80 |
To Arts, Parks, and River Committee To Budget and Finance Committee To Energy and Environment Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to refer Budget Memo 66 to the Arts, Parks and River Committee, the Energy and Environment Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee, and instruct the City Administrative Officer, the Department of Water and Power, the Department of General Services, the Department of Recreation and Parks, and other departments, as necessary, to report on a chargeback policy or other policy options to reduce the impact on Department of Recreation and Park. |
17-0600-S81 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer, the Chief Legislative Analyst and the Department of Transportation to report to the Budget and Finance Committee with five-year plans for Proposition A, Proposition C, Measure R, Measure M, SB 1 and the Special Parking Revenue Fund (SPRF) that would eliminate any transportation special fund subsidy to the pavement preservation/reconstruction programs and the SPRF transfer to the General Fund. |
17-0600-S82 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations, and Neighborhoods Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment and the City Clerk to report to the Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee with recommendations on postponing Neighborhood Council elections from 2018 to 2019, and in odd-numbered years thereafter, in order to realign with the City Clerk's administration of Municipal Elections which will be conducted during even-numbered years. |
17-0600-S83 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations, and Neighborhoods Committee Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment and the City Clerk, to report to the Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee with recommendations consistent with those requested by Motion (Krekorian-Huizar, Council File No. 15-1022-S2), including the budgetary impacts of the proposed Neighborhood Council online voting platform. |
17-0600-S84 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Recommendation, dated May 18, 2017, relative to instruct the City Administrative Officer to report to the Budget and Finance Committee with recommendations to identify funds for additional cybersecurity protection ($400K) for the Information Technology Agency, including possible use of Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) or other available grant funds. |
17-0600-S85 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Koretz) - Budget and Finance Committee report on the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2017-18 be amended to instruct the Bureau of Engineering to submit quarterly progress reports to the CAO for inclusion into the Financial Status Report, on all street tree planting and maintenance activity related to the Sidewalk Repair Program. |
17-0600-S86 CD 14 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Huizar - Cedillo) - Budget and Finance Committee report on the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2017-18 be amended to instruct the City Administrative Officer and Economic and Workforce Development Department to assist Self-Help Graphics with the purchase of property located at 1300 East First Street. |
17-0600-S87 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Koretz - Ryu) - Budget and Finance Committee report on the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2017-18 be amended to add regular authority for one Senior Personnel Analyst I in the Personnel Department to provide human resources support services for the Economic Workforce Development Department. |
17-0600-S88 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Koretz) - Budget and Finance Committee report on the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2017-18 be amended to instruct the City Administrative Officer, with the assistance of the Controller, to restore funding to the Controller's Contractual Audit Services. |
17-0600-S89 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Cedillo - Buscaino) - Budget and Finance Committee report on the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2017-18 be amended to instruct the City Administrative Officer, with the assistance of appropriate City department(s), to identify funds for the pilot Americans with Disabilities Act - compliant program at the Westlake MacArthur area. |
17-0600-S90 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Ryu) - Budget and Finance Committee report on the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2017-18 be amended to add six months funding for one Senior Management Analyst II and one Fiscal Systems Specialist I to the Controller's Office for PAYSR Risk Mitigation. |
17-0600-S91 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Cedillo - Bonin) - Budget and Finance Committee report on the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2017-18 be amended to instruct the City Administrative Officer, with the assistance of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, to identify funding for the Northeast Los Angeles Homeless Shelter, and to determine if the shelter is eligible for County Measure H funds. |
17-0600-S92 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Motion (Cedillo - Price, Jr.) - Budget and Finance Committee report on the Mayor's Proposed Budget for 2017-18 be amended to add to the 2017-18 MICLA Program funding for planning and preliminary studies to renovate the city owned Bank Building in Highland Park for constituent services. |