Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Thursday, April 07, 2016 | |
View the activities of these Council Files from your computer or mobile device by clicking the Council File number. If you would like to track and receive automatic updates on these as well as other Council Files, subscribe to the RSS feed or email notification . All Council Files can be found at |
15-0467-S4 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Bureau of Street Services report, dated April 7, 2016, relative to the inspection of tree pruning/removal permits and enforcement of illegal street tree pruning and removal. |
15-0467-S5 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Bureau of Street Services report, dated April 7, 2016, relative to the 2015 State of the Street Trees Report. |
16-0005-S130 CD 8 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated April 6, 2016, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 1260 West 39th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
16-0005-S131 CD 11 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated April 6, 2016, and Resolution, relative to the removal of 2727 South Abbot Kinney Boulevard from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
16-0170-S18 CD 9 |
To Council
Office of Finance report, dated April 6, 2016, relative to proposed lien of $36,171.54, be recorded for real or personal property of R. Mitchel Incorporated at 806 East 60th Street. |
16-0383 CD 4 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Los Angeles City Planning Commission report, dated April 1, 2016, relative to the adoption of the Toluca Lake Village Community Design Overlay (CDO) Development Regulations and Design Guidelines and Zone Change to accommodate for the associated Q-Conditions. |
16-0386 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Office of Finance report, dated April 4, 2016, relative to the refund claim filed by UTI United States Incorporated. |
16-0388 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Office for Finance report, dated April 4, 2016, relative to an escheatment of $961,827.56 from the Unclaimed Monies Seized Incidental to Arrest Trust Fund. No. 7772 to the City General Fund. |
16-0390 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R16-0120, dated April 6, 2016, relative to a settlement discussion for Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) for the case of George Mejia and Paul Valencia v. City of Los Angeles. |
16-0391 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Board of Water and Power report, dated April 6, 2016, relative to authorizing grant of easement to Electric Lightwave, LLC (P-87091) affecting Mohave Generating Station Clark County, Nevada Assessor Parcel Numbers 264-23-000-001; 264-24-101-001; 264-26-000-001; 264-26-000-002. |
16-0393 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Board of Public Works report 100A, dated March 23, 2016, relative to the financial status of the Public Works Trust Fund No. 834 for Fiscal Years 2009/10 through 2014/15. |
16-0397 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R16-0122, dated April 6, 2016, relative to a settlement discussion for Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section (54956.9(d)(1) in the case of Tony Lavan v. City of Los Angeles, et al. |
16-0398 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R16-0123, dated April 6, 2016, relative to a request from the firm of Loeb & Loeb LLP for waiver of current potential conflicts of interest be approved, and that the City Attorney or his designee be authorized to execute the waiver on behalf of the City. |
16-0399 CD 15 |
To Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee
Board of Harbor Commissioners report, dated April 7, 2016, relative to Resolution No. 16-7902 - First Amendment to Agreement No. 3109 between the City of Los Angeles Harbor Department and Brown & Winters. |
16-0400 CD 15 |
To Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee
Board of Harbor Commissioners report, dated April 7, 2016, relative to Resolution No. 16-7906 - approval of Foreign Trade Zone general purpose operating agreement between the Harbor Department and Morgan Fabrics Corporation FTZ 202 Site 202F. |
16-0401 |
To Health, Mental Health and Education Committee
Mayor report dated April 7, 2016, relative to the appointment of Norma Lopez to the Commission on Disability for the term ending June 30, 2016. Ms. Lopez will fill the vacancy created by Harriet Posner who has resigned. |
16-0412 |
To Entertainment and Facilities Committee To Public Safety Committee City Administrative Officer report 0150-10133-0002, dated March 30, 2016, relative to the Fifth Amendment to the existing Agreement C-120938 between the Police Department and RMI International, Incorporated for security guard services at City facilities. |