Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Friday, March 18, 2016 | |
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10-1532-S1 CD 15 |
To Innovation, Grants, Technology, Commerce and Trade Committee
Board of Harbor Commissioners report, dated March 17, 2016, relative to approving First Amendment to Permit No. 853 between the Harbor Department and the General Services Department pursuant to Harbor Department Order No. 16-7185; etc. |
10-1901 |
To Economic Development Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-01024-2753, dated March 18, 2016, relative to the Los Angeles BusinessSource Center (LABSC) System operator Request for Proposals (RFP) final recommendations. |
11-0363 CD 10 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 14, 2016, relative to a request for authority to execute a supplemental agreement to Contract No. C-126092 with S.L. Franklin Enterprise, Incorporated (dba Urban Design Center) for the continuation of Proposition 1C Grant Consulting Services. |
11-0581-S1 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (Bonin - Blumenfield) - Council authorize the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to extend the contract with MV Transportation for the continued operation of the Community DASH Package 4 (Central Region) contract, under the current terms and conditions until no later than April 30, 2016. |
11-0754-S3 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
City Attorney report R16-0083, dated March 14, 2016, relative to a draft ordinance amending the Municipal Code which prohibits the sale of commercially bred dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores, retail businesses or other commercial establishments in the City by deleting the sunset clause. |
12-0171-S3 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Price) - Council waive the Citys Multifamily Bond policy and designate the California Statewide Communities Development Authority as the conduit issuer on behalf of the Columbia Apartments project, and instruct the City Clerk to schedule a TEFRA Hearing on the agenda for Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 10 am at 200 North Spring Street, Room 340, Los Angeles. |
14-0338-S1 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Ryu) - Department of Water and Power be requested to review and report to the Council in 60 days on various approaches/technologies that may benefit the San Fernando ground aquifer remediation effort in a cost effective manner, such as the In-Situ soil treatment approach utilized by the Israeli Company, Natyfit; and other firms and techniques. |
14-0338-S2 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Bonin) - Department of Water and Power be requested to participate in the rainwater demonstration project in conjunction with the Los Angeles - Eilat Innovation and Cooperation Task Force by providing insight, technical assistance and peer review; assessing the projects feasibility in achieving water savings City-wide. |
14-1371 |
To Economic Development Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst and City Administrative jointreport, dated March 18, 2016, relative to the follow-up policy elements for a Citywide Minimum wage. |
15-0002-S132 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 16-02-0183, dated March 16, 2016, relative to Resolution (Buscaino - Martinez) to enhance arrest authority for Bureau of Street Services Investigators and add vehicles used in the enforcement of overload vehicle permits to the State's list of authorized emergency vehicles. |
15-0002-S140 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Resolutio (Martinez - Bonin) - Resolved, with the concurrence of the Mayor, and by adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles, hereby includes in its 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position for AB 1676 (Campos) which would give women more bargaining power when negotiating their salaries by removing past salary history from a new salary determination. |
15-0010-S24 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Blumenfield) - Council reaffirm its finding for the reward offer relative to the unsolved murder of Rodney Lamont Lewis (Council action of September 23, 2015, Council File 15-0010-S24), and that the reward offer be reinstated for an additional period of six months from the publication of the renewed offer of reward by the City Clerk. |
15-0277-S2 |
To Health, Mental Health and Education Committee To Public Safety Committee Motion (Ryu - Buscaino) - Police Department, with the assistance of the Fire Department and City Attorney, to report on the current status and recommendations to improve the implementation of the following: California Welfare and Institutions Code 5150, Lauras Law, mandatory treatment for chronic drug users, transitional age youth conservancy, other mandatory treatment laws, and other issues as appropriate. |
15-0446 |
To Economic Development Committee
Department of Convention and Tourism Development report, dated March 17, 2016, relative to report back on request for information process related to developing a hotel on the Convention Center Campus. |
15-0594-S1 |
To Transportation Committee
City Attorney report R16-0082, dated March 14, 2016, relative to a draft ordinance amending the Municipal Code which prohibits the parking of a vehicle displaying a For Sale sign or placard advertising the private sale of that vehicle, to add the following street to subsection (a): Normandie Avenue from Martin Luther Kings, Jr. Boulevard to the I-10 Freeway. |
15-0697 |
To Housing Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0220-05400-1164, dated March 18, 2016, relative to the funding recommendations and execute contracts pursuant to the results of the FamilySource Center Operators Request for Proposals. |
15-0840 |
To Arts, Parks and River Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 17, 2016, relative to the Human Relations Commission and other local agencies plan for the City to engage in conversations and activities with regard to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, diversity and multiculturalism. |
15-0989 |
To Ad Hoc Committee on the 2024 Summer Olympics
City Administrative Officer and Chief Legislative Analyst report, dated March 18, 2016, relative to update on proposed bid for the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. |
15-1336 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Controllers report, dated March 16, 2016, relative to the Citys greying workforce. |
15-1450 |
To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated March 14, 2016, relative to the Special Parking Revenue Fund 5-Year Operations and Maintenance Plan. |
15-1450-S2 |
To Transportation Committee
Department of Transportation report, dated March 15, 2016, relative to the proposal to create a digital inventory of the Citys parking regulations posted in the public right-of-way. |
16-0010-S13 CD 10 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (Wesson, Jr. - Blumenfield) - Council provide an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person responsible for the fatal shooting of Candice Ann Altamirano on December 2, 2012. |
16-0037-S2 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 16-0071, dated March 8, 2016, relative to a donation of registration fees for Los Angeles Police Department employees to attend the Los Angeles Women Police Officers and Associates 2016 Professional Training and Development Symposium. |
16-0037-S4 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 16-0067, dated March 8, 2016, relative to the donation of a vehicle and equipment from the United States Department of Justice, United States Marshals Service. |
16-0037-S5 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 16-0024, dated January 12, 2016, relative to an in-kind donation of building materials and labor from Toll Brothers, Incorporated to support the costs of building a wooden framed, shaded trellis over the BBQ area for the benefit of Devonshire area. |
16-0037-S6 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 16-0009, dated January 12, 2016, relative to an in-kind donation of building materials and labor from supporters of law enforcement in Devonshire to be utilized for the remodel and repair of the watch commanders office, Records Unit and Juvenile Detention Room, for the benefit of Devonshire area. |
16-0047 |
To Budget and Finance Committee To Homelessness and Poverty Committee To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee Chief Legislative Analyst and City Administrative joint report, dated March 18, 2016, relative to the funding options for addressing homelessness. |
16-0309 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Office of Finance report, dated March 9, 2016, relative to the refund claim filed by FAA Beverly Hills Incorporated. |
16-0310 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Office of Finance report, dated March 10, 2016, relative to the refund claim filed by KAVA Holdings LLC. |
16-0311 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
City Ethics Commission report, dated March 16, 2016, relative to amended Conflict of Interest Code for the City Ethics Commission. |
16-0312 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
City Administrative Officer report 0150-10586-0000, dated March 16, 2016, relative to authorize the Board of Public Works to award and execute a personal service contract with USA Waste of California, dba Waste Management for the receipt, processing, and reuse of green material, food material, and/or horse manure from the City of Los Angeles Curbside Collection Program. |
16-0318 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
City Attorney report R16-0074, dated March 9, 2016, relative to a settlement discussion in Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) in the case of Justin Malone v. City of Los Angeles. |
16-0319 |
To Health, Mental Health and Education Committee
Motion (Martinez - Bonin) - Chief Legislative Analyst and City Attorney report within 30 days, on what other jurisdictions are doing to limit the deceptive practices of pregnancy crisis centers across the country including recommendations on how we can limit deceptive advertising within the City of Los Angeles. |
16-0320 |
To Health, Mental Health and Education Committee
Motion (Ryu - Wesson, Jr.) - Council request representatives of LAs BEST to report on matters including, but not limited to, the following: status of current programs funding by agency, best practices for after-school programming, coordination efforts with the City, and other matters as may be appropriate. |
16-0321 CD 15 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (Buscaino - Blumenfield) - Find that Friends of Cabrillo Marine Aquarium is eligible to purchase one van at below markert value in accordance with Los Angeles Administrative Code (Donation of Surplus City Equipment). |
16-0322 CD 3 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (Blumenfield - Buscaino) - Council waive the Citys Multifamily Bond Policy to allow the California Municipal Finance Authority to issue the bonds on behalf of the Rancho Del Valle Apartments project at 6560 Winnetka Avenue; etc. |
16-0323 CD 4 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (Ryu - OFarrell) - Council District 4 Real Property Trust Fund be transferred / appropriated to the Transportation Fund Account (Contractrual Services) to secure the services of a contractor to obtain accurate, up-to-date information on pedestrian and vehicle usage in the Hollywood Hills area. |
16-0324 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (OFarrell - Ryu) - Council accept the donation by the Hollywood Property Owners Alliance of the new Las Palmas Digital surveillance camera comprised of a digital wireless video camera and Fluid Mesh antennae, for use by the Los Angeles Police Department for the Hollywood Entertainment District. |
16-0327 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Board of Water and Power Commissioners report, dated March 17, 2016, relative to Board Resolution No. 4907 for initial authorization to issue up to $428 Million of Power System Revenue Bonds. |
16-0328 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Board of Water and Power Commissioners report, dated March 17, 2016, relative to Board Resolution No. 016 213 which authorizes Grant of Easement to Big Bend Water District (P-87088) Affecting the Mohave Switchyard, Clark County, Nevada; Assessor Parcel Numbers 264-26-000-002, 264-21-50 1-002; and 264-24-101-001 |