Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, March 16, 2016 | |
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10-0394-S2 |
To Transportation Committee
Motion (Huizar - OFarrell) - Council, with concurrence of the Mayor, authorize the General Manager of Department of Transportation to request that Metro accept a co-project sponsorship and sub-grantee role along with the cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach to implement the Los Angeles/Long Beach Integrated Mobility Hubs Project. |
15-0002-S118 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 16-01-0056, dated March 16, 2016, relative to the Resolution (Koretz - Krekorian - Harris-Dawson) to include in the City's 2015-16 Federal Legislative Program its position for President's Obama's January 4, 2016 executive action designed to reduce gun violence and strengthen gun control measures in the United States. |
15-0002-S123 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 16-02-0148, dated March 14, 2016, relative to Resolution (Ryu - Bonin) to include the City's 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position of any legislation which would ban the manufacture, sale, transport, possession and consumption of powdered alcohol. |
15-0002-S138 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 16-03-0202, dated March 16, 2016, relative to the Resolution (Ryu - Wesson) to include in the City's 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position of AB 2663 (Cooper) which would appropriate additional funds for the After School Education and Safety Program and require funds to increase as the Consumer Price Index increases. |
15-0002-S139 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Resolution (Englander - Blumenfield) - Resolved, with the concurrence of the Mayor, that by adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position for AB 2600 (Lackey), which would request the Regents of the University of California to establish the California Institute for Aerospace within twenty miles of Edwards Air Force Base or United States Air Force Plant 42. |
15-1299-S3 CD 4 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated March 10, 2016, relative to a request for authority to issue funds in Multifamily Conduit Revenue Bonds for the Hancock Gardens Senior Apartments. |
15-1700 |
To Council
City Administrative Officer report, dated March 14, 2016, and City Attorney report R16-0080, dated March 10, 2016, relative to the thirty-four (34) 2015-16 Departmental Personnel Ordinances. |
16-0114-S1 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Department of Animal Services report, dated March 11, 2016, relative to the change in the low income verification procedure to determine eligibility for the Free Spay / Neuter Certificate Program. |
16-0189-S1 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Motion (Cedillo - Fuentes) - Department of Building and Safety be authorized to send staff to travel to Arizona for the purpose of inspecting and certifying the manufacturing plants of firms that fabricate building components for projects that are being built, or will be built, in the City of Los Angeles. |
16-0305 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Englander - Koretz) - Los Angeles Fire Department, to report on the feasibility of implementing a fee for non-Advanced Life Support responses to skilled nursing facilities, similar to the fee charged by the City of Santa Monica. |
16-0306 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2016) Motion (Huizar - Martinez) - Subject to the approval of the Mayor funds be appropriated from the Unappropriated Balance Fund No. 100-58 to the General Services Fund 100-40, Account No. 1070 (Salaries-As Needed), for services in connection with the Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Los Angeles Athlete Initiative that took place in the Tom Bradley Tower. |
16-0307 |
To Public Safety Committee
Motion (Buscaino - Englander) - City Attorney to be requested to prepare and present an Ordinance that would prohibit owners of seized or impounded vehicles from purchasing their impounded or seized vehicles back during auction. |
16-0308 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Englander) - Department of Building and Safety, with the assistance of the Planning Department, and in consultation with the City Attorney, to prepare and present an Ordinance to require that any new construction properties be required to install rain sensors that automatically shut off the sprinkler systems when it rains to reduce unnecessary water consumption in the built environment. |