Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet"           
For Tuesday, February 16, 2016           
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  To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report, dated February 9, 2016, relative to the request of payment reward offer, relative to the request for payment offer on Council File No. 11-0010-S40.

  To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 15-11-0900, dated February 12, 2016, relative to Resolution (Koretz - Bonin - OFarrell) in its position for the Restore Honor to Service Members Act, H.R. 3068 (Pocan) and S1766 (Schatz).

  To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report, dated February 12, 2016, relative to Resolution (Koretz-Wesson) in its position regarding AB1584 (Brown) which would reinstate the cost-of-living adjustment beginning July 1, 2017 and increase the amount of benefits paid under the State Supplementary Program (SSP) for the aged, blind, and disabled.

  To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Chief Legislative Analyst report 16-02-0105 and 16-02-0108, dated February 11, 2016, relative to its position to Resolution (Englander - Blumenfield) for the support of the introduction of SB 3194 (Boxer-Feinstein), and amendment to S. 2012, the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015.

CD 11
  To Entertainment and Facilities Committee
Municipal Facilities Committee report, dated February 10, 2016, relative to approval of the real property office lease contract between the City of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles for a portion of the real property office space owned by the City at 1645 Corinth Avenue.

  To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated February 12, 2016, relative to the development of an enhanced repair program to strengthen the Systematic Code Enforcement Program.

CD 7
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $4,345.26 be recorded for the property at 15211 West Monte Street.

CD 7
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $3,642.64, be recorded for the property at 15244 West El Casco Street.

CD 6
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 17227 West Keswick Street.

CD 12
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 17521 West Marilla Street.

CD 12
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 17531 West Ludlow Street.

CD 8
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $3,865.40, be recorded for the property at 1848 West Middleton Place.

CD 10
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated April 17, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 1931 South Hobart Boulevard.

CD 3
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 15, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $4,716.49, be recorded for the property at 24000 West Victory Boulevard.

CD 14
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 15, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $4,400.55, be recorded for the property at 3418 East Siskiyou Street.

CD 10
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 3811 West Exposition Boulevard.

CD 2
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated August 27, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,215.83, be recorded for the property at 5158 North Riverton Avenue.

CD 6
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated February 2, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $714.31, be recorded for the property at 7922 North Radford Avenue.

CD 6
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated February 1, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $1,188.56, be recorded for the property at 8018 North Hazeltine Avenue.

CD 8
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated February 1, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $2,613.78, be recorded for the property at 8019 South Hoover Street.

CD 5
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $800.67, be recorded for the property at 8704 West Pico Boulevard.

CD 5
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated February 20, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $5,419.02, be recorded for the property at 8949 West Venice Boulevard.

CD 13
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $669.57 be recorded for the property at 915 North Oxford Avenue.

CD 8
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $2,442.28, be recorded for the property at 9602 South Central Avenue.

CD 8
  To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated January 25, 2016, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 1738 West 43rd Place

CD 5
  To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting revised report, dated February 11, 2016, relative to the Ordinance of Intention for Veteran Avenue and Regent Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.