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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | |
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14-1174-S5 CD 3 |
To Economic Development Committee
Motion (Blumenfield - Harris-Dawson) - That taxable CRA/LA Excess Bond Proceeds available to Council District 3 from the Reseda/Canoga Park Redevelopment Project Area be utilized to hire a consultant to assist the City in assessing the feasibility of the Magnolia Science Academy Expansion Project, etc. |
15-0002-S115 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Resolution (OFarrell - Huizar - Harris-Dawson) - Resolve with the concurrence of the Mayor, and by the adoption of this Resolution, that the City includes in its 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position of any legislation which would authorize the legislative body of any city or county to establish, as a condition of development of rental housing, inclusionary housing requirements which would require the addition of affordable units to housing developments. |
15-0002-S116 |
To Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods Committee
Resolution (O'Farrell - Wesson, Jr. et al) - Resolve with the concurrence of the Mayor and by the adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2015-16 State Legislative Program its position for any legislation to provide additional funds for Permanent Supportive Housing, etc. |
15-0823 CD 3 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for January 12, 2016) Motion (Blumenfield - O'Farrell) - That the Council Action of July 28, 2015 relative to the transfer of funds for the Aliso Creek Park project, be rescinded, etc. |
15-1369-S1 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for January 12, 2016) Motion (Koretz - Huizar) - That the Council approve the extension of time to 120 days beyond the 75 day requirement for council action. |
15-1511 |
To Entertainment and Facilities Committee
Motion (Huizar -Martinez) - That the Department of Public Works, with the assistance of City Attorney, be instructed to report on the City's current authority to require Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) access at all Farmer's Markets; etc. |
15-1512 |
To Entertainment and Facilities Committee
Motion (O'Farrell - Krekorian) - That the Department of Transportation with the assistance of FilmL.A. be directed to report on the existing process for permitting and producing "No Parking" signs for Film Productions; etc. |
15-1513 CD 5 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
Motion (Koretz - Englander) - That the Department of City Planning, along with the Bureau of Engineering grant the approval of the construction of a single family dwelling at 16635 Bosque Avenue. |
15-1514 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for January 12, 2016) Motion (OFarrell - Fuentes) - That the Council request the City Health Commission to undertake the following: (1) coordinate with the appropriate County Departments and schedule discussions on homelessness, mental illness, excessive storage of personal property and; (2) report to the Council with its findings on the current and proposed programs. |
15-1515 CD 5 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for January 12, 2016) Motion (Koretz - Huizar) - That the Council designate the California Municipal Finance Authority as the bond issuer on behalf of Gindi Maimonides Academy for the purpose of financing an education facilityat 8511 Beverly Place. |
15-1516 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Bonin - Englander) - Resolve that the Council, pursuant to the Municipal Code Section 80.69.4, hereby prohibits the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 7 feet in height, or 22-feet in length, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on both sides of Isis Avenue between West 83rd Street to the cul-de-sac. |
15-1517 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Bonin - Englander) - Resolve that the Council, pursuant to the Municipal Code Section 80.69.4, hereby prohibits the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 7 feet in height, or 22-feet in length, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on both sides of Stanmoor Drive and West 89th Street. |
15-1519 |
To Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee
Motion (Martinez - Buscaino) - That the Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, be directed on an expedited basis to initiate the actions necessary for the temporary closure of the 10-foot wide walkway southwesterly of the Golden State Freeway between Wingo Street and Osborne Street for public safety reasons and to report with recommendations for such closure, etc. |
15-1520 |
To Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee
Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell) - That the Department of Animal Services provide within 45 days a thorough report to the City Council on all elements and aspects of the Dog Licensing Canvassing program, etc. |
15-1521 |
To Ad Hoc on Comprehensive Job Creation Plan Committee To Entertainment and Facilities Committee Motion (Martinez - Krekorian - Cedillo) - That the Department of General Services, Proprietary departments, the City Administrative Officer, the Chief Legislative Analyst in consultation with the Council Offices be directed to work with the Mayor's Operations Innovation Team and report back to Council with recommendations on a city-wide asset management plan and improved operational recommendations regarding City assets; etc. |