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Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet" | |
For Friday, November 20, 2015 | |
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10-0935 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Boardof Water and Power Commissioners report, dated November 18, 2015, relative to Resolution No. 016 105, which authorizes execution of First Amendment to Smart Grid Demonstration Cooperative Project Agreement Among National Aeronautics and Space Administration for Jet Propulsion Laboratory, University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. |
12-1799-S3 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for November 24, 2015) Motion (Huizar - Martinez) That the General Services Department be directed to coordinate the December holiday season display in City Hall Rotunda with a Christmas tree as well as to display appropriately any other symbols of holidays celebrated during this time such Hanukkah, Kwanza, Las Posadas, Ramadan and others. |
14-0078-S7 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Controller report, dated November 20, 2015, relative to the audit entitled, Audit of Los Angeles Department of Water and Powers Water Conservation Programs. |
14-1662 CD 9 |
To Housing Committee
Housing and Community Investment Department revised report, dated October 14, 2015, relative to the utilization of funds in program income for property management expenses related to sites transferred from the former Community Redevelopment Agency. |
15-0005-S355 CD 8 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated November 18, 2015, and Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 1224 West 35th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S356 CD 9 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated November 18, 2015, and Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 416 West 51st Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S357 CD 10 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated November 18, 2015, and Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 1523 South Meadowbrook Avenue from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0005-S358 CD 10 |
To Council
Housing and Community Investment Department report, dated November 18, 2015, and Resolution relative to the removal of the property at 3730 West 27th Street from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). |
15-0010-S30 |
To Council (tentatively scheduled for November 24, 2015) Motion (Fuentes - Englander) That by adoption of this Motion, the Council provide an offer of reward for the information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the shooting of Willy Barrios on October 26, 2015, etc. |
15-0479-S2 |
To Public Safety Committee
Board of Police Commissioners report 15-0361, dated November 17, 2015, relative to the grant application and award acceptance for the Fiscal Year 2015 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program Grant Award from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. |
15-0718 |
To Budget and Finance Committee
Office of Finance report, dated November 17, 2015, relative to the Investment Report for the month ending of September 30, 2015. |
15-0734 |
To Public Safety Committee
Mayor report, dated November 17, 2015, relative to the Fiscal Year 2015 Urban Areas Security Inititiave (UASI) grant award for period of September 1, 2015 to May 31, 2018. |
15-1026 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
City Administrative Officer and Chief Legislative Analyst joint report, dated November 20, 2015, relative to Clean Up Green Up Ordinance Pro-Active Code Enforcement, Ombudsperson Position and Health Impact/Risk Assessment. |
15-1373 CD 13 |
To Planning and Land Use Management Committee
East Los Angeles Area PlanningCommissionreport, dated November 19, 2015, relative to a Vesting Tract Appeal for property at 1936 Preston Avenue. |
15-1374 |
To Energy and Environment Committee
Board of Water and Power Commissioners report, dated November 18, 2015, relative to Resolution No. 016 091 which recommends approval of sale easement to the County of Inyo for public roadway purposes located in Big Pine, Inyo County, California. |
15-1376 CD 6 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated November 19, 2015, relative to the proposed Ordinance of Intention for Sheldon Street and Sharp Avenue Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. |
15-1377 CD 11 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated November 19, 2015, relative to the final map of Tract No. 72107, located at 4140 South Glencoe Avenue northwesterly of Maxella Avenue. |
15-1378 CD 14 |
To Council
Bureau of Street Lighting report, dated November 19, 2015, relative to the Ordinance of Intention to institute maintenance assessment proceedings for Jennings Drive and Portala Avenue. |
15-1381 |
To Health, Mental Health and Education Committee
Motion (Koretz - O'Farrell - Bonin) - That the Council instruct the Department on Disability, in consultation with the City Health Commission, to report within 60 days on a strategic plan to achieve zero new HIV infection and conversion rates within the City of Los Angeles, etc |
15-1382 CD 5 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Koretz - Ryu) - Resolve that the Council, pursuant to the Municipal Code, amend Preferential Parking District No. 7 to authorize the use of a new No Parking Anytime restriction for installation on the streets as stated in the Motion, if valid petitions are received by the Department of Transportation requesting the installation or requesting a switch from less restrictive restrictions currently posted, etc |
15-1383 CD 1 |
To Transportation Committee
Resolution (Cedillo - Fuentes) - Resolve that the Council, pursuant to the Municipal Code, establishes a Temporary Preferential Parking District along Park Row Drive from Grand View Drive, as stated in the Motion, for the duration of the Elysian Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Project construction, etc. |
15-1384 CD 4 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated November 20, 2015, relative to final map of Tract No. 66887 at 4235 and 4241 North Fulton Avenue northerly of Woodbridge Street. |
15-1385 CD 11 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated November 20, 2015, relative to final map of Tract No. 68072 at 441 South Barrington Avenue, lying westerly of Barrington Avenue and northerly of Terryhill Place. |
15-1386 CD 2 |
To Council
Bureau of Engineering report, dated November 20, 2015, relative to the final map of Tract No. 73230 at 5247-5253 North Vantage Avenue northerly of Magnolia Boulevard. |
16-0160-S70 CD 10 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,238.56, be recorded for the property at 2091 West 30th Street. |
16-0160-S84 CD 8 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated October 5, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 5947 South 5th Avenue. |
16-0160-S101 CD 12 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 24, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,393.77, be recorded for the property at 9701 North Lubao Avenue. |
16-0160-S102 CD 6 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 17, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $932.40, be recorded for the property at 9825 North Arleta Avenue. |
16-0160-S103 CD 8 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated October 28, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $2,078.53, be recorded for the property at 1601 West 70th Street. |
16-0160-S104 CD 8 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 24, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $596.40, be recorded for the property at 160 West 102nd Street (aka 158 West 102nd Street). |
16-0160-S105 CD 12 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $2,384.05, be recorded for the property at 17158 West Ludlow Street. |
16-0160-S106 CD 13 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 29, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 1827 West Montana Street. |
16-0160-S107 CD 13 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated August 12, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $2,295.81, be recorded for the property at 1840 North Highland Avenue. |
16-0160-S108 CD 10 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 29, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $2,178.96, be recorded for the property at 1850 South Mansfield Avenue. |
16-0160-S109 CD 12 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 18551 West Chase Street. |
16-0160-S110 CD 10 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated October 13, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $2,880.85, be recorded for the property at 1924 South Sherbourne Drive. |
16-0160-S111 CD 4 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 29, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $4,134.37, be recorded for the property at 1947 North Oxford Avenue. |
16-0160-S112 CD 8 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated October 13, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 2503 West 73rd Street. |
16-0160-S113 CD 3 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,794.52, be recorded for the property at 21026 West Cantara Street. |
16-0160-S114 CD 13 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 30, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 2127 West Branden Street. |
16-0160-S115 CD 15 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 16, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $2,689.09, be recorded for the property at 225 East Lanzit Avenue. |
16-0160-S116 CD 9 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 16, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,381.90, be recorded for the property at 227 East 53rd Street. |
16-0160-S117 CD 3 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 21, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,629.35, be recorded for the property at 23515 West Styles Street. |
16-0160-S118 CD 9 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 21, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $3,509.74, be recorded for the property at 242 East 79th Street. |
16-0160-S119 CD 12 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated October 30, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 24306 West Gilmore Street. |
16-0160-S120 CD 1 |
To Council
Department of Building and Safety report, dated September 21, 2015, relative to the proposed lien of $1,288.56, be recorded for the property at 2463 North Yorkshire Drive. |