| | | | | | | | Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding Wednesday, December 14, 2016 JOHN FERRARO COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 340, CITY HALL 200 NORTH SPRING STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 - 10:45 AM
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| | | | | | | | ALL ITEMS FORTHWITH
(For further details see Official Council Files)
(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum) | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, Englander, Harris-Dawson, Huizar, Koretz, Krekorian, Martinez, O'Farrell, Price, Ryu and President Wesson (14) | | |
| | | | | | | | Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held | | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (66) | | | | | | 16-1280 | 16-1280 | | | | | CD 2 | ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR), ADDENDUM, MITIGATION MEASURES, MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM, STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT, and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a Zone and Height District Change, Sign District and an appeal for the property located at 6150 North Laurel Canyon Boulevard.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- FIND, that based on the independent judgment of the decision-maker, after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, the project was assessed in the NoHo West Project EIR No. ENV-2015-888-EIR, State Clearinghouse No. 2015041001, certified on September 9, 2016, and in the associated Addendum No. ENV-2015-888-EIR-ADD1, dated December 8, 2016; and pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164, no subsequent EIR or addendum is required for approval of the Project.
- ADOPT the Environmental Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations; prepared by the Department of City Planning (DCP), and previously adopted by the Deputy Advisory Agency and the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC), and modified by the PLUM Committee, as the Findings of the City Council; pursuant to and in accordance with Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code.
- ADOPT the Mitigation Monitoring Program and Mitigation Measures pursuant to and in accordance with Section 21081.6 of the California State Public Resources Code.
- ADOPT the FINDINGS of the PLUM Committee, including the Environmental Findings, as the Findings of the Council.
- RESOLVE TO GRANT IN PART/DENY IN PART THE APPEAL filed by Walter D. Hall on behalf of Laurel Grove Neighborhood Association and THEREBY DENY the appeal and SUSTAIN the decision of the LACPC in approving the following: a) a Zoning Administrator determination to allow the project to exceed the Transitional Height requirements of 12.21.1A,10 and provide maximum building heights of 77 feet for Building J from zero to 100 feet of the R1 Zone, 72 feet for Building J from 100 to 200 feet of the R1 Zone, 34 feet for Residential Building B from 50 to 100 feet of the R1 Zone, and 64 feet for Residential Building B from 100 to 200 feet of the R1 Zone; b) a Zoning Administrator determination to allow Shared Parking of the off-street parking spaces for the commercial uses within the project, providing 2,046 spaces in lieu of the required 2,389 parking spaces; and c) an adjustment from Section 12.14-C to allow a rear yard setback of 11 feet 6 inches in lieu of the required 18-foot rear yard for one residential building, for a project involving the adaptive reuse, rehabilitation, and partial expansion of the former Macy's building for approximately 256,000 square feet of office and retail uses with approximately 316,000 square feet of new commercial development, including office, retail, restaurant, health club, and cinema uses, and 642 rental housing units in two main residential buildings, and public and private recreational amenities strategically located within the 25-acre site with the development of associated parking facilities, the installation of commercial signage, and the demolition of several existing buildings on site, for the property located at 6150 North Laurel Canyon Boulevard.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying NEW ORDINANCE dated December 13, 2016, effecting a Zone and Height District Change from C4-1L, (Q)C4-1L and P-IL to (T)(Q)C2-1, for the property at located at 6150 North Laurel Canyon Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval as modified by the PLUM Committee and attached to Council file No. 16-1280.
- NOT PRESENT and ORDER FILE the ORDINANCE dated September 22, 2016.
- REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present an Ordinance for a Sign District (Supplemental Use District) for a comprehensive set of sign regulation for the project, as modified by the PLUM Committee and attached to Council file No. 16-1280.
- ADVISE the applicant of Q Qualified classification time limit pursuant to Section 12.32-G.2(f) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code as follows:
. . . whenever property remains in a Q Qualified classification for six years . . . after the effective date of the ordinance creating same without substantial physical development thereof for one or more of the uses first permitted herein having taken place within such time or if the Director of Planning determines that such development is not thereafter continuously and expeditiously carried on to completion, or if no physical development is necessary, without having been need for one or more of the purpose first permitted thereby, such Qualified classification and the authority contained therein shall become null and void, the rezoning proceedings shall be terminated and the property thereafter may only be utilized for those purposes permitted prior to the commencement of such rezoning proceedings.
- ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to California State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require any necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring.
- ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination filing.
Applicant: Clare Bronowski, MGP XI GPI Laurel Plaza, LLC
Representative: James Auld, Altoon Partners, LLP
CEQA No. ENV-2015-888-EIR; ENV-2015-888-EIR-ADD1
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
(LAST DAY FOR COUNCIL ACTION - JANUARY 25, 2017) ADOPTED AMENDING MOTION 66A (KREKORIAN - HUIZAR) Recommendation for Council action: INSTRUCT the Planning Department in the preparation of the final Zone Change Ordinance to include a Qualifying [Q] condition that the applicant contribute $2.2 million to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, into a sub account to be used wholly within Council District Two, in order to extend expiring affordable covenants and build new low-income housing units. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (67) | | | | | | 16-0600-S145 | 16-0600-S145 | | | | | CD 1, 7, 8, 11, 15 | ENTERTAINMENT AND FACILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the list of prequalified developers for housing development on City-owned sites and approval of the disposition recommendations for the eight City-owned properties included in the Affordable Housing Opportunity Sites(AHOS) Initiative Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P). Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: - APPROVE the prequalified list of 39 developers as reflected in the List of Prequalified Developers for Housing Development identified through the AHOS RFQ/P for three years plus two one-year extensions [Attachment A of the joint City Administrative Officer (CAO), Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), and Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) report dated November 16, 2016] attached to the Council file.
- AMEND the AHOS disposition recommendations to remove one site, Old Fire Station No. 5, 6621 West Manchester Avenue, from the disposition recommendations; and, APPROVE the disposition recommendations for seven City-owned sites, a total of eleven parcels as outlined in the List of AHOS - Site Recommendations (Attachment B of the November 16, 2016 report)
- INSTRUCT the HCIDLA, with assistance from the CAO, CLA, and City Attorney, to enter into Exclusive Negotiating Agreements as listed in Attachment B, with approved qualified housing developers based on the highest scoring development strategy recommended for the selected site and report within 90 days with recommendations to proceed with a Disposition and Development Agreement detailing specific deal points and terms for development of the site.
- DECLARE the City-owned property, 438 North Mesa Street (APN 7449-009-900) in Council District 11 as surplus property; and, INSTRUCT the General Manager, Department of General Services, to prepare and expedite the sale of this property on or before June 30, 2017, through a public auction or direct sale. The proceeds from this sale will be deposited in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) to finance supportive housing units, pursuant to the AHTF ordinance that was adopted by Council.
- INSTRUCT the General Manager, HCIDLA, or designee, with the assistance of the CAO and CLA to issue a RFP to the pre-qualified list of developers, approved through this RFP/Q, for a modular/prefabricated permanent supportive housing project on the 238 West Imperial Highway site.
- AUTHORIZE the General Manager, HCIDLA, or designee, with the assistance of the CAO and CLA to solicit future proposals from the prequalified list of developers, or through a RFP, for additional City-owned sites that have been evaluated through the City's Asset Management Framework and/or identified as appropriate sites for affordable housing, and to report to request authority prior to execution of any resulting agreements.
- AUTHORIZE the General Manager, HCIDLA, or designee, to issue subsequent supplemental RFQ/P solicitations within a year to augment the pre-qualified list of housing developers, or expand the scope of services.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no immediate impact to the General Fund for the approval of the recommendations to establish the pre-qualified list of consultants for housing development or for authorization to enter into exclusive negotiating agreements. Property sales revenues are anticipated and will be deposited into the AHTF. There will likely be an impact to the AHTF for those development strategies that require additional subsidy beyond the value of the land. Proposition HHH, approved by voters on November 8, 2016, will allow the City to issue up to $1.2 billion for supportive and affordable housing and will eliminate the wait for available funding for these types of projects. A full estimate of these costs and impact will be included with the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for each site, and submitted to the Council at the time of approval. Community Impact Statement: None submitted. ADOPTED AMENDING MOTION 67A (WESSON for CEDILLO - HARRIS-DAWSON) Recommendations for Council action:
- RECEIVE AND FILE the Homelessness and Poverty Committee Report.
- ADOPT the Entertainment and Facilities Committee Report which includes a technical correction and is the same as the Homelessness and Poverty Committee in all other respects:
- AMEND Recommendation No. 2 to remove the Lincoln Heights DOT Lot site, comprised of five parcels, 2332-2340 North Workman, 216-224 South Avenue 24, 2331-2337 North Workman and 2330-2338 North Daly, 2416-2422 North Workman and 154-164 South Avenue 24, from the disposition recommendations as outlined in the List of AHOS - Site Recommendations (Attachment B of the November 16, 2016 report).
- INSTRUCT the Chief Legislative Analyst and the Housing and Community Investment Department to develop a scope and issue a Request for Proposals for a mixed income affordable housing development for the Lincoln Heights DOT site, comprised of five parcels, 2332-2340 North Workman, 216-224 South Avenue 24, 2331-2337 North Workman and 2330-2338 North Daly, 2416-2422 North Workman and 154-164 South Avenue 24.
ADOPTED AMENDING MOTION 67B (BONIN - HARRIS-DAWSON) Recommendation for Council action: INSTRUCT the CAO and HCID to report with recommendations and options for the disposition of Old Fire Station No. 5, located at 6621 West Manchester Avenue. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration) | | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (68) | | | | | | 15-0600-S34 | 15-0600-S34 | | | | | | GENERAL EXEMPTION, COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to revising the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) to provide a Tenant Buyout Notification Program.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- FIND that the adoption of the accompanying Ordinance is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA) under Article 18, Section 15060 (c)(2) of the State CEQA Guidelines and Article II Section 2(m) of the City CEQA Guidelines.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated December 12, 2016 amending the RSO, Article 1, Chapter XV of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, to provide a Tenant Buyout Notification Program for voluntary vacancies and mandating pre-buyout disclosure of tenant rights, along with other requirements.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
(Housing Committee waived consideration of the above matter) ADOPTED AMENDING MOTION 68A (WESSON for CEDILLO - HARRIS-DAWSON) Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: - RECEIVE AND FILE the accompanying Ordinance dated December 12, 2016 amending the RSO, Article 1, Chapter XV of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, to provide a Tenant Buyout Notification Program.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the Ordinance dated November 8, 2016, attached to the File, amending the RSO, Article 1, Chapter XV of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, to provide a Tenant Buyout Notification Program for voluntary vacancies and mandating pre-buyout disclosure of tenant rights, along with other requirements inasmuch as this version addresses disclosure notice recommendations of the City Attorney.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted as Amended - TO THE MAYOR URGENT FORTHWITH, (14) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (69) | Motion Required - COUNCIL MAY APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE ONLY | | | | | 17-1100-S5 | 17-1100-S5 | | | | | | CONSIDERATION OF THE SIMPLIFIED DIGEST prepared by the Ballot Simplification Committee for four proposed ballot measures appearing on the March 7, 2017, City Primary Nominating Election ballot, pursuant to Los Angeles Election Code Section 405:
(LAST DAY FOR COUNCIL ACTION - DECEMBER 14, 2016) ADOPTED MOTION (WESSON - HUIZAR) Recommendations for Council action: ADOPT the following recommendation relative to the SIMPLIFIED DIGEST for four proposed ballot measures appearing on the March 7, 2017, City Primary Nominating Election ballot (Item No. 69, Council file No. 17-1100-S5): APPROVE the SIMPLIFIED DIGEST prepared by the Ballot Simplification Committee for four proposed ballot measures appearing on the March 7, 2017, City Primary Nominating Election ballot, pursuant to Los Angeles Election Code Section 405: CANNABIS REGULATION AFTER CITIZEN INPUT, TAXATION AND ENFORCEMENT PROPOSITION. CANNABIS ACTIVITY PERMITS, REGULATION AND TAXATION - INITIATIVE ORDINANCE. BUILDING MORATORIUM; RESTRICTIONS ON GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS; REQUIRED REVIEW OF GENERAL PLAN - INITIATIVE ORDINANCE. MAXIMUM TERM OF HARBOR LEASES - CHARTER AMENDMENT. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (70) | | | | | | 16-1159 | 16-1159 | | | | | | COMMUNICATION FROM THE CHIEF LEGISLATIVE ANALYST (CLA) relative to the 2017 World Police and Fire Games (WPFG).
Recommendations for Council action:
- APPROVE the Memorandum of Agreement between the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and the California Police Athletic Federation (Attachment 1 of the CLA report dated December 12, 2016, attached to the Council file).
- AUTHORIZE the LAPD to negotiate agreements for the use of the Los Angeles Convention Center and facilities managed by the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) for WPFG events, with the final agreements subject to Council approval if the agreements call for City assistance with costs associated with their use.
- INSTRUCT the Bureau of Street Services to take all necessary steps to close Chick Hearn Drive in downtown Los Angeles for the duration of the WPFG, and instruct the LAPD to report to Council if City assistance is requested for permits and fees associated with this work.
- REQUEST that the Mayor include in the 2017-18 Proposed Budget any City assistance approved or proposed regarding services provided by the RAP, the Los Angeles Convention Center and other City departments for the 2017 WPFG.
- DIRECT the LAPD to report on potential issues related to providing computer equipment for event registration and hosting WPFG information on City servers.
- DIRECT the LAPD and Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) to report, prior to the opening ceremonies of the 2017 WPFG, on the personnel and associated costs to provide adequate security and medical coverage for events within the City.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CLA reports that there is no additional General Fund impact in Fiscal Year 2016-17 as the LAPD and LAFD plan to use budgeted resources for planning and management costs. For the Los Angeles Convention Center and RAP facilities, $605,878 may be included in the 2017-18 Proposed Budget, which will be a revenue receipt to those departments to offset department costs. While no economic impact study has been conducted due to the compressed timeline associated with the 2017 WPFG, other cities that have hosted the WPFG have realized significant positive economic impacts from hosting the games. Fairfax, Virginia, the host of the 2015 WPFG, realized $84 million in economic activity connected to the Games, and previous hosts have also reported increased economic activity resulting from hosting the Games. It is likely that economic activity and the taxes generated by hotel stays, increased tourist activity and concession sales during the 2017 WPFG would more than offset any General Fund expenditures resulting from hosting the Games. The Council could request an economic impact study be conducted after the 2017 WPFG in order to discover the impact the Games had on the local economy.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
(Public Safety and Budget and Finance Committees waived consideration of the above matter) ADOPTED AMENDING MOTION 70A (KREKORIAN - ENGLANDER) Recommendations for Council action: - APPROVE the Memorandum of Agreement between the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and the California Police Athletic Federation (Attachment 1).
- INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer and the LAPD, in concert with the City Attorney, to negotiate agreements for the use of the Convention Center and facilities managed by the Department of Recreation and Parks for WPFG events, with the final agreements subject to Council approval.
- INSTRUCT the Bureau of Street Services to report with all steps necessary to close Chick Hearn Drive in downtown Los Angeles for the duration of the WPFG, including potential costs and staffing needs.
- INSTRUCT the LAPD and LAFD to report with any additional General Fund costs not borne by the operating budgets of each department for the 2017 WPFG in advance of the release of the Mayor's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18.
- DIRECT the LAPD to report on issues related to providing computer equipment for event registration and hosting WPFG information on LAPD servers.
- DIRECT the LAPD and LAFD to report, prior to the opening ceremonies, on the personnel and associated costs to provide adequate security and medical coverage for events within the City of Los Angeles.
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| | | | | | | | | FINAL MAPS in the various Council Districts.
Recommendation for Council action:
APPROVE the Final Maps and Adopt the City Engineer Reports as detailed in the various listed Council files, including bonds, agreements, contracts and other related issues as specified: | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | (a) | | | | | | 16-1422 | 16-1422 | | | | | CD 12 | FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. NO. 2006-0658 located at 9814 Baden Avenue, southerly of Lassen Street.
(Quimby Fee: $2,009)
Owner: Michael Griffin; Surveyor: Frank J. Sobecki
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| | | | | | | | | (b) | | | | | | 16-1437 | 16-1437 | | | | | CD 11 | FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. NO. 2015-2896 located at 11320 West La Grange Avenue, lying southwesterly of Sawtelle Boulevard.
(Bond No. C-128676) (Quimby Fee: $5,578)
Subdivider: Osaka Residences LLC; Engineer: Samara Engineering, Inc.
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| | | | | | | | | (c) | | | | | | 16-1435 | 16-1435 | | | | | CD 13 | FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. NO. 2014-2625 located at 2872 North Allesandro Street, northeasterly of Ripple Street.
(Quimby Fee: $7,902)
Owner: Allesandro Court, LLC; Surveyor: Mark Danielson/Danielson Surveying
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| | | | | | | | | (d) | | | | | | 16-1428 | 16-1428 | | | | | CD 11 | FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. NO. 2013-0953 located at 417 East Sunset Avenue, lying southwesterly of 5th Avenue.
(Bond No. C-128605)
(Quimby Fee: $8,376)
Subdivider: 417 Sunset Avenue, LLC; Surveyor: Danielson Surveying
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| | | | | | | | | (e) | | | | | | 16-1427 | 16-1427 | | | | | CD 6 | FINAL MAP OF VESTING TRACT NO. 66748 located at 9080 North Laurel Canyon Boulevard, lying northerly of Jerome Street and easterly of Laurel Canyon Boulevard.
(Bond No. C-128606)
(Quimby Fee: $53,544)
Owner: Affordable Housing Land Consultant; Surveyor: Gentry Surveying Company
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | | (f) | | | | | | 16-1423 | 16-1423 | | | | | CD 7 | FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. NO. 2007-2625 located at 10341-10347 North Hillhaven Avenue, lying northerly of Apperson Street.
(Bond No. C-128607)
(Quimby Fee: $7,902)
Subdivider: Cyrus Teadolmanesh; Engineer: Steve Nazemi
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| | | | | | | | | (g) | | | | | | 16-1424 | 16-1424 | | | | | CD 6 | FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. NO. 2015-1726 located at 6746 North Gaviota Avenue, southerly of Vanowen Street.
(Bond No. C-128608)
(Quimby Fee: $11,156)
Owner: Christopher S. May, Trustee of the Christopher S. May Trust; Surveyor: Michael Kaznocha
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| | | | | | | | | (h) | | | | | | 16-1426 | 16-1426 | | | | | CD 11 | FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. NO. 2005-9431 located at 2014 Alberta Avenue, northerly of Venice Boulevard.
(Bond No. C-128675)
(Quimby Fee: $6,044)
Owner: Beach Life Homes, LLC; Surveyor: Perfecto A. Arca/P.A. Arca Engineering
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| | | | | | | | Whereupon the Council did adjourn. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Signature | ATTEST: Holly L. Wolcott, CITY CLERK By Council Clerk PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL | | | | | | | | | | | | |